Ocusoft Retaine Eye Drop
Customer Reviews Synopsis
9 reviews total •
5 reviews with comments

Purchased Ocusoft Retaine Eye Drop on Bonanza

These drops are very effective -- my optometrist recommended them for use along with my medically necessary contact lenses.
Purchased Ocusoft Retaine Eye Drop on Bonanza

Works on my eyes...economical ....Dispenser takes a little while to get the hang of...But excellent eye drops...well worth it
Purchased Ocusoft Retaine Eye Drop on Bonanza

This has no preservatives.. Its great is u have very dry eye desease
Purchased Ocusoft Retaine Eye Drop on Bonanza

These drops work very nicely for dry eye, and I can even apply them while wearing my gas permeable lenses.
Purchased Ocusoft Retaine Eye Drop on Bonanza

Doctor prescribed this brand and named others I could try, however this is the only one that doesn't bother my eyes.