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Join the Bonanzle Action Club
Oct 2, 2008

Join the Bonanzle Action Club

Our community has proven time and time again that if we set our mind to a goal we can achieve anything. So when Mark and I sat down a few days ago to ask ourselves how we can keep up Bonanzle's momentum and continue to increase our buyer traffic, our first thought was the obvious one: get the community involved! Thus, the Bonanzle Action Club (BAC) was born! The BAC will consist of up to 50 of our most highly motivated, action-minded Bonanzlers who will work together with us toward weekly goals that will help Bonanzle burst through the atmosphere and into orbit (that's a good thing, trust me).

What Does It Take to Join?

Each week, every BAC member will be given one actionable objective to help Bonanzle grow. The task will never take more than 20 minutes of your time. Some examples of a BAC objective might include: post a comment about Bonanzle on a specific forum or blog; email a specific media person to tell them to feature the site; or Digg some article about the site. We will email you at the beginning of each week to let you know what the week's action objective is. The objective will also show up in the list of BAC objectives (accessible via "My Bonanzle"). When you complete the objective, you check it off your list, and your karma + Bonanzle cred increase a notch. We should be clear that joining the BAC is an important commitment. If you are considering signing up, you should be willing and ready to follow through on the objectives. We are limiting enrollment to 50 people, so that we only keep people on board who feel that Bonanzle is worth 15-20 minutes of their time per week.

What's In It for YOU?

Plenty! First of all, the more traffic that Bonanzle gets, the more traffic your booth gets and the better the chances that you can make Bonanzle your permanent residence for buying and selling items. Secondly, members of the BAC will be given priority status for support requests and will have a higher say in prioritizing our objectives for Bonanzle. BAC members will also have a pretty slick avatar added to their profile to identify them as a BAC member (starting Friday). You can wear your BAC badge with honor, knowing that you have played a vital part in Bonanzle's growth. Buyers who see this badge will know that you are an integral (and probably trustable!) part of the Bonanzle community. Trust = Sales. Sales = Good.

What Are You Waiting for?

You have already witnessed firsthand what we can accomplish in our community. Now imagine what happens when we channel that energy towards one goal each week to help drive traffic to the site. Operators are standing by! Go to "My Bonanzle" and click the new link near the bottom of the page that mentions the Bonanzle Action Club.

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102 responses to Join the Bonanzle Action Club

oshunspirit1 says: 10/02/08 at 03:54:03

I would be happy to help you out. Great job moving forward guys!

bharding says: 10/02/08 at 03:57:33

Well, that was quick! I hardly got done posting the blog! :)

Thanks oshunspirit! I feel like the first member should get a cookie, but I’m a bad cook.

cleosgreatdeals says: 10/02/08 at 04:03:20

Count me in….

OctoberMoon says: 10/02/08 at 04:09:10

I would love to be a member of the BAC!

no one says: 10/02/08 at 04:21:54

Good morning Bill,

Can I get a Reservation spot? I’d like to help PROMOTE the site. Gotta go to primary job right now, but will be back later today.
Thanks again for an escape from ebay. Leo

Liquidation says: 10/02/08 at 04:23:11

I’m in!

bizbelle says: 10/02/08 at 04:29:39

Count me in!

MNblarneystone says: 10/02/08 at 05:43:54

This is important for all of us to succeed. I would like to apply.

Cindy'sCloset says: 10/02/08 at 06:01:06

I would like to add my name please.

ZiggyZool says: 10/02/08 at 06:12:29

Well can I please… please… preety please with sugar on top… PLEASE … join your club? I know there’s only 50 spots but I’d be honored to be a member… but shoot even if you pick somebody else I’ll still be getting the word out the best way I know how… :D Zig

LouisianaFrillseeker says: 10/02/08 at 06:28:46

Me too..count me in.

fashionrunway says: 10/02/08 at 06:43:00

Count me in too!

unique3 says: 10/02/08 at 07:04:07

Finger poised, ready, set go! When do I start Bill!

pishposh59 says: 10/02/08 at 07:32:34

Go Bonanzle go! Sign me up! Great idea!

justmehobbit says: 10/02/08 at 07:37:59

Count me in!


clearanceclarence says: 10/02/08 at 07:50:56

I can do it. I WILL do it. Please enroll me.

leeflang_magazines says: 10/02/08 at 08:00:10

Please enroll me.

