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Rendered at 12:05:51 12/17/24
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Primary image for Smooth Traditional Punjabi Sarbloh Pure Iron Sikh Khalsa Kara  Authentic Kada J1

Smooth Traditional Punjabi Sarbloh Pure Iron Sikh Khalsa Kara Authentic Kada J1

Sold for £5.97 GBP

Shipping options

Seller handling time is 1 business day Details
£8.15 to United Kingdom

Return policy

Full refund available within 30 days

Purchase protection

Payment options

PayPal accepted
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PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express accepted
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Amazon Pay accepted

Shipping options

Seller handling time is 1 business day Details
£8.15 to United Kingdom

Return policy

Full refund available within 30 days

Purchase protection

Payment options

PayPal accepted
PayPal Credit accepted
Venmo accepted
PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express accepted
Maestro accepted
Amazon Pay accepted

Item traits


Ethnic, Regional & Tribal





Country/Region of Manufacture:




Main Colour:

Steel or Silver

Main Material/ Metal:

Sarbloh - Pure Steel - Pure Iron

1.5 cm Thick Sarbloh Edge Kara:

Small 6.3cm

Listing details

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Shipping discount:

Free shipping on orders over $150.00

Price discount:

5% off w/ $100.00 spent

Posted for sale:

Awhile back

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