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Enter to Win Bonanza TurboTraffic for the Holidays!
Nov 23, 2020

Enter to Win Bonanza TurboTraffic for the Holidays!

We're in the fourth quarter now looking right at the holidays. Everyone is all set for some sales! We want to help you make them by having another TurboTraffic Raffle. Just comment below and you will be automatically entered into our raffle.

Since people are shopping for most items year-round, TurboTraffic packs are effective anytime. But they work best when the world is really in the mood for shopping - can you say, Black Friday? Cyber Monday? The entire month of December?

The holiday season offers more bang for your TurboTraffic advertising buck because shoppers are urgently purchasing gifts and are more likely to convert into sales. We’re raffling off ten TurboTraffic pack prizes right now so that you can take maximum advantage of the upcoming holidays.

Comment below by Tuesday at 5 pm on Nov. 24th to be entered to win TurboTraffic!                                                                                                     

I also wanted to let you know about our newest tutorial video. Brianna, from our support team, has put together some basic tips for navigating on Bonanza. Some of you are already very familiar with how to find your messages and orders, but there are some harder to find pages that you might want to look at. We want your holidays to be as easy to manage as possible.

When you have logged into Bonanza, just point to Selling, Account, or Help in the upper-left of any page to see a drop-down menu of quick links to some handy pages.

Brianna has created this quick video to ensure easy navigation for all, especially during the holidays! Check it out below, and give Brianna a shout-out for her good work! If you have an idea for any other videos let us know in the comments.

Wednesday morning I will notify the ten lucky winners and activate TurboTraffic in their booths. In the meantime, get a start on this busy shopping weekend and pick up a TurboTraffic pack to boost your sales!

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320 responses to Enter to Win Bonanza TurboTraffic for the Holidays!

pro_spin_books says: 11/23/20 at 06:16:55

Happy holidays

jewelrymandave says: 11/23/20 at 06:24:11

I would love winning the Turbo Traffic Raffle and improve my Bonanza sales!

HoneyBreeze says: 11/23/20 at 06:27:20

I would love Turbo Traffic for the holidays! :)

christmas_365 says: 11/23/20 at 06:27:38

A shout-out for Brianna.

BonanzaBrianna says in response: 11/25/20 at 14:55:59

Hello Christmas_365,

So kind, thank you!

doormatz says: 11/23/20 at 06:28:52

Sounds good

ccmom says: 11/23/20 at 06:29:54

THis time of the year is a great time to use Turbo packages as I am already doing.

FlyingMonkeyFinds says: 11/23/20 at 06:31:06

Wow, awesome giveaway! Thanks!

Atpeacememorials says: 11/23/20 at 06:31:50

Thanks Breanna, great work!! Please enter me for the raffle, Atpeacememorials

BonanzaBrianna says in response: 11/25/20 at 14:56:22

Hello Atpeacememorials,

Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed :)

dogggman says: 11/23/20 at 06:33:22

Great Job Brianna!

BonanzaBrianna says in response: 11/25/20 at 14:57:02

Hi dogggman,

Thank you very much :) Hope it was useful if you didn’t already know about TT!

charliegirl01 says: 11/23/20 at 06:38:17

Bonanza is my most essential selling weapon!

maczr1 says: 11/23/20 at 06:39:25

So how much is turbo traffic?

Gracepatriciakelly says: 11/23/20 at 06:42:33

Hi Bonanza & my fellow Bonanza shoppers and sellers :)

Starfisher says: 11/23/20 at 06:46:01

I would love to be entered into the Turbo Traffic Raffle. Thank you and have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

this_for_that says: 11/23/20 at 06:53:45

Turbo Traffic Raffle

Stoneponies says: 11/23/20 at 06:56:27

Looking forward to getting more sales this holiday season.

beautyrec says: 11/23/20 at 06:57:48

Thank you for the easy to follow instructions on the topic. I would really love to have a more detailed blog on how to do the batch edit in the future blog. I’ve used that features a few times for the items that was not accepted by google traffic, but having a hard time to use it efficiently

anothergoround says: 11/23/20 at 06:58:00

I hope I win!

kifauc says: 11/23/20 at 06:59:03

Could be nice with extra advertising :) thanks for the rattle.

newyorkcards says: 11/23/20 at 07:00:29

I love the benefit of turbo traffic. Thanks for the raffle.

thegolfwidow says: 11/23/20 at 07:01:36

Nice job and helpful!

spanallin says: 11/23/20 at 07:04:01

Thanks guys, hope this helps everyone. Happy Holidays.

