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Rendered at 05:48:48 12/26/24
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c1940's carved Butterscotch bakelite jeweled pendant

£137.21 GBP
Ships from United States Us

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£99.57 to Worldwide
Ships from United States Us

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£99.57 to Worldwide
Ships from United States Us

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OBO - Seller accepts offers on this item. Details

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Full refund available for DOAs

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PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express accepted
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Necklaces & Pendants

Quantity Available:

Only one in stock, order soon




c1940's carved Butterscotch bakelite jeweled pendant


c1940's carved Butterscotch bakelite jeweled pendant


c1940's carved Butterscotch bakelite jeweled pendant

Main Stone:

c1940's carved Butterscotch bakelite jeweled pendant


c1940's carved Butterscotch bakelite jeweled pendant

Main Stone Color:

c1940's carved Butterscotch bakelite jeweled pendant


c1940's carved Butterscotch bakelite jeweled pendant


c1940's carved Butterscotch bakelite jeweled pendant


c1940's carved Butterscotch bakelite jeweled pendant

Listing details

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Seller pays shipping for this item.

Posted for sale:

December 6

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