Here is where sellers can list any catch-all policies about their booth. If any of this information is essential to the buying process, the seller will also mention that within their item description -- so don't sweat it if you don't make a habit of looking at the details for every booth!
Booth overview
Most items in our store are shipped FREE within the Continental USA. Complete Free Instructions and ongoing support to help you save 90% off retail prices of concrete stone, paver, brick and tile products by making them yourself right at home.
And be sure to visit our Business Start-up Packages if you’ve considered starting a business making these products. Packages starting at just $899.99 for a Business-in-a-Box Package!
Shipping policy
We normally ship within two days, and usually the next day after payment is received. All items include Free Shipping within the Continental USA and Discounted Shipping to elsewhere in the world!
Return policy
Full refund available within 30 daysReturns accepted within 14 days of new, unused and resalable items, with shipping prepaid by Buyer, and with Return Authorization number provided by Seller. Out-bound shipping cost deducted from refund as out-bound shipping is initially Free. Customer must offer a valid reason for return.
Miscellaneous details
Save 90% off typical retail prices for concrete stone, paver and tile products by making them yourself with our molds, Free Instructions and support. No special equipment or skills required to make these items right at home.
Booth fans
Seller coupons & discounts
Shipping discount: Shipping weights of all items added together for savings.
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