DianneM10 says: 11/23/20 at 07:04:49


RecoveryChip says: 11/23/20 at 07:09:16

Great count me in! Have a great holiday week.

themarriedmerchants says: 11/23/20 at 07:12:26

Thank you for all of your efforts to help us all become better sellers! =)

themarriedmerchants says: 11/23/20 at 07:13:25


Good_Buy_2_You_LLC says: 11/23/20 at 07:14:50

One can only hope that Turbo Traffic will help. I’m not optimistic at all with this economy.

glennmgardner says: 11/23/20 at 07:15:54

sales are down, I need this

The_duchess says: 11/23/20 at 07:18:32

Just enabled turbo traffic for the holiday season. Would love to win the raffle.

ENRIQUITO says: 11/23/20 at 07:18:40


twe8158 says: 11/23/20 at 07:22:03


Prints_By_TBE says: 11/23/20 at 07:24:07

Looking forward to this raffle, and hope to win. I would love to get more sales on Bonanza!

kevins_tv_repair says: 11/23/20 at 07:28:38

My sales have dropped off the face of the earth.

teak says: 11/23/20 at 07:29:20

Thank you, we can all use more traffic directed to our booths!

CharmLand925 says: 11/23/20 at 07:32:55

Love the Raffle!

wrightgal says: 11/23/20 at 07:32:57

Enjoy the tips! I always learn something here!

BANYER says: 11/23/20 at 07:32:59

Please count us in =)

hungoverempire says: 11/23/20 at 07:33:49

Nice promotional idea!

coins_silver_n_more says: 11/23/20 at 07:34:35

With 0 zero sales here v. 200 on eBay, what’s there to lose?

bellasshoppe says: 11/23/20 at 07:35:37

yes please

vintagesledpaint says: 11/23/20 at 07:37:04

Thank you for the op.

Johnk59poetry says: 11/23/20 at 07:39:15

I love the blogs they give important information on different ways I can improve my sales potential. thank you so much

lumpsofstuff says: 11/23/20 at 07:40:14

What an interesting idea! I’m sure it is appreciated by all sellers at this time of year. Let’s hope it is a banner year for ALL of us!

Ivybeth says: 11/23/20 at 07:42:00

Wow, what a great idea! Bonanza is truly one of my favorite places to sell—they make everything so easy, and don’t rob sellers blind. Keep up the good work…and thank you!

Instant_Deal says: 11/23/20 at 07:44:19

Great overview. Thanks

YourLostTreasures says: 11/23/20 at 07:44:31

Winner winner chicken diner!

CountyRoadBooks says: 11/23/20 at 07:51:45

Turbo traffic would be great!

Reasonablesoftware says: 11/23/20 at 07:54:44

Great information really useful thanks

YNGLLC says: 11/23/20 at 07:59:35

Turbo Traffic is THE BEST! Thank you for the opportunity!

TheKazBra says: 11/23/20 at 08:00:35

Turbotraffic, great idea.

johnsellerPaper says: 11/23/20 at 08:00:38

Turbo Traffic would be great. Thank You for the raffle.

annspreciousmemories says: 11/23/20 at 08:02:43

Could really use the traffic. Trying to get this off the ground and clear out my closets!

BookMartPlus says: 11/23/20 at 08:02:48

I will have to check it out a little more before I can make any comments, either good or bad

WildworldCT says: 11/23/20 at 08:04:59

Yay! Turbo traffic would be great for the holiday season!

Bargain_Treasures says: 11/23/20 at 08:05:50

Now, this is something to get excited about! Thanks Bonanza!

Hearing_Accessories says: 11/23/20 at 08:10:40

would be great as a new seller

Kazoo33 says: 11/23/20 at 08:12:07

Outstanding Video, very useful, and really informative, thank you so much for this video! Happy HOlidays to YOU!!

BonanzaBrianna says in response: 11/25/20 at 14:58:31

Hi Kazoo33,

Thanks so much, just what we like to hear :) Glad you found it helpful!

AmericanOrganicStore says: 11/23/20 at 08:13:27

Good !

glas_und_krug says: 11/23/20 at 08:13:58

Let´s go for it!!!

Resale_Fun says: 11/23/20 at 08:18:23

I’m first..that should win something :) Happy Thanksgiving Bonanza staff—I actually sold something last week.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 11/23/20 at 14:47:46

Congrats on your sale, Resale_Fun!

ArtsnEnds says: 11/23/20 at 08:18:26

Love to be entered into the Turbo Traffic Raffle.

BookbinEtc says: 11/23/20 at 08:27:34

Don’t enter me, as I’m still closed due to COVID delays, etc..
I won’t re-open until January,so give it to someone who needs it now.

I just wanted to say – Great promo, Shelly! Thanks for all you do.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 11/23/20 at 14:48:48

You’re very welcome BookbinEtc!

horseofcourse says: 11/23/20 at 08:28:43

I could really use some extra sales this quarter ! ! Please enter me in the Turbo Traffic Raffle. Have a great season!

