Rendered at 04:33:14 03/06/25
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Primary image for Samsung BN96-15075A Main Board for PN63C550G1FX
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Samsung BN96-15075A Main Board for PN63C550G1FX

£39.00 GBP
Ships from United States Us

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There is only 1 left in stock.

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Ships from United States Us

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Ships from United States Us

Return policy

Partial refund available within 30 days

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PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express accepted
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Parts & Repair

Quantity Available:

Only one in stock, order soon




Main Board



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More than a week ago

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Product reviews for "Samsung Motherboard BN96"

Samsung LN46B610A5FXZA MAIN BOARD (BN96-14234A ON STICKER)  BN41-01149B - £46.32 GBP

Samsung LN46B610A5FXZA MAIN BOARD (BN96-14234A ON STICKER) BN41-01149B

Average review 5 stars
Great Product!

This board was easily found through google search for a TV. Wonderful website at the right time. I needed this board to fix a TV that had other boards that were more expensive on other sites.

Purchased Samsung Motherboard BN96 on Bonanza
SAMSUNG LN32A330J1D MAIN BOARD BN97-02269A (BN96-07970B on sticker) - £18.31 GBP

SAMSUNG LN32A330J1D MAIN BOARD BN97-02269A (BN96-07970B on sticker)

Average review 4 stars
Samsung tv motherboard

I like how It helped me fix my tv for a cheap price.

Purchased Samsung Motherboard BN96 on Bonanza