Ultra Dietary Supplement


Customer Reviews Synopsis

5 reviews total • 4 reviews with comments
Average review 5 stars
Omega 7

I have never used such a successful product. I don't know how it works but it DOES. I feel wonderful about my waist area. I've been getting bigger each year at the waist and hoping once it is gone I don't need pills to have it stay that way down the road. After holidays I will consume less sugar and the whole process will b easier.

Purchased Ultra Dietary Supplement on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars
Product lived up to it's claims

The product is working! I highly recommend the product.

Purchased Ultra Dietary Supplement on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars
Helps with chronic headaches and tinnitus

This product is a must if you have frequent headaches and/or tinnitus. Nothing else works as well as this does.

Purchased Ultra Dietary Supplement on Bonanza
Average review 3 stars
Ultra Omega 7

Started late taking them so it’s moving slowly making any progress

Purchased Ultra Dietary Supplement on Bonanza
Average review 3 stars
Ultra Omega 7
Started late taking them so it’s moving slowly making any progress

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