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Find Everything but the Ordinary
Sep 23, 2008

Find Everything but the Ordinary

Greetings Bonanzlers! Most of you will probably notice a few changes on the home page and in the logo today. I wanted to take a minute to explain what the changes mean and why we made them.

What the Changes Are - At a Glance

We changed the text of the title bar, the founder's quote, and the tagline (in the logo, under the word "Bonanzle"). Previously, the title and founder's quote mentioned that we were the best alternative amongst lookalike eBay alternatives. The tagline said "Real people. Real Deals. Real Time." Real catchy stuff, you betchya. The gist of the new messaging is that Bonanzle is the best place to buy and sell unique items with friendly people.

You know, we've always had a soft spot for the extraordinary...

Why the Change?

With more than 100k items (where's the blog about that, anyway? Slackers!) posted, the continuation of monthly traffic tripling, and more positive press streaming in, it's high time that Bonanzle makes some important decisions about its future. Our most important business goal is to create an environment where sellers sell their items. It's one thing to build a great inventory of items and sellers, and we've succeeded at that beyond, I think, most anybody's expectations. But with that inventory comes a responsibility on our behalf to do everything within our power to help those items sell so that our sellers not only enjoy themselves but make sales and become filthy stinking rich, in a small time seller kind of way. So what we needed was a reason -- preferably a damn good reason -- that buyers would visit Bonanzle. And I think we've found it in branding Bonanzle as a place to "find everything but the ordinary." We've written up what it means "to find everything but the ordinary" here. The gist is that we're going to focus specifically on making Bonanzle a great place to sell items that aren't new, shiny, and mass-produced, because we think Amazon does a great job at selling those items already. Our goal is to continue to emphasize the categories that sellers have already come to associate as Bonanzle's strengths: collectibles; clothing, shoes, and accessories; rare/old books and magazines; jewelry; toys; crafts; and antiques. (No, that's not an absolute list of categories we'll allow -- just a list of the categories we have the most items in right now) What's the benefit of this emphasis to buyers? Simple: when a buyer thinks to themselves, "Where do I go to find cool, unique items," the answer is now "Bonanzle." Period. Because that's what we're going to focus on providing moreso than any other marketplace will. It's no coincidence that we're declaring this as our emphasis at the same time that eBay continues set its sights on competing with Amazon via its Buy.com listings and policy changes. eBay was originally founded upon being the best place to find the unique items that Bonanzle sellers have brought with them. As eBay continues to move away from these supporting these sellers, we're going to move toward supporting them.

Why Else the Change?

We now avoid what I'll deem "the iOffer syndrome," that is, the condition that befalls a site where the only distinction in a busy buyer's mind is that the site has less items than eBay. You could try to argue that iOffer has worked in spite of the iOffer syndrome, seeing as how iOffer now has 1 million items and a decent base of users. But I would argue that iOffer has had to spend many, many years, and many, many millions of dollars to arrive at the point of being a so-so alternative to prospective buyers. Compare this to Etsy, which, by differentiating the type of items it specializes in, has taken off like a rocket with far fewer resources than iOffer.

I Have Shiny, New, Mass-Produced Items for Sale on Bonanzle. What Does This Change Mean to Me?

It means that selling your items won't be the emphasis of our marketing efforts, but you're welcome to stick around if you're enjoying yourself. Chances are that you were going to have a tough road to hoe anyway, given that when buyers want your items their first thought will be "Amazon sells those!" You should probably be thinking the same.

What Ever Happened to that Talk that Bonanzle Didn't Need a Category Niche?

Oh, you mean the blog from a few weeks ago that too many business people assume that every marketplace needs an Etsy-like niche? I argued at the time that we didn't need such a niche, because we already had a niche: a friendly community. There's no question that our community sets us apart from other marketplaces, and is itself a niche. But that is a niche that appeals 80% to sellers. Often times, buyers will be far less involved in the community of a site -- they just want to buy an item and move on with their life. That's fine by us. But it does mean that we need a niche that makes buyers crave Bonanzle the same way that simplicity+friendly community have made sellers enjoy Bonanzle to this point. Let us know what you think of the changes in the comments section below! We know that not everybody will be crazy about this move. But ultimately we know that focusing on the non-generic will drive increasing sales for all in the months to come.

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18 responses to Find Everything but the Ordinary

oshunspirit1 says: 09/23/08 at 04:37:03

Both the new tagline and founders quote position Bonanzle as the site that recaptures what WAS best about ebay. You’re on it! Perfect!!!

OctoberMoon says: 09/23/08 at 04:38:49

WOW! This is like a dream come true for me. The new tag line is perfect. Unique, OOAK, retro, rare – Everything but the Ordinary. I have died and gone to heaven.

Thanks Bill & Mark, you continue to amaze me.

