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10 Syringes of 44% ( Maximum Strength ) Teeth Whitening Gel Tooth Bleaching -USA

Sold for £10.41 GBP
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£5.96 to United Kingdom
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Seller handling time is 2 business days Details
£5.96 to United Kingdom
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United States


Teeth Whitening Kit


Always White

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Product reviews for "Alwayswhite Teeth Whitening Gel"

10 Syringes of 44% ( Maximum Strength ) Teeth Whitening Gel Tooth Bleaching -USA - £10.41 GBP

10 Syringes of 44% ( Maximum Strength ) Teeth Whitening Gel Tooth Bleaching -USA

Average review 2 stars
Burned and blissered

this product is one I've never tried in the past so I used like any other product. I left it on for less than the recommended time because it was bothering my gums in two areas. Once I removed it product and brushed my teeth it seemed to have blissed my gums left them white and chaulky looking for about 3 days. It didn't really hurt per-say but it peeled and left my gums red and irritated for a few days. Haven't tried the product again since, disappointed because that's why I bought 10 uses so I had plenty.

Purchased Alwayswhite Teeth Whitening Gel on Bonanza
10 Professional 35% Teeth Whitening Gel Syringe Whitener At Home System - USA - £10.41 GBP

10 Professional 35% Teeth Whitening Gel Syringe Whitener At Home System - USA

Average review 5 stars
use less than suggested.

The dropper that dispenses the gel pushes out a bit too much. I transfer it to a dental syringe and the drops are the right size for using a tray.
This avoids gum irritation and extends the usage further with great results.

Purchased Alwayswhite Teeth Whitening Gel on Bonanza
10 Syringes of 44% ( Maximum Strength ) Teeth Whitening Gel Tooth Bleaching -USA - £10.41 GBP

10 Syringes of 44% ( Maximum Strength ) Teeth Whitening Gel Tooth Bleaching -USA

Average review 4 stars

Verdict is still out. Have only had the opportunity to use one syringe of the product.

Purchased Alwayswhite Teeth Whitening Gel on Bonanza