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Ornament disney minnie mouse with smaller mouse nib

£7.12 GBP
Ships from United States Us

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There is only 1 left in stock.

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Seller handling time is 2 business days Details
£10.35 to Worldwide
Ships from United States Us

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Shipping options

Seller handling time is 2 business days Details
£10.35 to Worldwide
Ships from United States Us

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None: All purchases final

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Holiday & Seasonal Décor

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Only one in stock, order soon





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Product reviews for "Avon Ornament"

Avon merry mice treat light-up ornament - £11.90 GBP

Avon merry mice treat light-up ornament

Average review 5 stars
So happy to have found one for sale

This was my favorite Christmas ornament growing up. My gran gifted our original to my young cousing to enjoy. I’ve since moved out and am happy to be able to have one for my future Christmas trees. The ornament were made in the early 80s so the glue can be a bit fragile but it is an easy fix should something come loose.

Purchased Avon Ornament on Bonanza
AVON set of 2 Battenburg Lace Snow Angels Ornaments Mint in Box Boy Girl - £11.82 GBP

AVON set of 2 Battenburg Lace Snow Angels Ornaments Mint in Box Boy Girl

Average review 5 stars

The ornaments were exactly as advertised, and in perfect condition. Very pleased!

Purchased Avon Ornament on Bonanza
Avon Victorian Angel Birthstone Ornament April Simulated Diamond - £3.98 GBP

Avon Victorian Angel Birthstone Ornament April Simulated Diamond

Average review 5 stars
perfect condition

Ive been collecting these and now I have 10,one for every member of my family. If you or anyone has a Feb,March or Nov, Id be very interested!
This one came in new condition, must of been well cared for since this is out of production since 1979.

Purchased Avon Ornament on Bonanza