Hi guys,
I have a sister with CP [cerebral palsey] who collected baseball and football cards for years…I remember her looking over her cards and filing them on visits to see her 10 to 15 years ago, although she was collecting before that. She just turned 50 and she’s gone downhill in her health & abilities lately…Plus, she went through a big change in her living arrangement—She is forced to sell out her entire collection! Would anyone care to take on this task? Write me back and I’ll give you a rundown on what she’s brought to me so far…In addition to the cards, she has all kinds of other collectables, such as; signed balls, jerseys, etc…I would do it but I’m also disabled! I have a spinal cord disease and am blind in one eye! It is so hard to see the dates and numbers…and the sheer volume of stuff! It just overwhelms me! So, if you can move these…I’ll give you the best price you can imagine! Like I say, I’d do it myself but don’t know a thing about this segment of collectables…
Thanks for considering this offer!
Steve R [[URL removed] ravenstalin]
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ravenstalin Reputation: 152 See ravenstalin's booth |
i would be interested contact me via b-mail with your asking price and an estimate of year range and number of cards total
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tactician Reputation: 19 See tactician's booth |
I would be interested in selected baseball and football cards/memorabilia.
In regards to the cards, will you be selling them by the lots?
Please send me a message on the specifics. Thank you, Nancy
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Stewarts Reputation: 91 See Stewarts' booth |
You may want to consider hiring someone to sell them for you, and sign a contract so that they get a percentage of what it sells for. Otherwise, you may be underselling yourself big time. You may have some really valuable items there. Just a suggestion, I hate to see you lose out on thousands of $$$. (sorry potential buyers…do unto others :)
I am selling items for others, and I just gave the guy I sold stuff for a run down of cost, shipping, paypal and feebay fees, plus my take, with printouts from feebay and paypal to prove I was honest. Just an idea for you to ponder; I’m not offering my services LOL I already have my plate full.
I don’t know how you’d find a selling assistant here, or if there’s a system set up for it. I’m sure something could be figured out between you and any individual willing and able to sell for you.
Or you could just sell in bulk as you suggest, if you’re in a hurry, and want less hassle.
Whatever you choose, good luck. And sorry to hear of yours and your sister’s health issues. I’ll keep you both in prayer.
Also, you may want to change the title of this post to “looking for someone to sell baseball card for me on commission” or something similar so this doesn’t get flagged as self-promotion and removed or get moved to the promotions thread.
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TimsDiamondWillow Reputation: 910 See TimsDiamondWillow's booth |
Sounds like you got some interested buyers there = great!…Best of luck
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MONTROSE Reputation: 8354 See MONTROSE's booth |
I buy large collections. Send me whatever pics or lists you may have.
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epacks Reputation: 12 See epacks' booth |
Viewed: 5542 times
Asked: almost 15 years ago
Latest response: almost 15 years ago
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