BargainBasement says: 09/23/08 at 05:10:26

Excellent choice and rationale! Thanks for a wonderful site!


cleosgreatdeals says: 09/23/08 at 05:17:12

Ordinary is around our corner in town. Unique is when and where you find it, or if you ever will. We like the idea of unique and extraordinary. Finding mass produced widgets is easy, finding unique is… Bonanzle! The proposed approach is stellar! Thanks for the update.

Cabanalolita says: 09/23/08 at 07:27:55

I love it Bill & Mark, very insightful, finally a tagline the makes perfect sense! Thank you for providing a haven for sellers like myself!

CabinFever says: 09/23/08 at 07:32:03

I have been wondering for ages when someone would grab the original e-place building blocks and build their own unique site! Just because the big E is tossing away their foundation, doesn’t mean that foundation isn’t great. Now I have met those smart folks…Bill and Mark! Take it and run with it guys!!! Great move! Now all those “little” foundational blocks can move over here and be a part of building something great again!

tree411 says: 09/23/08 at 07:45:30

I am such a small potatoe seller. Yet I have opened 2 booths. Have listed more in those booths then I could have before I found this place. Broken hearted long time seller. Had to get past all that first. Sold 2 items..Ok..They were freebies but a start it is for me..I can not say thanks enough for giving me a home again.

RebekB18 says: 09/23/08 at 07:53:06

I think this is a good move. I’ve spent the past couple weeks researching marketplaces for a blog that reaches out to antiquarian booksellers specifically(http://bibliophilebullpen.blogspot.com/2008/09/guest-post-ebay-alternatives.html) — trying to figure out where the antique/vintage business seems to be moving, and Bonanzle has a lot of attractive features to offer this group. I still worry that it could be swamped by sellers of new items, which is what seems to have happened to ioffer (when did reselling the same junk as amazon and wal-mart get to be so popular?), but taking a stand up front that this is not the focus of the business is a good way to encourage the kinds of sellers you do want. From a buyers’ perspective, the main issue I still have qualms about is that the two-levels-only categories might be problematic, as most people are not sophisticated searchers. More drop-down category levels might enhance buyers’ experience, as people who buy antiques/vintage love to browse, and this breaks up browsing into more manageable chunks. It would also help to have a seller workshop posted on how to use the in-booth categories to best advantage!

rubber.duck says: 09/23/08 at 08:46:46

I really like the way you are thinking.

I also find it ironic that Bonanzle items show up in Wal*Mart classifieds. Not saying its a bad thing… just humorous in a sort of bizarro alternate universe sort of way.

sofyblu2 says: 09/23/08 at 09:07:44

Right on the money- please keep it going!!

twysp2 says: 09/23/08 at 09:26:48

Wow…that is the way I started selling on eBay 10 yrs ago with antiques and unique items. I switched to new/used clothing….it will take awhile to switch back.
Bill and Mark you two are really on to something great…thank you both.

Mendozam says: 09/23/08 at 12:22:57

Thank you so much for making this fun again!

renagade says: 09/23/08 at 17:11:58

I love searching for the unusual ….Although my items are a mix of unique and common (somewhat)…I still feel like I have found a home…

Dude&Chick says: 09/27/08 at 17:48:11

We LOVE the new founder statement and the Bonanzle tagline is absolutely perfection! We are really looking forward to the site growing and growing. There are so many great people here already with such amazing things listed!

haveatit_1time says: 09/28/08 at 08:53:55

I have also used the new tag line in squidoo & other site promotions for my booth. I have adopted my own to say: “Nuthin’ ordinary here!” It also continues to inspire me to look for those unique and extraordinary items to place on my booth.
Great job to the Bonanzle home team!

thingsandotherstuff says: 09/29/08 at 11:23:00

I’m certainly excited about the new tag line, fits my store perfectly! …and it’s also what I’ll shop for.

no one says: 09/30/08 at 09:35:45

Thank you so much! I am here particularly because of the money order ban on eBay. Because I sell a lot of items that appeal to an older age group, about 20% of my sales are through money orders. I was NOT pleased by the “Paypal only” option, but didn’t have a real alternative. Now I do.

Your site is easy to use, too. I started with 5 item but will be adding more throughout the week. I sell mostly antiques and collectibles with a few clothing items thrown in (I have a sister who works at Saks) and eBay was beginning to be harder to make a profit on.

I am going to stick with you guys and promote the site to others. Thank you SO MUCH!!

clearanceclarence says: 10/02/08 at 08:02:11

I sell jewelry. Some of my jewelry is mass-produced for department stores — can’t sell it on Amazon because “The River” is closed to jewelry vendors, but I’ve already sold some here on Bonanzle. I have a lot of 100% handmade Arizona sterling silver turquoise jewelry — can’t sell it on Etsy because I wasn’t the one who made it. So I cherish Bonanzle. Long may it thrive.

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