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Rendered at 06:04:50 12/12/24
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Magic The Gathering: Arena of the Planeswalker Board Game [COMPLETE] NICE!

£7.84 GBP
Ships from United States Us

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There is only 1 left in stock.

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Seller handling time is 2 business days Details
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Contemporary Manufacture

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Only one in stock, order soon





Game Title:

Magic The Gathering: Arena of the Planeswalker

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Posted for sale:

December 1

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Product reviews for "Hasbro Board Game"

Board Game:  Guess Who? By Hasbro, MINT! - £19.53 GBP

Board Game: Guess Who? By Hasbro, MINT!

Average review 5 stars
Purchased Hasbro Board Game on Bonanza
Choose your Own Adventure House of Danger Board Game New (S16) - £9.32 GBP

Choose your Own Adventure House of Danger Board Game New (S16)

Average review 5 stars
Fun game. Good quality.

A fun take on these nostalgic books. The game board & cards are a nice weight and look like they will stand up well to repeat game play. It was interesting to see how they turned the books into a game.

The challenges are a fun extra element beyond the typical Choose Your Own Adventure style choices one must make throughout the books or the game. It brought extra interaction to the game to have something else we had to decide on together.

Purchased Hasbro Board Game on Bonanza