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Rendered at 06:02:59 12/22/24
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Primary image for Barbie Christmas Stocking - Personalized and Hand Made Barbie Christmas Stocking

Barbie Christmas Stocking - Personalized and Hand Made Barbie Christmas Stocking

Sold for £23.94 GBP
Ships from United States Us

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Ships from United States Us

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Ships from United States Us

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None: All purchases final

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Product reviews for "Labelmybaby Christmas Stocking"

Princess Merida Christmas Stocking - Personalized Brave Christmas Stocking - £22.31 GBP

Princess Merida Christmas Stocking - Personalized Brave Christmas Stocking

Average review 5 stars
very great quality

More then I expected

Purchased Labelmybaby Christmas Stocking on Bonanza
Barbie Christmas Stocking - Personalized and Hand Made Barbie Christmas Stocking - £23.94 GBP

Barbie Christmas Stocking - Personalized and Hand Made Barbie Christmas Stocking

Average review 5 stars
More than expected...

LOVED this! I didn't know what I was really paying for until it arrived and I wasn't disappointed by any means. Made of a sturdy canvas material and my own provided image was put onto the stocking at my request and it looked FANTASTIC!

Purchased Labelmybaby Christmas Stocking on Bonanza