Ganz Plush Doll HM002
Customer Reviews Synopsis

Super soft, adorable and made Very well. We have 2, one we have had for 5 years as my little girl's 'lovey', it has been thrown, dragged, squished, through Disney, washed More times than I can count. I've never had to sew the tail on or fix anything on it! This monkey is Awesome! So awesome I got the baby one too- yes, matching 'lovies'.

My grandson has this little pug since he was born 3 years ago and it is his favorite. I bought this extra one to have just in case the original ever gets lost. He would be heartbroken.
It has been hand washed several times and thrown in the dryer for several cycles. Has stood up to the laundering!

I was not really looking for a stuffed rabbit but when it showed up, it was so cute I had to order it!

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