Bath & body works

I just received an email that I can’t list these items due to copyright infringement. Bath & Body Works, is going to be added to my DO NOT BUY list of companies that aren’t acting fairly in free trade, especially when I purchased their items to resell.
I know it’s their right, but don’t you believe it will ultimately hurt their business?

asked over 2 years ago

2 Answers

No, I don’t believe it will hurt their business.

Sad to hear though as I used to like to buy bath and body works for resale. When items there go on clearance twice a year, some people do not make it to get an item that is going out their door….so sellers like us were good for the buyer and decent for our pocket….but although good for the buyer, I don’t think it hurts bath and body works not selling to us so that we can resell.

answered over 2 years ago

I look at it like this – BBW sold the product to you. Once you walk out the door it is yours to do with as you please. It’s like buying a car and then you decide to sell it and the car manufacturer says you can’t sell it because of copyright!

answered over 2 years ago

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Asked: over 2 years ago

Latest response: over 2 years ago

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