Woodyswag says: 10/02/08 at 08:10:36

Please enroll me.


Razmear says: 10/02/08 at 09:04:24

Sign me up Bill,


twysp2 says: 10/02/08 at 09:04:27

I wanna do it BUT I am computer lame and do not know all the lingo that others do. SOoo put me down as #50 if that works for you. I will be/am committed to try hard and have my “karma + Bonanzle cred increase a notch.” lol

Thanks, Marla

bonanzamark says: 10/02/08 at 09:35:51

Wow, what a great response. So glad to see so many familiar names. We are going to show what the power of a community can accomplish when we all work towards one goal. Roll up your sleeves BAC, we are going to get busy soon!

graphicsbymoondog says: 10/02/08 at 10:21:49

I’ll help! What a great idea!

Felicitations says: 10/02/08 at 10:30:13

Sign me up if you can use me.

Rykar says: 10/02/08 at 11:16:21

I would be more then happy to join. Please add me.

ASqueakyFoot says: 10/02/08 at 11:17:11

i’m in!!

funkygarb says: 10/02/08 at 11:20:01

I’m brand new here but I’d love to help if you think I’m worthy :)

bharding says: 10/02/08 at 13:11:24

Two spots left in the Bonanzle Action Club as of 1 pm PST. What an incredible response! Eat your heart out, eBay.

BargainBasement says: 10/02/08 at 13:14:41

Signed up early this morning, at least I think it confirmed that I did, right? Sandy

CabinFever says: 10/02/08 at 13:17:44

If I am not too late, I would like to join!

kaceysaces says: 10/02/08 at 13:28:13

Count me in! Happy to be a part of it.

gigicat says: 10/02/08 at 13:43:44

I joined and am happy to be included!


zanderbooks says: 10/02/08 at 13:47:21

Yikes, it looks like I’m too late for the party!

Could I possibly be Alternate #1?!!

Thanks for the Great Idea, Bill and Mark!!


nflgirl says: 10/02/08 at 13:58:07

Where have I been! I just noticed this BAC! Well, I reckon I’m too late! What can a very small seller do to help? Let’s see, Craig’s List, Emails, Friends and Neighbors and it’s amazing how far Word of Mouth can go! Wow! I can do all that and maybe, just maybe, that BAC list will grow as we grow!

O.K. BACers! Keep up the good work and us little guys will do our part!

Bonanzle Rules!!!!!!!!!!!

EastCoastNightGirl says: 10/02/08 at 13:59:08

Count the nightshift in here. I’m willing.

renagade says: 10/02/08 at 14:10:10

Darn…full up!!…well I am ready and willing if ever needed!!

timelessbooks says: 10/02/08 at 15:46:31

Ready and willing too if needed!

Dude&Chick says: 10/02/08 at 17:52:46

I missed it! My daughter’s birthday was today and haven’t been one the computer! Well I will keep my eyes open for when spots open up :)

wicklessscents says: 10/02/08 at 18:27:13

Wow it’s perfect. I wish I would have thought about this! :>) Great work guys. I would love to help with anything and everything that will help the growth of Bonanzle!! Please count me in.

yellowsand1964 says: 10/02/08 at 19:18:31

plz let me in

MamaBear says: 10/02/08 at 23:40:45

Ready and willing and would love to join. Shucks..missed it..computer just had to go and crash. Let me know if I can help in any way.

fullspectrumorganics says: 10/03/08 at 08:17:00

Spent hours blogging Bonanzle yesterday and didnt know about this offer. Gosh am bummed out now as I even shut down my store on ebay and removed all my listings there as am a powerseller there.

