Should there be a private buyer feature?

Understanding that some people prefer their purchases to be private, should there be a private buyer feature?

asked almost 15 years ago

13 Answers

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answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

I can think of several reasons why a buyer would want to keep their purchase private. 1. They are buying to resell and don’t want others to know what they paid for the item. 2. They are buying clothing and don’t want to share their size with the world. 3. They are buying a gift for someone who uses the same computer/site and don’t want them to know what their gift is before it is given.

answered almost 15 years ago

Yes, I think having a private feature would be a good idea for the reasons that stuff mentioned.

Abby I think what the OP was getting at was that was not to make profiles hidden or private, but if you make a certain kind of purchase, your user name is not revealed in feedback or on the checkout page, page where you payment or offer shows and such.

I’m not for private user profiles for sellers or buyers either. I like to know how I am dealing with.

answered almost 15 years ago

I would love that option for myself and think of the people that would buy knowing they wouldn’t be hurting feelings, etc. etc. if it were private.

answered almost 15 years ago

I think one of the reasons buyers prefer to be private is because they do not want others to know what kind of items they are buying. They don’t want others to know because they will be hounded by other sellers emails suggesting items to buy. I don’t see anything wrong with it. If they buy and pay me, I couldn’t care less who they are or what they bought in the past. So long as I get money for my item, the person can remain private.

answered almost 15 years ago

If you want to private purchase, without the support of bonanzle you can do that. Simply send a check or money order to the seller after agree’d price and item is established, or even sent a simple paypal “gift” in money instead of paying for the transaction in the booth. This way no one gets feedback & no one knows what you bought.

If you want the best of best worlds to get private buying, and private feedback then it is something bonanzle would have to approve.

answered almost 15 years ago

Aren’t the bonzbuyers that aren’t registered pretty private as is? I don’t think anyone can see who the bonzbuyer is (if their profile is blocked) besides the seller selling to them when they pay with Paypal. I must be missing something?? I know all the Bonzbuyers that have bought from me, weren’t identifiable except thru their Paypal payment.

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 972
See debdoll's booth

I think a private buyer feature is a good idea. But being the the trust is a big concern when purchasing from small indie merchants online…i’m not for private profiles…at least for sellers

answered almost 15 years ago

I think if they the buyer,wanted to keep their inf private,other than what is need to process the order,they should have that right.

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 31
See bea5563's booth

I have to admit I’m a bit confused. As a seller or buyer, I should have access to all pertinent info about the other party. That includes information normally contained in a profile. If you’re referring to keeping your sales private so I can’t see them, well, I can’t think of a reason I would be interested in someone else’s sales. Obviously I’m missing the point. Sorry.

answered almost 15 years ago

I’m sorry I am a bit confused on this. If you look an FB left you can see if someone left me FB and what they purchased. But if they leave no feedback you cannot see them. Even then you would be able to open their profile page only providing they have not made it private.

I am not aware of anyone taking what would be a lot of time to look at someones FB, open the profile page of they buyer and then send them a BMAIL as they would not still have the email address.

And as you know BMAILs are limited. So it would be alot of work for very little in profit.

answered almost 15 years ago

I don’t think private is needed. Just something else the boyz would have to deal with. I think they already have enough to do to keep us all happy! And of course they are already doing a wonderful job of that!!!

answered almost 15 years ago

I see a huge problem with privacy on online market places like this.

People should be able to see your feedback of course, but not to see what you bought unless you want them to.

I don’t think people need to know what my bra size is in order to trust me as a customer. lol

I also think that items sold should be private as it brings along unhealthy competition. When you are selling at the market, does everyone know how much of each item was sold? No .. and that keeps them in business.

This is the only reason I sometimes consider having my own web site.

To see the feedback is fine, but not the actual items sold an bought. There could be a review section or something and there are already plenty of review sites online anyways.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. lol

answered almost 15 years ago

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Asked: almost 15 years ago

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