Maximum Cable


Customer Reviews Synopsis

1 review total • 1 review with comments
Average review 1 star
Shake, Ratetle and Roll makes being weighed impossible.

When being weighed the person needs to be able to stand very still. I’m weak and shaky and when I let go of my walker to stand there it’s impossible for the scale to give me a good reading because I move so much. The numbers can vary 1-3 pounds. This is not the scale’s problem is just that it’s not a good match due to my physical limitations. Oh, well...

Purchased Maximum Cable on Bonanza
Average review 1 star
Shake, Ratetle and Roll makes being weighed impossible.
When being weighed the person needs to be able to stand very still. I’m weak and shaky and when I let go of my walker to stand there it’s impossib... Read more »

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