What does bonanzle have to do with seattle?

Okay, I’ve seen lots of activity about voting for Bonanzle in relation to Seattle Startups? What’s the buzz, tell me what’s happening?

What is all this buzz and how do I participate? If someone could post the clear intentions, what it means with simple directions, that would be great. Thanks.

asked about 14 years ago

19 Answers


Bonanzle is a finalist in the run for the award of Best Boot-Strapped Startup in the Seattle 2.0 Awards. We are down to only 6 days left to vote.

If you would like to vote for Bonanzle.com you can do so [URL removed]

[URL removed]

Asking family and friends to help us win would be much appreciated too!

answered about 14 years ago

Bonanzle birth place!

answered about 14 years ago

What Bonanzle has to do with Seattle is that Seattle is the headquarters and Bonanzle was founded in Seattle. :)

answered about 14 years ago

It is the home of Bonanzle.

answered about 14 years ago

Thanks to all for the great answers. I knew they were up and comers and growing fast, had no idea it was our great BONANZLE could be number 1!!

answered about 14 years ago

Also, funding is coming from investors in Seattle.

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 72
See daffs60's booth

Vote Vote Vote!!!

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 12
See ogo2404's booth

Bonanzle was born in Seattle. Just two years old.
Still a little ankle biter but growing fast.


answered about 14 years ago

Thanks all for the excellent responses and clarifications.

answered about 14 years ago

I voted.

answered about 14 years ago

Ahh.. lol..Sorry guys, Not Seattle, but Kirkland to be more specific, but Seattle is the closest major city, and where the funding came from. :)

Ahh.. lol..Sorry guys, Not Seattle, but Kirkland to be more specific, but Seattle is the closest major city, and where the funding came from. :)Also as Michelle said about the best bootstrapped, it is basically a start-up company that took off like a rocket, and has a lot of ingenuity behind it. :)

Ahh.. lol..Sorry guys, Not Seattle, but Kirkland to be more specific, but Seattle is the closest major city, and where the funding came from. :)Also as Michelle said about the best bootstrapped, it is basically a start-up company that took off like a rocket, and has a lot of ingenuity behind it. :)@blueboy, there is 6 more days to vote, and you can do it everyday. As for being over because of the funding, that has nothing to do with this. The vote is for an award for the best bootstrapped company. Not to do with the funding. Separate things. :) Hope that helps you.

answered about 14 years ago

I voted again – but I thought it’s over with and they have reeled in their investors…????

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 869
See BlueBoy's booth

Bootstrapped means little or none start up cash….as we all know, Bonanzle started with minimal funds and has grown through the free grassroot advertising and promoting of it’s members. That’s what Boot strapped start up means.

answered about 14 years ago

HOME of The boyZ

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

I voted!!!

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 18
See jacks' booth

Thanks, I voted

answered about 14 years ago

Well it seems like everyone has answered Annapple’s question. So, I guess no need for me to repeat. But while I am here..Happy Mothers Day to all.

And yes I voted!!!Lots of Luck to THE BOYZ and Bonanzle!!!


answered about 14 years ago

Seattle, home of grunge rock and bonanzle….WOW!
I voted early and often…that’s OK, right?

answered about 14 years ago

I think I saw something that said we can vote once a day?

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 128
See loneelk's booth
Question Vitals

Viewed: 4540 times

Asked: about 14 years ago

Latest response: about 14 years ago

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