I hit the high profile blogs that hit main stream media and not typical free blogs or posts. Such as hit ebay where it hurts on investor pages like google, yahoo, forbes, and places investors plus typical people that may peek here.

My focus has been buyers and even hit ebay post about this site as on top of it told my PS rep yesterday on the phone your boss is crazy John Donohue and that I was going to Bonanzle and she said good luck!

sofyblu2 says: 10/03/08 at 18:20:39

I signed up early yesterday and forgot to leave my note- but we’re in! RAH RAH RAH :)where do we pick up our pom poms?

stop1st says: 10/03/08 at 19:33:23

Ready. Please enroll.

no one says: 10/04/08 at 09:59:59

Amazing concept! I am in just wish spots were open lol! well I will be soon and you know what us that didn’t get in to the 50 can still promote just like I and many of us already our, use blogs, myspace, youtube, etc.. Go Bonanzle! we are going to be the next best thing!!!

patsyshort says: 10/04/08 at 11:16:00

I would love to join – I want this to go over the moon – to be the best and I will do what it takes to get there !!!!
Blessings to all

no one says: 10/05/08 at 01:41:42

I am just now setting up my booth but I love everything I see about Bonanzle and would love to join if you still need anyone. I’ll have my booth up and running as soon as I decide on my custom categories.

This site has more promise than any I have looked into and I will be doing everything I can to get the word out whether I’m chosen or not. :o)

no one says: 10/05/08 at 01:44:28

Ooops, I see I’m late. But, if you ever need a replacement, I’m here. I’m online almost 24/7 and I’ll always be glad to help do whatever I can.

gbme1 says: 10/05/08 at 08:33:44

If it’s not too late or if you are allowing more to join. I’d like to be in. If not, I’ll still try to do my part to promote wherever and however I can. Thanks!

ScarletsLounge says: 10/05/08 at 11:47:26

Promote Bonanzle at your Post Office to advertise to local shippers. So many online sellers go to the post office, so it is a great way to promote.
The first time I read about an ebay boycott was on a flier at my local Post Office.

pantiesandbodychains says: 10/05/08 at 13:03:17

As a true SEO freak, I would be happy to help. Any spot openings?

bagsbabylon says: 10/06/08 at 00:40:55

I love everything about Bonanzle! Sign me up, I shall do my best, I promise!

TexasboysTreasures says: 10/07/08 at 05:08:35

Seems as though I am a day late and a dollar short. However If you decide to up the number of members or someone can’t fulfill their part I would be honored to join. I am retired and have plenty of time to do Bonanzle’s bidding. Having spent time in the service I understand how team work can help us all, by joining forces we can make Bonanzle a strong marketplace where we all call benefit. Or even if there are things you would like me to do just ask, we are all already part of the Bonanzle family. The kudo’s would be great, but helping each other is first.
Thank You and good luck to us all.
James aka Texasboys-Treasures

quiltstencilsandmore says: 10/07/08 at 14:05:12

I’s be more than happy to help out too! I must have missed the blurb on this earlier.

ladylee says: 10/07/08 at 23:39:29

Ahhh .. Too late to join, however I have tried to promote traffic by doing away with my business’ online catalog …. now when visitors go to the website & click to go to our online catalog it takes them to my Bonanzle Booth. I have also grabbed a Bonanzle banner and placed it on my website with a link. We are just a small shop in a small town and this is a great online venue for the “little guy”. I tell all my customers that come in about Bonanzle… ever little bit helps!

buttercup says: 10/09/08 at 10:51:39

Too late for me as well. But will try my best to promote this site by sending emails to my loyal buyers and prospective buyers from the other site.
Cheers to all !

EvesBooth says: 10/10/08 at 03:55:51

If you up the anty I’ll be in also. Just got back from vacation and missed this opportunity :( Please reconsider to take on more members.

