Singer 66 Fabric
Customer Reviews Synopsis
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Purchased Singer 66 Fabric on Bonanza

This sewing machine part is exactly what I needed to complete the refurbishing of my 1910 Singer 66-1.
Purchased Singer 66 Fabric on Bonanza

Purchased Singer 66 Fabric on Bonanza

Needed this part and my sewing machine worked! Thank you!
Purchased Singer 66 Fabric on Bonanza

This enlarged manual for the Singer 66 Treadle machine is so much easier to read than the original manual with small print. It is an exact replica so the information is the same. I have referred to is numerous times while learning how to use this machine and the binding allows the pages to stay open. Very useful and convenient. My thanks go out to the seller for offering this invaluable tool.
Purchased Singer 66 Fabric on Bonanza

So easy to read
This enlarged manual for the Singer 66 Treadle machine is so much easier to read than the original manual with small print. It is an exact replica... Read more »
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