AMC_ELEGANT_HOMES says: 11/23/20 at 08:32:58

Please enter us into the Raffle.
Have a great Thanksgiving!

rockycameras says: 11/23/20 at 08:33:36

Turbo Traffic certainly works for me so chance to win a pack would be great – thankyou

living_better_now says: 11/23/20 at 08:36:08

Choose me as the winner

melissaandmarlo says: 11/23/20 at 08:41:03

Turbo traffic for the win!!!!!

RileysRufflesandBows says: 11/23/20 at 08:41:30

Fingers crossed to be a raffle winner!

nickutis6 says: 11/23/20 at 08:41:42

I would love to win this- have been looking at purchasing but not sure if it would be cost effective for me. This would be a great opportunity to take Bonanza turbo traffic for a test drive! Fingers crossed!

jyllerymh says: 11/23/20 at 08:41:46

Free TurboTraffic would be awesome!

Ctp7138 says: 11/23/20 at 08:44:06

Great idea!

CSMercantile says: 11/23/20 at 08:45:38

Turbo Traffic Raffle Entry.

Bestgoodshop says: 11/23/20 at 08:50:48


Lucidstar says: 11/23/20 at 08:52:05

Count me in.

Plady says: 11/23/20 at 08:52:06

I would love to win to give it a try

PixiDoodle says: 11/23/20 at 08:52:24

We are certainly seeing a drastic uptick in sales the last few days! Unfortunately, none of them have been on Bonanza. Perhaps this year we’ll fetch some sales on this platform. I expect a record year considering everyone shopping online.

Trushel says: 11/23/20 at 08:57:57

Thanks for the raffle opportunity

WHY-NOT-SAVE says: 11/23/20 at 08:59:25

Nice video, very informative. Good luck selling everyone:) Happy Holidays.

BonanzaBrianna says in response: 11/25/20 at 14:59:53

Hello Why-Not-Save,

Thanks so much, glad it was helpful!

A_FUN_PLACE_2_BROWSE says: 11/23/20 at 09:00:36

FUN FUN FUN! Thank you for Turbo Traffic Raffle.

ParksandReselling says: 11/23/20 at 09:01:17

Happy Holidays!

fashionrunway says: 11/23/20 at 09:06:17

Would love to win to increase my traffic

secondhandjoe says: 11/23/20 at 09:06:32

Been here almost EVERY SINGLE DAY since I joined in 2011! I have 40,000 tokens 10 at a time. Sales have virtually stopped so I haven’t spent much time in my booth in a long while. If turbo traffic helps then I might hang on.I have thousands of $100+ items awaiting that possibility. Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 11/24/20 at 15:30:21

Hi secondhandjoe! That’s wonderful that you have earned all those tokens! What are you saving them for? So nice to see folks that have been around for so long, we appreciate it!

tomjr1955 says: 11/23/20 at 09:07:33

Wow! Awesome giveaway.

Engleberts says: 11/23/20 at 09:07:33

Here’s to a Turbo Turkey Day!!!

USAdapters says: 11/23/20 at 09:08:55

Everyone loves more sales!

Tenth_and_Delaware says: 11/23/20 at 09:11:24

Thanks, and happy Thanksgiving!

FiberQuirks says: 11/23/20 at 09:11:44

Count me in!

ARKian says: 11/23/20 at 09:11:55


ZOURDOUGH says: 11/23/20 at 09:14:34

turbo traffic does seem to increase sales

k6559n says: 11/23/20 at 09:15:34

I would love to be entered in the Turbo Traffic Raffle. Thanks you so much Kathy Norton

tropicaltees says: 11/23/20 at 09:16:43

What a great promo, good luck everyone!

A_and_G says: 11/23/20 at 09:17:47

We’re new around here, the extra traffic would be nice. ????

jewelrywiz says: 11/23/20 at 09:20:32

happy Holidays to everyone!

GoMaxLED says: 11/23/20 at 09:20:47

I would settle for some regular traffic.

DwP1 says: 11/23/20 at 09:26:15

Sounds great!

EssentialsS says: 11/23/20 at 09:27:53

Great raffle!

no one says: 11/23/20 at 09:31:15


Peanutwarrior says: 11/23/20 at 09:32:43

Thank you bonanza!

PantsOnFire2002 says: 11/23/20 at 09:34:25

Sales are down. Please let me win a Turbo traffic to help for the holidays.

Gina_Faerie says: 11/23/20 at 09:36:43

Thank you to Brianna and all of the Bonanza support staff!

BonanzaBrianna says in response: 11/25/20 at 15:01:15

Hi Gina_Faerie,

Thank YOU for supporting Bonanza :)

Howlin_Hounds says: 11/23/20 at 09:40:23

Would love to win some Turbo Traffic for the holiday season! Great job on the tutorial, Brianna. Happy Thanksgiving!

Masonslillies_ says: 11/23/20 at 09:44:36

This would be amazing!!

greeneware says: 11/23/20 at 09:45:02

Haven’t tried Turbo Traffic – would love the opportunity to see how it helps.

