StoneCulture's profile picture


  • joined 11/05/15
  • active 02/18/25

About Me

Stone Culture is a group of men and women who have been "Rockin' The World since 1992"! We make custom art in the matter of Stone Age Man. Our knives, spear, and blades are world renown and collected in over 38 countries, and all 50 states!
We all share a...

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My Endorsements (1)

taxidermist01 says: November 20, 2015

You can’t possibly buy from a more helpful and knowledgeable seller and flint knapper than Keith at StoneCulture. I am a beginner to the art of flint knapping and the advice and time that Keith has given me made the difference between giving up this new hobby and jumping in with both feet. I have a long way to go before I master this art but with Keith’s help and encouragement, I now see that I can do it. Thanks Keith.
Your friend,
Bobby aka taxidermist01