has anyone else noticed the advertising on here not working anymore? Its been this way for quite awhile now! The only views Im getting are what i bring in myself! Nothing from google shopping or Bonanza> It never use to be like this.
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Elizavella_Designs Reputation: 111 See Elizavella_Designs' booth |
It’s absolutely terrible. Yes, I’ve noticed. I actually have had the turbo pack for over a year…only the problem is I have not wanted it for almost a year and have requested to remove it several times but due to a glitch I am forever stuck with it, it seems. For me, my sales went down when I got the turbo pack. If they can ever remove it, I’ll never get it again.
It is obvious to me now that the cost of pay per click must have went up and that the new owner of the site must not be willing to raise the cost per click in order to compete against sites. There is no other reason that makes sense since it seems to be a side-wide problem. I have a website and had to up my cost per click in order to compete even remotely since I am a very small shrimp in an unending ocean of water.
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EmpressDepot Reputation: 7035 See EmpressDepot's booth |
Yes I have noticed also, Google Shopping is now of Little value. I actually took it off my desk top. They have ruined that search site. I don’t know what it actually is now. If I do a search related to Bonanza work I use Duck Duck Go. The problem I see is that Bonanza is not a recognized search site used by serious people looking to buy something and without a effective Google Shopping search we are dead in the water
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Fathertime Reputation: 381 See Fathertime's booth |
Yes, my sales are near enough non existent and have been fir the past 6 months where I noticed a change.
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music4many Reputation: 31 See music4many's booth |
Viewed: 355 times
Asked: 2 months ago
Latest response: about 2 months ago
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