Amy_BargainBin says: 11/23/20 at 09:47:14


Collectibles_Store says: 11/23/20 at 09:47:33

I hope so.

JapanCollection says: 11/23/20 at 09:48:03


RjsWholesale says: 11/23/20 at 09:54:37

I’ve been wanting to try turbo traffic for a while to see how it works it would be great to be able to have a test run at it. Thanks for the training video!

BonanzaBrianna says in response: 11/25/20 at 15:02:26

Hi RjsWholesale,

We hope the video was helpful :)

ReplacementToys says: 11/23/20 at 09:57:23

Thank you!

KelvinB32 says: 11/23/20 at 10:01:22

Thanks for this article!!

Beauty_and_Skincare says: 11/23/20 at 10:02:27

Great giveaway just in time for Holiday shopping! Thanks!

AriannaAndAugust says: 11/23/20 at 10:03:22

Love this!

steampunkjunkie says: 11/23/20 at 10:04:53

Yes please

Planetautographs says: 11/23/20 at 10:13:44

Hello Bonanza members! I would love to win the Turbo Traffic Raffle to help increase my sales.

Barginsgalore913 says: 11/23/20 at 10:13:51

Great giveaway, sure hope I win, and am so glad I am selling on Bonanza after losing my job and no income, I am hoping to make some money this way!

HesterN1 says: 11/23/20 at 10:14:56

Would love to win,
Please keep safe during this period
Happy holidays

TheDalioCollection says: 11/23/20 at 10:20:45

Hey, every little bit helps! :)

nigellloydneale says: 11/23/20 at 10:21:21

Very informative.

ChiTownCollectible says: 11/23/20 at 10:27:25

Great Job. Happy holidays

ChipsAndGames says: 11/23/20 at 10:27:41

Who does not love a free raffle? Thank you for the opportunity.

shop_KSell says: 11/23/20 at 10:30:58

Sharing some early Christmas spirit

DianeNeill says: 11/23/20 at 10:32:08

This is awesome! Thanks so much

Nevadatreasures says: 11/23/20 at 10:32:30

I definitely could use Turbo Traffic! Please!!!! :)

TheScottsStopandShop says: 11/23/20 at 10:43:14

Found this platform on a humble and Im glad we did it looks to be very promising.

TVpart_house_store2 says: 11/23/20 at 10:45:09

My open door light stays on every traffic welcome

Fantasy_Zone says: 11/23/20 at 10:45:12

Thank you for your hard work! :-3

trottinbob says: 11/23/20 at 10:47:40

Enter me in raffle

moradnader says: 11/23/20 at 10:49:48

Looking forward to getting more sales this holiday season.

Racksoffprice says: 11/23/20 at 10:52:46

Turbo Traffic really helps

SpaceAgeAntiques says: 11/23/20 at 10:58:47

Count me in, TurboTraffic works great.

tomwayne1 says: 11/23/20 at 11:00:16

Hoping to get “TurboTraffic’d”

FantasticFinds2014 says: 11/23/20 at 11:01:20

These always help! Happy Holidays!

Once_Again says: 11/23/20 at 11:05:17

Appreciate the opportunity for more sales

dmhardy says: 11/23/20 at 11:05:22

Hi! Here’s to hoping!

Modellaire_Boutique says: 11/23/20 at 11:05:27

I’m new to Bonanza and love it! Much cheaper than Etsy!! It would be a dream come true to win a TurboTraffic pack.

BestPlaceToBuy says: 11/23/20 at 11:06:41

Nice video, Brianna!

BonanzaBrianna says in response: 11/25/20 at 15:03:33

Hello BestPlaceToBuy,

Thanks so much, very kind of you!

Reetal2020 says: 11/23/20 at 11:12:16


Blu_Dot_Drop says: 11/23/20 at 11:15:24

I’m in :)

RustyM37 says: 11/23/20 at 11:21:53


The_Fisher_King says: 11/23/20 at 11:23:23

Thumbs up for Brianna!

BonanzaBrianna says in response: 11/25/20 at 15:04:53

Hello The_Fisher_King,

TWO thumbs up to you, for supporting Bonanza :) Glad you enjoyed the video!

Trimita says: 11/23/20 at 11:27:26

Thank you for Turbo Traffic Raffle.

Dayna98 says: 11/23/20 at 11:34:40

Happy Holidays everyone and stay safe.

ZIANIS_CLOSET says: 11/23/20 at 11:42:19


MBC_Tools says: 11/23/20 at 11:44:45

Thanks for the raffle!

CNCSISTERS says: 11/23/20 at 11:55:20

Brand new to Bonanza, Etsy closed our shoppe without warning because we "grew to quickly’ & during a pandemic and days before the holiday kickoff. We are brand new to Bonanza, not new to online business. This sounds like a great idea and way for old our clients to find us easier! Xo

Sadsack2 says: 11/23/20 at 11:56:19

I am relatively new to Bonanza and have only sold three items, but I am glad to be here. Thank you for all the useful info.