ShellWorld says: 10/15/08 at 13:26:37

I guess I am to late also and have been doing a lot of my own promotions from the day we signed up I also have over 16 new sellers that have joined that we invited through private email. if you add to the numbers please count us in
Thank you and will continue on promoting

myauctionsource says: 10/28/08 at 10:12:30

I’d love to help too. I’ve already gave good review on a podcast interview with The Savvy Seller!

thetlcshoppe says: 10/29/08 at 14:47:22

I’m ready to jump onboard. You know I certainly am putting my all into promoting Bonanzle. Any room for me now?

thetlcshoppe says: 10/29/08 at 14:47:25

I’m ready to jump onboard. You know I certainly am putting my all into promoting Bonanzle. Any room for me now?

ANightOwl says: 10/29/08 at 20:09:39

Well, I see there are other hopefuls ahead of me, but if you ever get down this far I would love to be a member. :-)

DaVincisCellar says: 11/01/08 at 06:14:35

I’d love to help out here. Count me in! Are you sure 50 is enough?

pieper says: 11/03/08 at 10:19:28

Put me on the alternate list please.

anteeklady says: 11/03/08 at 10:51:55

Count me in! I am a media relations person and can help out in so many ways to market this site! I’m working on my contact at Harpo Productions re: Oprah’s show right now!

envision says: 11/07/08 at 04:12:21

I’m In!!!!! My intution is in the near future we will overrun that other selling site that has been unfair to it;s sellers.Most of us have autos so I suggest a simple advertising ploy would be to put a bumper sticker or magnet on them reading BONANZLE.COM. I personally would purchase one.The profits should be posted on billboards accross the nation. I’m also willing to donate 10% of my profits to Bonanzle to promote this very unique selling alternative.

whppdhubby says: 11/09/08 at 14:33:22

I will give it a shot as well!

cbkeryn says: 11/10/08 at 16:37:47

If there is any opening still, I am more then willing and able….

CatPurry says: 11/12/08 at 08:20:34

If you need a second stringer, I am available and promise to obey the Girl Scout… oh wait, different club. Well, I’ll obey the Bonanzle rules. I love Bonanzle Woo HOO!
PC ( I hear Voices 45)

SherAhnn says: 11/15/08 at 07:34:38

If anyone drops out of the 50. Do we get a chance to get in?

GildedElegance says: 11/17/08 at 05:25:58

BONANZLE has given us a voice. I would welcome the opportunity to use it. Anything I can do please “COUNT ME IN”.

GrandmasCloset says: 11/28/08 at 20:16:33

I would love to have a spot on the Bonanzle Action club!!

MelMerica says: 12/12/08 at 06:33:13

I’m just getting started here on Bonanzle. When the items I have left on e-Bay are over….NO MORE !

Bonanzle Rules….e-Bay Drools !

If you expand the BAC…I’m there for you !!

sterlingdragonfly says: 12/14/08 at 06:34:32

I want in! I am so THRILLED with this site! I am two weeks old on here, a transfer from eb. This is such a fun and refreshing site after all the rif raf out there. I love the enlightening attitude from Bonanzle and all the people on it. Way to go!!!! Yipeeeeeeeeee I love it!!!!!!

A_O_and_DDP says: 12/29/08 at 01:09:43

I would enjoy being considered for this rewarding user position.

If and when there comes an opening, please ask anything of me that would help you to determine if my placement on the BAC Team would be advantageous to all of Bonanzle.


mcbryn7923 says: 12/29/08 at 05:28:54

Would love to join, I’ve been trying to promote any way I can. I sent out 400 email invitations yesterday.

JKyle says: 12/29/08 at 08:32:58

If you up the numbers sign me up

saracom says: 12/29/08 at 16:00:00

If you have room for one more, I would love to join, Julie

greystonemanor says: 01/03/09 at 13:33:16

I’d like to add my name to that waiting list! Still trying to get my booth set up and items listed, but … looks like it’ll be a while here! This site is great, and there are so many suggestions listed here for ways ALL of us can help to spread the word about this site!

