Nikon Lens
Customer Reviews Synopsis
5 reviews total •
4 reviews with comments

Purchased Nikon Lens on Bonanza

Saved over £100 buying this item. Although showing some signs of use they worked perfectly.
Purchased Nikon Lens on Bonanza

Terrific deal for the price; simple caps, exactly what I needed. They do fall off easily if accidentally squeezed (e.g. inside a bag with other things); so maybe not ideal for traveling or expensive glass, but great knockarounds if you are just out shooting for the day. Points for classic style.
Purchased Nikon Lens on Bonanza

Very underrated lens, makes an excellent macro
Purchased Nikon Lens on Bonanza

Very underrated lens, makes an excellent macro
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Our history for this product shows that its average price is $46.52. Click below to be notified when new items are posted at lower prices:

Trouble finding this lens produced buy NIKON. Found all sorts of generics, but wanted the real deal. This is a great lens cap, so don't hesitate.