Philips Alarm Clock
Customer Reviews Synopsis
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1 review with comments

Purchased Philips Alarm Clock on Bonanza

Very nice for its price and stylish
It is very cheap, so it cannot do much, but it does its main job - show the time. The clock looks very nice on a bed table, it does not blind me wi... Read more »

It is very cheap, so it cannot do much, but it does its main job - show the time. The clock looks very nice on a bed table, it does not blind me with too much light (and I'm sensitive to this). Also the time stays correct, so I do not want more.
One thing which I'd love too see there is military time, though it is not there.
If someone decides on this clock he/she should be aware that during switching alarm it is very easy to mispress buttons and switch on the radio, as the buttons are all close and you do not have good feeling of them under your fingers. For me that is not an issue since I'm not using it as alarm clock, but for someone else could be a show stopper.
On top of that there is no battery backup in it, so I would not rely on these for alarm purposes if I really need to wake up.
This is a very good clock for a good price and nothing more. Exactly what I was looking for when buying.