What are traits and attributes

on bonanzle not sure what these mean

asked almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 16
See tjsbeans' booth
7 Answers

Traits are what help you get found on Bonanzles search Attributes are what help you get found on Google.

Depending on what items you carry you will have traits to find out which of your items you can set traits for go to :

My Bonanzle
Batch edit items
Item Traits
Edit traits for all filtered items

If there are traits available for your categories you can set them there and be sure to click save at the bottom of the page.

If you don’t have traits for your categories you can suggest some to the boyz [URL removed]

Attributes are add to your listings just befoe your description or you can add them via batchh edit.Currently the Boyz hhave it defaulting to USED as Google made it mandatory for all items to have one of the 3 condition attributes of New,Refurbished or used.

You can edit or add them in batch edit mode under search optimize you will see 2 boxes one to add Attributes the other to remove Attributes.

To enter an attribute the correct format is like this [[[URL removed]

Hope that helps

answered almost 15 years ago

If you search under the help section you can get some ideas about traits and attributes.
RockingRandy also has a detailed thread about what in these things are all about too.

But to give you an idea an item is New, Used Or Refurbished. That is just kind of attribute.

answered almost 15 years ago

Traits are basically “keywords” that people use for finding what they want on Bonanzle.

Lets say you sell perfume. For traits you may want

Under each of those traits you would want to make choices. For instance,
the choices in that trait could be something like
1 Ounce
1.5 Ounces
2 Ounces
2.5 Ounces and so on

For Brand
Lady Stetson
and so on

Uni Sex
And so on

If the trait you request matches to a Google attribute, then this site automatically “converts” your trait to a Google attribute which is basically another way of saying “trait” but those are only used by Google.

The other search engines on the internet uses Keywords and some other things to look for items that have been requested in a search by a perspective buyer

answered almost 15 years ago

Please be sure to indicate the item is new, if in fact it is. Otherwise, the default for google is used. Working on traits and attributes is a bit time consuming, especially if you have a full booth. However, the effort is well worth it.

answered almost 15 years ago

Think one of the key points is to remember to ensure “traits” and “attributes” are added at the time you create your listing. Otherwise,
if you have a sizeable booth, it’s a pain to go back in and spend valuable time updating…………..

answered almost 15 years ago

You raised an SUPER excellent question so the rest of us can learn and understand more about it…Thank you

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

ohtankyou montrose you seem like a gret person havet found any more americna girl items yet or thomas backpack or hat :9

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 16
See tjsbeans' booth
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Viewed: 4897 times

Asked: almost 15 years ago

Latest response: almost 15 years ago

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