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Rendered at 10:46:35 12/22/24
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Primary image for ORGANICALLY GROWN Persian Beit Alpha Cucumber Seeds Heirloom NON-GMO Crispy

ORGANICALLY GROWN Persian Beit Alpha Cucumber Seeds Heirloom NON-GMO Crispy

Sold for £1.61 GBP
Ships from United States Us

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£11.77 to Worldwide
Ships from United States Us

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£11.77 to Worldwide
Ships from United States Us

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Full refund available for DOAs

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Product reviews for "Oxpeople Seeds"

Original Italian Prolific Green Romano Flat Pole Bean Seeds - £1.94 GBP

Original Italian Prolific Green Romano Flat Pole Bean Seeds

Average review 3 stars

Only 50% germination

Purchased Oxpeople Seeds on Bonanza
Original Italian Prolific Green Romano Flat Pole Bean Seeds - £1.94 GBP

Original Italian Prolific Green Romano Flat Pole Bean Seeds

Average review 5 stars

Planted and 95 % sprouted. To soon to comment on quality of crop.

Purchased Oxpeople Seeds on Bonanza
ORGANICALLY GROWN Persian Beit Alpha Cucumber Seeds Heirloom NON-GMO Crispy - £1.61 GBP

ORGANICALLY GROWN Persian Beit Alpha Cucumber Seeds Heirloom NON-GMO Crispy

Average review 5 stars
High Quality Seeds

These are high quality and very hard to find in Non-GMO. Very Happy

Purchased Oxpeople Seeds on Bonanza
Shepherd's Purse Vegetable Modern Herbal 250 Seeds - £1.79 GBP

Shepherd's Purse Vegetable Modern Herbal 250 Seeds

Average review 5 stars

I plan to plant the seeds in autumn, so not yet

Purchased Oxpeople Seeds on Bonanza