Hi! can a uk seller sell on this platform?

I entered this platform, uploaded some products and was allowed to pay to be a gold member. Now I discover that I can’t buy from the US and I don’t even know if I can sell in the US. Can someone enlighten me because although I searched for answers, I can’t find anything concrete. Thank you!

asked about 1 month ago


Tammies_Treasures August 04, 2024

This is what I see on your listing when shopping in the [URL removed] Shipping options Ships in 21 business days Details $15.00 via Unspecified shipping type to United States Ships from United Kingdom Gb

Tammies_Treasures August 04, 2024

So it appears to me, that you can sell to the US. However I am not an expert.

CAMEOMUSIC2 August 05, 2024

you can list and sell items, buyers from the UK may face restrictions

2 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hello bonzuser_rkcjo,

Thanks for your question. Do to issues with our sales tax and VAT collection system, we were forced to disable all purchases from buyers located in the UK, EU, and Australia. We are investigating ways to alleviate this discrepancy, but it will likely be a while before we can re-enable purchases from buyers in these locations.

That being said, we still welcome sellers from all those locations. For more information about setting international shipping, we recommend checking out our seller help page section [URL removed]


If you need any additional assistance regarding this issue please don’t hesitate to contact our support team using the “Help” drop down menu at the top of any Bonanza page, or by sending us an email to [email protected].


answered 18 days ago

1 Comment

trains_galore August 25, 2024

1 question…if I am not allowed to sell to someone in the UK (I being in the UK also) why was I allowed to open an account and list all my items here. Such a waste of time !

you can contact support to get your answer. Just go to help at the top of the page and click on contact support.

answered about 1 month ago

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