Thank you for visiting my booth. Before you go to another booth offering spells and castings, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and how I can help you.
I have been practicing the craft of nature based magic for over 30 years. Now don't get the wrong idea, I'm not some old crazy lady, with long grey hair, who wears black, lives alone, rides on a broom, and has a bunch of cats. I am a beautiful loving wife and mother, with a dog and a minivan; Although, I do tend to wear a lot of black and have long dark hair. Only my closest friends and family know that I practice magic, and to me that is part of what keeps it magical, knowing that I have a powerful little secret. If the other PTA moms only knew!
I have had times in my life when I needed help from a higher power, and white magic has given that to me. I have compiled the most powerful rituals, spells, recipes, potions, charms, and chants and will offer them in this shop for you. They will help you empower yourself, find and keep your true love, help with your finances, and offer protection for yourself, your loved ones and your home.
Only you have the power to change the course of your life path and create the destiny that you deserve and have always dreamed of. In my experience, you and only you have the power to do that, not someone who has never met you on the other end of a computer casting a spell for you. Don't get me wrong, some witches offering these services may be very powerful in making changes in themselves, and small changes for you, but your own inner power and participation is needed to make your destiny come true.
Please do not be scared off by having to perform a spell or ritual to better yourself. Nothing spooky about it. Most consist of relaxing in a bath, lighting a candle, or reflecting in a quiet place and reading. Every time you perform you own spell, you are embedding the change into your subconscious and causing yourself to act in accordance with achieving your desires. Every time you make a potion or do a chant, you open your heart, mind and spirit to except positive change in your life. This unlocks the door to change your destiny. Only you can do this for yourself.
I will be offering several different items for you, I will enchant, and charge all of the materials that I send to you with my own spell and then you will receive a spell for you to do at home, with all of the instructions. I will teach you everything. Between my 30 years experience with white magic, and your inner power, you will have the best possible chance for success with your spell and achieving your desires.
Everyone has the power within them. You just need to be taught how to find it. How to believe in yourself. And how to use these secrets to change your destiny.
Blessed Be