Sunflower_Boutique says: 01/13/09 at 06:37:26

Sign me up also, I have computer savy and I am willing to help any way I can!

TheCrystalRose says: 01/16/09 at 16:07:04

Definately put me on the list as well~

jammatun says: 02/01/09 at 13:58:51

Hi, You probably have enough people for this already, but please add me to the waitlist!

KuriousFinds says: 02/01/09 at 18:35:48

I have been a trading assistant on the other place and have been selling online for 7 years plus I have my own website. I’m also a web master so if I can help in any way please put me on the list I would love for you guys to be so much greater than that “other place”…

Pieces-of-the-Past says: 02/16/09 at 10:33:03

Just found out about this. I would love to be added to the waiting list or if you increase the number of members to BAC ~ Thanks

thecrabbynook says: 02/16/09 at 11:00:11

I am unable to find the link to join BAC. Is there a waiting list? You can add me anytime! Thank you!

vinewood says: 02/16/09 at 15:23:55

mark or bill

please add me thx a million regards wes , vinewood

FKTreasures says: 02/16/09 at 20:17:30

what does it take to join the BAC when there is openings? Is there a fee? Is a person required to be a Premier Memeber?

CALIFORNIATREASURES says: 02/16/09 at 20:58:01

Is the BAC club still open to join or is it full?

apennyforluck says: 02/22/09 at 02:03:55

You could add us if there is room.

VandalayIndustries says: 03/08/09 at 11:43:28

We’re next in line after apennnyforluck. Do we form lines here?

canacreations says: 03/21/09 at 22:21:03

Must we meet and swear what happens in BAC stays in BAC or are there oaths like Masons….Secret handshakes..Club De-coder Rings. It was full when we got here but Bill I am on line all day everyday so if you ever need anything just let me know.

ShabbyGirlCosmetics says: 06/03/09 at 16:27:03

Hi! Would absolutely love to join & help out where ever I can. This site is great, and I’m all for increasing traffic and doing whatever possible to see Bonanzle grow : )

Grandmas2 says: 06/23/09 at 09:41:35

Would love to help out. I already do! Brought many over from other sites.

BQSDEnterprises says: 08/24/09 at 16:19:08

I would love to be considered for this. I strongly beleive in bonanzle and the great things it stands for. thanks

CoveredBridgeStore says: 09/17/09 at 09:22:26

ok – how do I sign up?

bfruendt says: 09/29/09 at 06:38:26

Please count me in I would appreciate it wholeheartedly Bonanzle Rocks.
hugs to mark, bill and tom and the rest of the staff here at bonanzle

MamawsButtonsAndMore says: 01/23/10 at 23:24:49

I would love to be put in. I really believe in what bonanzle stands for and I would love to help out.

townsquaregiftshop says: 01/29/10 at 12:13:46

I would love to be considered. I find this a very inviting place to buy and sell and would love to take part.

recycled-memories says: 01/31/10 at 14:43:19

I want in, maybe it’s time to let a few more of us join…

MONTROSE says: 02/28/10 at 07:55:56

This is the BeST club to have been created back in October 02, 2008. In order to continue creating ongoing mAx exposure, expanding the 50-limit on a quarterly or semi-annual basis by replenishing previous 50 with new members would allow a continual refreshment for continual exposure and growth. New memberships arrive daily with qualified knowledge varied within networking, etc bringing Bonz awareness worldwide…+hank you, MONTROSE (Feb 28, 2010)

PegsPlace says: 06/15/10 at 21:19:49

Hey… got any openings yet? Love Bonanzle and it’s people!!! ((happy huggz))

TimsDiamondWillow says: 06/27/10 at 13:17:39

So I see this says 50 openings, and there are 100 responses

(no, i didn’t read them all)

But I’d love to be a member Would love to help out.

Stellarstarseller says: 09/03/10 at 10:51:47

Would love to help in any way. Always willing to give a helping hand on Bonanzle.

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