ColorEbike says: 11/23/20 at 12:04:34

Greetings thanks for the opportunity we would like to participate and win this promotion to grow within the platform thanks.

BargainBuyouts says: 11/23/20 at 12:04:37

Thanks for the updates and tips and hope we all do well..Bonanza is my favorite site to sell on and would really like it to become more well known and popular

Dons_Guitars says: 11/23/20 at 12:10:05

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Black_Wolf_Market says: 11/23/20 at 12:10:12

Happy Holidays! Thank you for the opportunity for more traffic.

Deals_4U says: 11/23/20 at 12:11:16


Joshman501 says: 11/23/20 at 12:22:49

Happy holidays! Have a great Thanksgiving everyone and goodluck on the raffle!

ChoralisWoodArt says: 11/23/20 at 12:26:44

We would love to receive more traffic, thank you

Baby_Boomer_Proud says: 11/23/20 at 12:27:47

I would love to have Turbo Traffic in my arsenal to boost my Bonanza Sales. Thanks so much for the opportunity to enter the drawing.
Happy Holidays
A Blessed & Prosperous New Year to you all at Bonanza

Gifts2unique says: 11/23/20 at 12:29:46

New here, and would love to win. Looking forward to my first sale soon.

WaelSabbah says: 11/23/20 at 12:31:44

Hi everybody, I wish you good luck

TERE_cosmetics says: 11/23/20 at 12:36:21

excellent idea!

LadysClothesJewelry says: 11/23/20 at 12:39:13

This would be extremely handy. Count me in. I love Bonanza.

toyzfromthedarkside says: 11/23/20 at 12:45:16

Turbo Traffic!!

Steeps says: 11/23/20 at 12:50:07

Sounds grrrrrrrrrreat!!!

eandetrading says: 11/23/20 at 12:51:29

HAPPY Holidays… I hope I win this time, something positive in 2020…

ZipseB says: 11/23/20 at 12:51:53

I’m so glad to be getting my store all set up again just in time for the holidays! Bring it on!

bonzuser_hwvro says: 11/23/20 at 12:55:03

i’m Turbo Traffic Raffle Ready!!…

gjblalock says: 11/23/20 at 12:55:59

I could use some turbo traffic!

ArainaSparkles says: 11/23/20 at 12:57:23

Sounds like a plan. Best of luck to everyone!

HKMachine1fkv says: 11/23/20 at 13:05:55

Love selling on Bonanza, hope Turbo Traffic will increase sales, they are super slow.

zaid007 says: 11/23/20 at 13:07:56

Thanks, and good luck everyone

TurtleCorner says: 11/23/20 at 13:09:52

Yes, please!

FabulousFindsPlus says: 11/23/20 at 13:11:13

I want turbo

shep48 says: 11/23/20 at 13:14:46

thanks for the video and happy holidays

simplysouthernplus says: 11/23/20 at 13:16:02

Turbo Traffic!! YES PLEASE!!!

hed10 says: 11/23/20 at 13:26:22

I love the benefit of the turbo traffic ….will be glad to be one of the raffle’s winners !!!!

ljbush says: 11/23/20 at 13:35:07

What is TurboTraffic Raffle

BonanzaShelly says in response: 11/24/20 at 14:04:21

Hi ljbush! TurboTraffic is a burst of extra traffic to bring views and sales to your booth. We are giving away free packs of TurboTraffic to all who enter by commenting on this blog. You have been entered. You can read more about TurboTraffic here: https://support.bonanza.com/hc/en-us/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=turbotraffic

Creations_By_Sanford says: 11/23/20 at 13:36:31

Thanks for the helpful information.

MamasStuff says: 11/23/20 at 13:48:54

I wouldn’t mind winning!

promittere says: 11/23/20 at 13:52:13

No sales, need traffic :)

ExpressYourLoveGifts says: 11/23/20 at 13:53:19

More Traffic is wanted!

SassySacsDesigns says: 11/23/20 at 13:54:39

Sounds great! Good luck to all!!

GulfcoastBoutique says: 11/23/20 at 14:04:22

I would love to win a turbo traffic package. Wishing everyone good luck and Happy Holiday Season.

Bosnian_Shop says: 11/23/20 at 14:11:39

Happy turbo hunt!

smart_max says: 11/23/20 at 14:13:17

Forthcoming holidays are the most appropriate time for Turbo Traffic Raffle!

EdenSeeds says: 11/23/20 at 14:20:09

Awesome. Happy holidays.

TimelessTreas says: 11/23/20 at 14:20:27

Black Friday? Cyber Monday? The entire month of December?

FRANCESCAS_STORE says: 11/23/20 at 14:21:53

fingers crossed I need to win this one!

