Kitchenaid Range
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Purchased Kitchenaid Range on Bonanza

Discontinued backsplash nice feature of the over
A few of the discontinued KitchenAid KGR series ranges had a 6" back splash; a nice feature that you do not see as often in current ranges. Th... Read more »
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A few of the discontinued KitchenAid KGR series ranges had a 6" back splash; a nice feature that you do not see as often in current ranges. The back splash consists of a metal frame and a back safety glass insert (part no. WP9761749BL). Unfortunately, the glass is fragile. A big iron skillet was all it took... since the part is now discontinued, grab an extra when you can. Otherwise, you'll need the dimensions for a glass-shop: 5 1/2" x 5 5/8" (re-measure yours to assure exact fix.)