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Whirpool Dryer Thermal cut off 279769

£34.79 GBP
Ships from United States Us

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Product reviews for "Whirlpool Dryer"

*NEW* Whirlpool W10861225 Dryer Handle - Free Shipping! - £6.61 GBP

*NEW* Whirlpool W10861225 Dryer Handle - Free Shipping!

Average review 4 stars
It's a handle for a dryer

This little piece of plastic is amazingly important to the daily workings of my dryer. Hard to believe such a little thing could have such an important job. As much as it is used, you'd think it would be attached better. Ordering from manufacturer is expensive - ordering from this company is reasonable and the product is equal in strength to the original. It's not the handle that breaks, it's the tiny pieces that hold it to the door. That is the fault of manufacturer. Thankful I could order this handle here.

Purchased Whirlpool Dryer on Bonanza