SWEETSUMMER says: 11/23/20 at 14:22:43

thank you for having this raffle I cant wait to try it

FABULOUS_FINDS_BOOTH says: 11/23/20 at 14:23:10

pick me pick me

misskeech says: 11/23/20 at 14:25:08

Thank you! What a great Christmas gift this would be! Good luck to everyone & Happy Holidays!!

Inosha says: 11/23/20 at 14:32:21

Wow..I’m interested to enter that Raffle and i’m so excited on that event. Thanks for the opportunity given for sellers like us.

Triciasjewelrybox says: 11/23/20 at 14:38:46

Turbo traffic would be great for the holidays!

FiresidEntertainment says: 11/23/20 at 14:48:57

Thank You Brianna!!!!!!!!!!!

BluesBro says: 11/23/20 at 14:53:37

This would be a nice item to win!

whatsitsgalore says: 11/23/20 at 14:55:11

Wow, nice prize, guys.

The_Browse_Shop says: 11/23/20 at 15:00:07

Division belongs in Math… Not between People.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Stay safe.

COIN_STAMPS_ETC says: 11/23/20 at 15:02:39

It would be nice to win as I could increase productivity & sales.

Extra_Mile_4_You says: 11/23/20 at 15:02:51

That Would Be Great, Love TurboTraffic, Thanks

NatureEssentials1010 says: 11/23/20 at 15:03:10

This is very helpful. Thank you.

Raythene says: 11/23/20 at 15:03:29

i need turbo traffic raffle hopefully i get to win happy holidays everyone

cking393 says: 11/23/20 at 15:06:57

Great – thanks!

Jemel says: 11/23/20 at 15:10:50

Happy Holidays!

LeeWhiteFL says: 11/23/20 at 15:12:45

Love the information and the raffle!

CLHSeller says: 11/23/20 at 15:49:24

That video was so helpful. I appreciate all the new features

gr8magz says: 11/23/20 at 15:51:59

TurboTraffic is a fantastic tool! Please enter me in the raffle. Happy Holidays!

BeautifulBargain says: 11/23/20 at 15:53:12

Please enter me in this raffle

no one says: 11/23/20 at 16:08:00

Turbo Traffic Raffle

Online_Mall says: 11/23/20 at 16:12:53

I barely have any Bonanza sales so I can never afford any extras like TurboTraffic. I would love to try it out and this raffle would be a great way!

bonanzaplush says: 11/23/20 at 16:25:06

valuable if the price of turbo traffic is lower.

The_Buyster_Market says: 11/23/20 at 16:28:53

Thank you for your generosity, ebay & Amazon will never do this for sellers

sparkleize says: 11/23/20 at 16:31:24

Please, yes add me in and thank you very much for a chance to win!!!!

Tiffanys_Etc says: 11/23/20 at 16:34:41

I haven’t had much luck when I tried turbo traffic & paid for it. Maybe a free package of TT will be better? It’s certainly a great time to try it again.

autonutt says: 11/23/20 at 16:37:10

Wishing all my fellow Bonanzlers a safe, happy and prosperous holiday weekend from autonutt’s AUTO 411!

harleykoas69 says: 11/23/20 at 16:37:23

Turbo traffic would be nice

harmoneecreates says: 11/23/20 at 16:42:57

Need a boost!

tower721 says: 11/23/20 at 16:52:55

Only the best on the Turbo Traffic Raffle

CountryLaneJewelry says: 11/23/20 at 16:59:51

Count us in !!! Happy selling to all !!!

Fun50Stuff says: 11/23/20 at 17:16:18

I tried a Turbo Traffic pack for the first time last month, got a lot more views!

KathiF61 says: 11/23/20 at 17:20:26

The turbo traffic raffle would be the perfect holiday gift to increase sales

JcurtisGifts says: 11/23/20 at 17:22:25

2020 blows. At least PODTurbo doesn’t

SNSHORN says: 11/23/20 at 17:38:12

need the help to get the selling started

CandyCreator says: 11/23/20 at 17:45:50

Great raffle, thanks!

wonndunn says: 11/23/20 at 17:46:28

Turbo Traffic would be great to help improve my sales. Thanks so much for the opportunity! Happy Holidays!

Home4887 says: 11/23/20 at 17:47:48

Thank you

AreteTrading says: 11/23/20 at 18:04:12

Nice! Good luck everyone…

countrykelliea says: 11/23/20 at 18:04:28

would love to win this to help my business :)

cctvdefence says: 11/23/20 at 18:10:20

Just Great

tenview2016 says: 11/23/20 at 18:12:30

would love winning the Turbo Traffic,one useful tool

Nola_Discount_Shop says: 11/23/20 at 18:28:07

Thanks for all of your helpful suggestions. Happy Holidays!

