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McFarlane Toys Warhammer 40,000 Ultramarines Primaris Assault Intercessor 7 Inch
£81.88 GBP

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McFarlane Toys Warhammer 40,000 Ultramarines Primaris Assault Intercessor 7 Inch

£81.88 GBP
Ships from United States Us

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Estimated to arrive by Fri, Dec 6th. Details
Calculated by USPS in GB.
Ships from United States Us

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Full refund available within 30 days Details

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Estimated to arrive by Fri, Dec 6th. Details
Calculated by USPS in GB.
Ships from United States Us

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Full refund available within 30 days Details

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Item traits


Action Figures

Quantity Available:

12 in stock






Action Figure


Primaris Intercessor


Warhammer 40,000


McFarlane Toys

Year Manufactured:



TV, Movie & Video Games





Age Level:

12-16 Years, 12+



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Product reviews for "Mcfarlane Toys Toy"

McFarlane Toys- James Hetfield figurine - £19.69 GBP

McFarlane Toys- James Hetfield figurine

Average review 5 stars
Amazing figure!

As a huge fan of Metallica for years now, I have always collected posters, cds, shirts, picks etc. I've never had a figure of James hetfield and I'm a huge figure collector. The scale on the figure is pretty big and it's a perfect size for my shelf! The detailing on it is amazing and the added guitar strap with the detailing on the guitar rules! The only small problem I had was standing him up. The figure had the hole to place a stand but the figure doesn't come with a stand. Very minor complaint but I had an extra stand so it was no issue. It was definitely one of the best purchases I've made and looks awesome on my collectors shelf!

Purchased Mcfarlane Toys Toy on Bonanza
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