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Rendered at 16:10:02 12/28/24
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1993 Ocean Shores Dixieland Jazz Festival Staff Pinback Button

£4.73 GBP
Ships from United States Us

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Seller handling time is 2 business days Details
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Ships from United States Us

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Carnivals, Fairs

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Only one in stock, order soon





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Product reviews for "Spaceageantiques Pinback Button (1990s)"

1995 Sequim Irrigation Festival 100th Anniversary Pinback Button, Washington - £4.73 GBP

1995 Sequim Irrigation Festival 100th Anniversary Pinback Button, Washington

Average review 5 stars
100th anniversary pin for Sequim Irrigation Festival 1995

The Sequim Irrigation festival is the oldest festival in the state of Washington. 2017 was the 122nd festival. I was born in Sequim and graduated from Sequim High School, but have lived in California for many years and have developed an avid interest in the history of the Olympic Peninsula and Sequim specifically. This is a fine momento of my memories and a part of my heritage that reminds me of how fortunate I was to grow up in such an environment and have the unrestrained freedom and independence that I and my friends were allowed. Thanks again, Ed. " Go Sequim Wolves"!