StarWars_Shop says: 11/23/20 at 18:29:18

that will be very nice from you, i wish to get tried with this turbo traffic

npg777 says: 11/23/20 at 18:41:25

Thank you Brianna! Happy Holidays to all!

ozzies_variety_store says: 11/23/20 at 19:26:38

Cant wait to try turbo traffic for free

honestypays says: 11/23/20 at 19:27:16

Thanks for the raffle. Happy Holidays!

jashenafab says: 11/23/20 at 19:33:29

I wish and pray I win the turbo traffic! Thank you bonanza!

shopbestforyou says: 11/23/20 at 19:40:08

happy Holidays to everyone!

junebugstreasure says: 11/23/20 at 19:40:55

I have not used TurboTraffic, but I am interested to see if it can increase sales.

Gooey_Ghost says: 11/23/20 at 19:42:17

I’d like to test Turbo Traffic and see if it does anything.

NdnAllstar says: 11/23/20 at 20:01:11

NDN All-Stars wishes you all Happy Holidays!

BargainHunterCrafts says: 11/23/20 at 20:08:55

Hi Bonz
would love to win

mindran55 says: 11/23/20 at 20:09:41

I am for the Turbo Traffic Raffle. I would like to improve my sales, who doesn’t?

Elite_Fragrance says: 11/23/20 at 20:23:56


DavidL2727 says: 11/23/20 at 20:25:34

Merry Christmas to me!

Gumos12345 says: 11/23/20 at 20:30:54


vintagesan says: 11/23/20 at 20:35:20

Love to try it. Sandra

imalka120 says: 11/23/20 at 21:25:26

I would love Turbo Traffic

TheSilverSaga says: 11/23/20 at 21:31:51

Happy holidays everyone!
Winning the Turbo Traffic raffle will be awesome! :)

mahoni_team says: 11/23/20 at 21:44:45

Count me in! Thank you Brianna!

sahotrocks says: 11/23/20 at 22:17:38

Thank you for this opportunity.
I’ve been ranking up points in the hope of earning a special critique on my booth. A TURBO TRAFFIC RAFFLE would be just fantabulous. I have not sold a single thing in 3 months, so I’m thinking of moving everything to one of my other shops.

printproudly says: 11/23/20 at 22:29:06

count me in please
thank you

TerriblyGoodStickers says: 11/23/20 at 22:43:48

I would love to be added to the raffle being that i am a new store on Bonaza and would love the exposure

cmsilver says: 11/23/20 at 23:39:48

Thanks for the video it is of much help!
i hope i win the raffle :)

KawaiiClothing says: 11/24/20 at 00:41:39

Turbo Traffic Raffle

Ydj says: 11/24/20 at 00:55:23

I love it when it succeeds.

bingoshop says: 11/24/20 at 01:06:13

This marketplace is a my only favorite one. I would love Turbo Traffic for the holidays!

davidsenterprise says: 11/24/20 at 01:06:28

Peace love and prosperity

Betta_Believe_It_ says: 11/24/20 at 01:33:16

Love Turbo Traffic. Keep it coming

tkumara37 says: 11/24/20 at 01:49:49

its super for more sales i am so happy

Rare_1_bonanza_com says: 11/24/20 at 02:11:14

Happy holidays

Teampansky says: 11/24/20 at 02:11:16

Please let it be me !

ArtizayIndia says: 11/24/20 at 02:28:54

Wow! You guys are always thinking about us sellers. Thank you so much. Innovation is Bonanza.

Green_World_Shop says: 11/24/20 at 03:05:25

I would love winning the Turbo Traffic Raffle

katiekatskloset says: 11/24/20 at 03:22:45

Thank you for having this raffle!!

onemanstreasure16 says: 11/24/20 at 03:54:01

Thank you Bonanza!

mnlfultz says: 11/24/20 at 04:10:54

Great giveaway! Would love to win!

goldenartist says: 11/24/20 at 04:13:52

I would love to experience the power of Turbo Traffic!

CuSmileShop says: 11/24/20 at 04:28:46

Thanks so much for information. Really want the Turbo Traffic

Giamer says: 11/24/20 at 04:49:22

Would it help improve sales significantly? Happy holidays.

Legal_Limits says: 11/24/20 at 04:58:35

GREAT I could really use the help.

A_little_bit_of_this says: 11/24/20 at 04:58:42

Hoping for this, need all the help I can get!

Twisted_Crystals says: 11/24/20 at 05:08:20

Thank you for the helpful post!! I hope to have much success here. I am brand new to the site.

tegger says: 11/24/20 at 05:32:09

Winning would be a good way to try Turbo Traffic.

krisd says: 11/24/20 at 05:45:54

Have had one sale here in years other sites doing ok not here have tried turbo traffic prior with no results I understand times are not good but even when they were I got nothing here.
Best Wishes Stay Safe

BonanzaShelly says in response: 11/24/20 at 12:06:40

Hi krisd,
Thanks for commenting on the blog. I took a quick look at your booth. Your items are approved by Google Shopping and we are purchasing ads for them. However, you would get many more views if you added keywords to your listings. For instance, the Mini Artificial Trees Set of 2 1991. What could this item be used for? In the description consider adding keywords like “Add to your model train set” “Great for a miniature railroad track”, “Perfect for your doll’s playhouse” “Arts & Crafts trees”. Anything you can think of that people might be searching for when they want your items.
I’ve got you entered in the drawing for TurboTraffic, good luck!

