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Pyrex Glass 4 Qt Mixing Bowl 326

£17.47 GBP
Ships from United States Us

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There are only 3 left in stock.

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Seller handling time is 1 business day Details
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Ships from United States Us

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Seller handling time is 1 business day Details
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Ships from United States Us

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OBO - Seller accepts offers on this item. Details

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Item traits


Mixing Bowls

Quantity Available:

3 in stock








Mixing Bowl


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Posted for sale:

December 19

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Product reviews for "Pyrex Glass"

Pyrex Glass Corning Ware P 7 C 1 qt  Replacement Lid For P7C Small Knob 7 1/4 EX - £13.39 GBP

Pyrex Glass Corning Ware P 7 C 1 qt Replacement Lid For P7C Small Knob 7 1/4 EX

Average review 5 stars

What can I say - the lid is nice and fits my Corning Ware dish perfectly.

Purchased Pyrex Glass on Bonanza
PYREX Clear Glass Individual Casserole #019 -20 oz and #018 -10 oz w/ Lids set 3 - £15.88 GBP

PYREX Clear Glass Individual Casserole #019 -20 oz and #018 -10 oz w/ Lids set 3

Average review 5 stars

Items are not longer available locally. They were in excellent condition.

Purchased Pyrex Glass on Bonanza
Pyrex Clear Glass Lid 682 C-7 6 1/4"inside - £3.58 GBP

Pyrex Clear Glass Lid 682 C-7 6 1/4"inside

Average review 5 stars

The glass lid was in great condition and I am thrilled to have it. Thank You Very Much!

Purchased Pyrex Glass on Bonanza