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Rendered at 02:23:44 12/28/24
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Primary image for 2008 McDonald's Star Wars Clone Wars Toys Princess Leila Bobble Heads #12

2008 McDonald's Star Wars Clone Wars Toys Princess Leila Bobble Heads #12

£3.90 GBP
£3.98 More info
Ships from United States Us

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There is only 1 left in stock.

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Estimated to arrive by Fri, Jan 24th. Details
Calculated by USPS in GB.
Ships from United States Us

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Estimated to arrive by Fri, Jan 24th. Details
Calculated by USPS in GB.
Ships from United States Us

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None: All purchases final

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PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express accepted
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Item traits


Fast Food

Quantity Available:

Only one in stock, order soon





Character Family:

Star Wars


Boys & Girls





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Lots, Pieces & Sets:

Individual Pieces

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Product reviews for "McDonald's Toy (2000s)"

USED / OPENED 2007 McDonald's Chococat  Plush 3.5"H Sitting in Carrot - £5.56 GBP

USED / OPENED 2007 McDonald's Chococat Plush 3.5"H Sitting in Carrot

Average review 5 stars
Great Chococat plush

Loved the plush Chococat plush from McDonald's. Since this item was not sold in U.S., it was great to see what other countries sold in McDonald's.

Purchased McDonald's Toy (2000s) on Bonanza