Heulynch says: 11/24/20 at 06:14:36

I would love to Win the Turbo Traffic Raffle and Increase my sales in Bonanza.

caprice86 says: 11/24/20 at 06:45:41

Great Idea! Thanks.

gladustopped says: 11/24/20 at 07:29:28

Great! Thanks for the offer – especially nice for the holiday shopping spree.

TimePeace says: 11/24/20 at 07:41:06

Pretty new Bonanza seller here, excited to start seeing some movement from the Turbo Traffic initiative :) Thanks Brianna for the resource and Happy BFCM weekend to all

youvegottreasure says: 11/24/20 at 08:16:14

Happy Holidays – good luck everyone! ;)

AndrewT983 says: 11/24/20 at 08:17:51

Great giveaway for holiday sales!

Grand_Choices says: 11/24/20 at 08:44:36

I would love winning the Turbo Traffic RaffleAnd Improving In My Sales…

HazleSurplus says: 11/24/20 at 08:57:27

Sales have been sporadic, however, we are offering great deals. Added bonus, if someone makes an offer we’ll consider it as we’re looking to RETIRE!! :o). Happy Thanksgiving – stay safe, listen to wise counsel.

countryclutter says: 11/24/20 at 09:06:24

Wow! Me please.

moradnader says: 11/24/20 at 09:18:22

Wow..I’m interested to enter that Raffle and i’m so excited on that event. Thanks for the opportunity given for sellers like us.

debkay1205 says: 11/24/20 at 09:22:16

Thanks for a chance to win!

public-direct says: 11/24/20 at 09:37:11

I really need some turbo traffic.

DavidL2727 says: 11/24/20 at 10:27:36

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

HappyHealthySafeLife says: 11/24/20 at 10:50:36


rosies-treasures says: 11/24/20 at 10:57:21

Sure could use some traffic… heck, if it works, I’ll scrape up the dough to do it again!

MsMagical says: 11/24/20 at 11:31:13

This would be a positive experience in a really rough year

Rare_1_bonanza_com says: 11/24/20 at 12:03:34

Best wishes

MommyOf2QTsScentWork says: 11/24/20 at 12:04:27

Please enter me. Thanks for running a raffle.

Rare_1_bonanza_com says: 11/24/20 at 12:04:38

Best wishes

themotorcyclestore says: 11/24/20 at 12:13:28

Show me the traffic!!!!

MothyCrow says: 11/24/20 at 12:26:47

Happy holidays all! Stay safe and warm.

Sathandra says: 11/24/20 at 12:28:34

I have a few hundred products for sale. Bonanza sales have been pretty slow throughout the year. Would be nice to see sales increase, especially during 4th quarter

JungledogLabs says: 11/24/20 at 12:36:00

Turbo Traffic rocks! Happy Holidays!

no one says: 11/24/20 at 12:51:36

Still learning my way around and can use all the help I can get for sales.

pml_treasures8 says: 11/24/20 at 12:55:38

I’ve never tried Turbo Traffic, but I look forward to seeing how it helps!

Missgeorgia says: 11/24/20 at 13:09:09

I think the Raffle is a great idea and fun too! I’d like to take a shot at getting lucky. It sure would help my sales!!

Alpha_Sport says: 11/24/20 at 13:10:16

well that should be nice !

Stardust_Memories says: 11/24/20 at 13:10:23

43 items sold since February on Bonanza, 261 items sold since August on eBay.

Stardust_Memories says: 11/24/20 at 13:11:41

43 items sold since February on Bonanza, 261 items sold since August on eBay.

TurtleCreamBeans says: 11/24/20 at 13:13:38

Happy Holidays to all and to all a clear sight!

cctvdefence says: 11/24/20 at 13:57:46


Danysony says: 11/24/20 at 13:59:17

Happy to have the raffle.

UrbanTechWraps says: 11/24/20 at 14:21:32

Still waiting for my first sale ( just opened an account ) excited to see if this site is better than Etsy

Snaak says: 11/24/20 at 14:25:21

Pick me!!

GiftBuddy says: 11/24/20 at 15:34:22

Thank you!

Amy_Zahn says: 11/24/20 at 16:54:03

Thanks! ????

BonanzaShelly says: 11/24/20 at 17:29:33

Closing comments for the raffle. Winners will be posted and notified by email on Wednesday, November 24th. Good luck everyone, and thank you so much for entering.

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