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Primary image for Strangers In Paradise V12 TP Heart In Hand 1st Terry Moore Angela Robinson Movie

Strangers In Paradise V12 TP Heart In Hand 1st Terry Moore Angela Robinson Movie

£47.77 GBP
Ships from United States Us

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Seller handling time is 2 business days Details
£59.71 to Worldwide
Ships from United States Us

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Seller handling time is 2 business days Details
£59.71 to Worldwide
Ships from United States Us

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OBO - Seller accepts offers on this item. Details

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None: All purchases final

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Item traits


Comics & Graphic Novels

Quantity Available:

Only one in stock, order soon


Like New A book that looks new but has been read. Cover has no visible wear, and the dust jacket (if applicable) is included for hard covers. No missing or damaged pages, no creases or tears, and no underlining/highlighting of text or writing in...


Strangers in Paradise

Seller Notes:

“Near mint, 1st print. Please check description for more pictures.”


Katchoo, Francine


Trade Paperback


Graphic Novel


Terry Moore


First Printing

Series Title:

Strangers in Paradise


US Comics


Action, Romance, Queer, LGBTQA, Good Girl, Espionage


Modern Age (1992-Now)

Listing details

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No combined shipping offered

Posted for sale:

More than a week ago

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