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Primary image for counted cross stitch pattern Disneyland map needlepoint 354x312 stitches BN1250
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counted cross stitch pattern Disneyland map needlepoint 354x312 stitches BN1250

Sold for £7.98 GBP
Ships from Italy It

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Ships from Italy It

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Seller handling time is 1 business day Details
FREE in United Kingdom
Ships from Italy It

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Single Pattern



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£3.99 off w/ $30.00 spent

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Product reviews for "Patriziabonanza Plastic Canvas Pattern"

Cross stitch pattern - dragon ball Z superheroes 35.43"X19.93" L088 - £3.18 GBP

Cross stitch pattern - dragon ball Z superheroes 35.43"X19.93" L088

1 of 1 people found this helpful.

Average review 5 stars
Cross stitch pattern

I didn’t realize when I purchased it that it was a digital download rather than an actual physical pattern. It printed off perfectly and even included how many skeins of each color the project will take.