I came across what looks like a wine glass and on bottom marked s rockford silver. under the stamp is says EPNS 100. Does anyone know what it might be and its worth?
happy10 Reputation: 10 See happy10's booth |
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MONTROSE Reputation: 8354 See MONTROSE's booth |
The EPNS stands for electroplated nickel silver
The Sheets-Rockford Silver Plate Co. succeeded the Rockford Silver Plate Co. (Rockford, Illinois) in 1925. They discontinued their flatware lines and continued on with silver plated holloware. Some time later, the factory became primarily a re-silvering plant and was listed in local directories until 1956.
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Is this the stamp?
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VaHorsenutAuctions Reputation: 43 See VaHorsenutAuctions' booth |
Viewed: 4179 times
Asked: over 14 years ago
Latest response: over 14 years ago
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