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Omron Electronic Components G8Jn-1C7T-R-Dc24 Automotive Relay, Spdt, 24Vdc, 35A
£19.68 GBP

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Omron Electronic Components G8Jn-1C7T-R-Dc24 Automotive Relay, Spdt, 24Vdc, 35A

£19.68 GBP
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Electrical Equipment & Supplies

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4 in stock








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Product reviews for "Omron Relay"

39160-37110, DC12V 50A Automotive Relay, OMRON Brand New!!! - £4.68 GBP

39160-37110, DC12V 50A Automotive Relay, OMRON Brand New!!!

Average review 5 stars
Worked fine

Needed OEM got oem

Purchased Omron Relay on Bonanza
G5S-1A, 5VDC Relay, OMRON Brand New!! - £3.90 GBP

G5S-1A, 5VDC Relay, OMRON Brand New!!

Average review 5 stars
Purchased Omron Relay on Bonanza
G8P-1A4P, 24VDC Relay, OMRON Brand New!! - £5.08 GBP

G8P-1A4P, 24VDC Relay, OMRON Brand New!!

Average review 5 stars

All good. Recommend.

Purchased Omron Relay on Bonanza
G8P-1A4TP, 24VDC Relay, OMRON Brand New!! - £5.08 GBP

G8P-1A4TP, 24VDC Relay, OMRON Brand New!!

Average review 4 stars

Description is incorrect. It is not made by Omron but by Potter & Brumfield. Omron discontinued this relay. It doesn't really matter, one is as good as the other. But this may be a copy and not original Potter&Brumfield
It works just fine. Important: The footprint (pins) are identical, fitted perfectly

Purchased Omron Relay on Bonanza
G5G-1A, SMH-124DMP, 24VDC Relay, Pin-to-Pin replacement, OMRON/SANYOU Brand New! - £6.64 GBP

G5G-1A, SMH-124DMP, 24VDC Relay, Pin-to-Pin replacement, OMRON/SANYOU Brand New!

Average review 5 stars

Right product and well pack for shipment came without any damage

Purchased Omron Relay on Bonanza
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