Koala Baby Security Blanket
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Purchased Koala Baby Security Blanket on Bonanza

Long lost security blanket
The manufacturer no longer makes this specific pattern. My 5 year old girl has this exact one since she was an infant and she refuses to part with... Read more »
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The manufacturer no longer makes this specific pattern. My 5 year old girl has this exact one since she was an infant and she refuses to part with it. Unfortunately it has been falling part through the years. After exhaustive searching, I finally stumbled onto this treasure. Whenever I go to any baby store I always look in the security blanket or toy section but to no avail. I was flabbergasted whenI stumbled onto the exact same one for sale on Bonanza. I am not sure why the owner put it up for sale, but I’m glad they did because my little daughter will get the most pleasant surprise when I present this new one to her. The condition of the item is like new too, and at a good price. It goes to show, you never know who in this world desperately wants to buy something you may not think is valuable.