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Primary image for Pack of 2 Isagenix Isalean SuperFood Shake Birthday Cake Flavor - Exp. 05/24
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Pack of 2 Isagenix Isalean SuperFood Shake Birthday Cake Flavor - Exp. 05/24

Sold for £63.08 GBP

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Meal Replacement Drinks





Country/Region of Manufacture:

United States



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Product reviews for "Isagenix Isalean Supplement"

Pack of 2 Isagenix Isalean SuperFood Shake Creamy Dutch Chocolate Meal -Exp 8/24 - £63.08 GBP

Pack of 2 Isagenix Isalean SuperFood Shake Creamy Dutch Chocolate Meal -Exp 8/24

Average review 5 stars
Great Purchase

I have been an Isagenix user for many years. They have increased prices so much, that now I can't afford to buy from Isagenix. THe product that I purchased is the original Isagenix and much cheaper. I will buy again.

Purchased Isagenix Isalean Supplement on Bonanza