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Seller Spotlight: Sirrý Design
Mar 16, 2021

Seller Spotlight: Sirrý Design

Hi, Shelly here. Occasionally we like to use the blog to shine a spotlight on some of our great sellers. We have a wonderfully diverse group of sellers on Bonanza, with a lot of small businesses you might want to support. I interviewed Sirrý Design this week to learn how their business started, what makes them tick, and what advice they have for other sellers. I'm excited to introduce you to Sirrý Design's creator, Sigríður. You can visit her booth here

image of booth banner

How did  Sirrý Design get its start?

Sirrý  Design started with my passion from a young age for unique & pretty jewelry. So later in my life decided to follow my dreams to study goldsmithing. I finished my basic goldsmith education in 2013 in EUC Lillebælt, Fredericia, Denmark. Since then I have been working on my dream to have my own store.

What is the process of designing and producing your jewelry?

Creating jewelry is fascinating, complex, and consists of several stages, which can take weeks or months.

Step 1 - Sketch out the design. Making jewelry begins with an idea. As with an architect who first sketches a design of a house, a jewelry designer begins by putting the vision and imagination onto paper. But sometimes they just happen when I'm working and I make the prototype from the heart. I’m a fan of blank journals and sketches of design ideas as they come to me. As soon as I think of an idea, I draw it. If I don’t have a notebook easily accessible, I find a scrap of paper to write it down so that I don’t forget Inspiration for a specific jewelry design often comes at unexpected times and places.

Step 2 - Experiment. The next stage is making the prototype of the jewelry itself. Sometimes the design process is straightforward. Other times I might experiment with a new metalsmithing technique. Some jewelry is complicated to make and I need to create it first to find out how the object should be made and how I'm going to make it in the future. Other times, the end result isn’t quite how I imagined it would be, but I’m satisfied with the changes. Occasionally, it just doesn’t work at all.

Step 3 - Share with the world on social media. When I have finished polishing the jewelry, I go to the photoshoot process. And when everything is ready, I am ready to put products on my website and all the available social media like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.

How did you get the beautiful images you are using?

Taking good pictures of jewelry is a lot of work, it takes a lot of effort and patience. I take all the pictures myself and actually do everything myself regarding Sirrý design. When I have finished designing, creating, and polishing the jewelry or a collection, I start the process of shooting pictures of the jewelry, which is with a homemade shooting box. I take a lot of pictures with many different points of view and layouts. I need to find the right images and process them in Photoshop to get the pictures as well as possible.

How did you hear about Bonanza?

Actually, I found Bonanza on Google a few years ago and opened a Booth, but didn't do anything about the booth until now, January 2021. Then I opened it properly and put in a lot of products.

Do you have a favorite quote you'd like to share?

If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.

What do you like to do when you are not maintaining your booth?

In my free time, I enjoy meeting and having a good time with my family and friends. I also find it important to think about health and mind, so yoga is very important to me.


Thanks so much to Sigríður for sharing the story of how she got her start! You can see her fabulous jewelry here.

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13 responses to Seller Spotlight: Sirrý Design

DiscountCrafts4U says: 03/16/21 at 08:46:03

The problem with Bonanza is I sell 10 items on Ebay to every 1 item on Bonanza. I wish I could just sell on Bonanza and get rid of my Ebay stores. Are you selling a lot of items on Bonanza? Jeff

Callixte_Shoes says: 03/16/21 at 11:48:04

I love your favorite quote and I bet it defines you well

Zelis_Leather says: 03/16/21 at 13:41:44

C’est un article très utile qui peut servir les vendeurs dans leurs démarches afin de booster les ventes.
Merci beaucoup

BonanzaShelly says in response: 03/18/21 at 10:33:50

Hi Zelis_Leather! Thanks for your comment, we’re glad you enjoyed the post!

EmpressDepot says: 03/16/21 at 20:32:57

Beautiful booth and I love your jewelry style. I gave your booth a fave.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 03/18/21 at 10:35:27

Hi EmpressDepot,
thanks for stopping by Sirry’s Design to make it a favorite!

antivirusspecialist says: 03/16/21 at 21:50:27

Good collection of jewellery

BonanzaShelly says in response: 03/18/21 at 10:36:29

Hi antivirusspecialist! Thanks for your kind words!

SoftwareJunction says: 03/17/21 at 06:09:27

Bonanza is cool but sales are lower than on eBay . eBay sucks big time but you have to put up with it. I hope it changes one day.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 03/18/21 at 10:45:32

Hi SoftwareJunction,
Thanks for your comment. We’re glad to have your business on Bonanza even though the sales may be lower than ebay. Stay tuned to the blog for some upcoming promotions you can participate in.

SirryDesign says: 03/17/21 at 07:28:58

Hi Jeff, sales here at Bonanza are also very slow for me, but I was hoping that would change. Probably it takes a long time to have more and steady sales here.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 03/18/21 at 10:44:15

Hi Sigríður! Thanks for adding your response. Jewelry is a competitive category, but we expect you’ll get the word out on social media and let your friends, family, and past customers know about your new store here on Bonanza. Thanks again for letting us feature your business!

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