How to do proper shipping without ripping off customers?

Sorry- New here….I was trying to combine shipping, someone bought 5 of one item and the total shipping was like 5 dollars and the buyer paid 17 dollars…. I would like to know how to issue the extra shipping back to them they “overpaid” I dont like ripping people off on shipping…. it turns them off. I am very a new seller and I do not see how I can issue any partial refund to the buyer for the overage of shipping cost. Also how to prevent this in the future with combined shipping that wont charge every item shipping?

asked almost 2 years ago

1 Answer

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hello metalbird74,

Thanks for your question. Because the payment for the order was processed by PayPal, you’ll need to go into your PayPal account on their website and you should be able to issue a partial refund from there. I can see that you put in a ticket with our support team, and I’m sure that they’ll be getting back to you soon as well regarding your question.

For future orders, you may be interested in setting up combined shipping discounts on your account. You can read more about how to set it up on our help page Bonanza . com/hc/en-us/articles/360001347852-Combined-Shipping-Discounts


answered almost 2 years ago

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Viewed: 877 times

Asked: almost 2 years ago

Latest response: almost 2 years ago

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