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Rendered at 20:41:23 11/30/24
Oscar Onken Co. ; Shop of the Crafters ; Cincinnati Ohio 1907 Factory of the Cra
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Seller handling time is 5 business days Details
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Other Pump Parts & Accessories
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18 in stock
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Oscar Onken Co. 1907 / Replica/reprint published by Portable Trunk Publishers. (undated) Circa 2002.
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A delightful look at many different glass front display cabinets, haberdasher display forms, countertop fixtures, elegant full length mirrors and clothing racks in the "mission" style from the early 20th century. This catalog was used to sell "who...
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Replica of the original 1907 trade samples catalog for haberdasher display racks. 72 pages, in new condition. Flex covers, cloth binding. -- Replica/reprint published by Portable Trunk Publishers. (undated) Circa 2002. A delightful look at many di...
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Oscar Onken Co. 1907 / Replica/reprint published by Portable Trunk Publishers. (undated) Circa 2002.
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Oscar Onken Co. ; Shop of the Crafters ; Cincinnati Ohio 1907 Factory of the Crafters : Arts and Crafts Mission Fixture (REPLICA Replica of the original 1907 trade samples catalog for haberdasher display racks,glass front display cabinets, haberda...
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