La Prairie Skin
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Customer Reviews Synopsis
2 reviews total •
2 reviews with comments

Purchased La Prairie Skin on Bonanza

Over MANY years I’ve tried almost every product on the market. This eye complex ACTUALLY WORKS!!! I noticed a tremendous difference many times, before and after using it as some days I would forget to put it on and my makeup just didn’t look as nice. It markedly reduced my under eye puffiness...a1st! I highly recommend it. Yes, it’s not cheap, but you use only a teeny tiny drop and it lasts forever. Five mL lasted a few months.
Purchased La Prairie Skin on Bonanza

Over MANY years I’ve tried almost every product on the market. This eye complex ACTUALLY WORKS!!! I noticed a tremendous difference many times... Read more »
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This product burned my eyes, and the dropper that comes with the product is cheap and doesn't work correctly, so I am concerned that this is not a legitimate product.