Disney Doll

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The empire Walt Disney founded on the back of an optimistic little mouse is still going strong 90 years after the first images of Steamboat Willie flashed across a movie screen. Theme parks, clothing lines and brands have taken the world by storm such that every little girl (and quite a few boys) can tell you a thing or three about their favorite Disney Princess. Kudos to the geniuses who also thought up the Villains line, celebrating the darker side of the Enchanted Kingdom. Sometimes, it's good to be bad.
Customer Reviews Synopsis

great product

Lily stands out next to the other Tinker Disney dolls. She is so lovely with a small smile that says's hello but I'm kind of busy. She is about 11" tall with smooth brown hair with copper color highlights. Her skin tone is that of like a caramel candy apple. She arrives fully dressed and orange glitter shoes and wings. She indeed is a great add on to a Disney Fairy fan collector.

Arrived on time and was in perfect condition would order again.

More than I expected, great!!!