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Cardamom fruit powder Herbal Tea or spice, for coughs,Elettaria cardamomum
£5.86 GBP - £49.87 GBP

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Cardamom fruit powder Herbal Tea or spice, for coughs,Elettaria cardamomum

£5.86 GBP - £49.87 GBP
Ships from Bulgaria Bg

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Seller handling time is 1 business day Details
£2.67 to United Kingdom
Ships from Bulgaria Bg

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Seller handling time is 1 business day Details
£2.67 to United Kingdom
Ships from Bulgaria Bg

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None: All purchases final

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PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express accepted
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Quantity Available:

10 in stock





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Tea & Infusion


Boba Tea

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Expiry Date:

February 2026 or better

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Product reviews for "Aroma Tea"

4x Borututu Organic Bark Loose Tea 50g Liver Indigestion/ Fat Natural Medicinal - £5.42 GBP

4x Borututu Organic Bark Loose Tea 50g Liver Indigestion/ Fat Natural Medicinal

Average review 5 stars
Great stuff

I love the tea

Purchased Aroma Tea on Bonanza
CraftTea Ritual Tea - ROSY LUCK Blend - Prosperity, Happiness, Peace - One Ounce - £3.93 GBP

CraftTea Ritual Tea - ROSY LUCK Blend - Prosperity, Happiness, Peace - One Ounce

Average review 5 stars
Great tea!

Left e feeling happy and wasn't a heavy tea.

Purchased Aroma Tea on Bonanza
4x Borututu Organic Bark Loose Tea 50g Liver Indigestion/ Fat Natural Medicinal - £9.17 GBP - £24.38 GBP

4x Borututu Organic Bark Loose Tea 50g Liver Indigestion/ Fat Natural Medicinal

Average review 5 stars

Very good quality product.Exactly what I was looking for!

Purchased Aroma Tea on Bonanza
Artichoke Tea, Box of 25 Teabags, 50 Gram - £6.69 GBP

Artichoke Tea, Box of 25 Teabags, 50 Gram

Average review 5 stars

good item

Purchased Aroma Tea on Bonanza
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