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Bonanza through the years
Jun 21, 2018

Bonanza through the years

Bonanza through the years

Dar's Bazaar
Joined July 2008

Bobbi85710's Booth
Joined July 2008

Really Neat Things
Joined August 2008

Calicoseas Mercantile
Joined August 2008

Carvers Olde Iron
Joined August 2008

Mobile Electronics and More
Joined August 2008

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81 responses to Bonanza through the years

ooak says: 06/21/18 at 11:28:46

AWESOME Blog Post ! Hoping many ex eBay buyers & sellers see what an awesome site this is !

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 14:00:21

Thanks for the kind words, ooak!

Kats_Cauldron says: 06/21/18 at 11:46:16

I started 2010 and am hoping to not just be back aggressively but end up exclusively selling here now

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 14:00:39

Thanks for being a part of our site, Kats_Cauldron!

LilMonkeys says: 06/21/18 at 12:03:33

I started selling my handmade items on Bonanza in 2010. I stayed with this site because I’ve always loved it.

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 14:01:08

Thanks LilMonkeys! We love your loyalty to Bonanza :)

CindyBear says: 06/21/18 at 12:09:07

Stared in 2009..this booth is on vacation for the time being, but my other two are still going… :)

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 14:01:22

Glad to hear it! Thanks for your message :)

starshinin says: 06/21/18 at 12:13:07

I joined Bonanzle (now Bonanza) in nov. 2008, still have lots of memorabilia from then….Maybe Bill or Mark could chime in…would love to hear what those dudes think now :-)

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/22/18 at 09:48:25

Thanks for your loyalty starshinin, happy to have you!

p.s. if you peep the later comments of the blog, you’ll see a note from Mark :)

Starfisher says: 06/21/18 at 12:29:26

I have been selling on Bonanza since September 26, 2008. It was Bonanzle back then. This is the only site that I have sold on since joining the Bonanza community way back then. I have made many friends here over the years and have enjoyed watching Bonanza grow to what it is today.

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 14:01:59

Thanks for being one of our FIRST Bonanza sellers, Starfisher!! Your wisdom and experience is a great asset for other sellers in the community :)

ArizonaRoadRunner says: 06/21/18 at 12:41:47

I’ve been a Bonanza member since March 2010. I’m hoping one day to make this the only place I sell at.

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 14:02:13

Glad to have you aboard, ArizonaRoadRunner!

loves_birds says: 06/21/18 at 13:45:43

Joined November 2010. Don’t sell a lot of items here but we really don’t work it like it could/should be, so I have no room for complaints. Left eBay for good when we came here. We sell in off-line venues, so we just leave our items here since it only costs when something sells. Why not? It isn’t like we have to sweep up or clean the restrooms and there is absolutely zero shoplifting. Plus, it keeps me out of the pool halls. Great people here to help if you have a question or problem.

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 14:02:58

Glad to have you here, loves_birds!

fleaassassin says: 06/21/18 at 14:01:48

Love being a part of this wonderful site. Wishing everyone only the very best each and every day.

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 14:03:46

Thanks for your kind words, fleaassassin! Glad you’re part of the Bonanza community :)

Mowsem says: 06/21/18 at 14:06:41

We just joined a couple days ago. I’m looking forward to the new venture and opportunity here!! :)

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 14:22:02

Welcome, Mowsem!! So grateful to have you here :)

EmpressDepot says: 06/21/18 at 14:26:44

In 2009. Then I was gone for a little over a year and I’ve been back since January 2017. I’m actually glad I closed my old booth down. I got to start out fresh…it has been a wonderful thing to start out fresh.

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 14:55:05

Glad you re-joined us, EmpressDepot! I love seeing your comments on our blog. Thanks for your thoughtful words :)

EmpressDepot says: 06/21/18 at 15:15:32

Thank you, Bonanza Grace. Kudos to the 50 staff members handling 42, 000 sellers.

NW_Dutch says: 06/21/18 at 15:27:34

Great site and comments. I’m anxious to really join all the neat folks selling on Bonanza but I just can’t seem to get my booth right and can’t get help to fix the problem. I don’t know where to go from here but I’d sure like to get going! Again, great site and comments from your Sellers. Best wishes. —Dutch

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 15:53:28

Thanks for joining us, Dutch!

CreeksideBooks2 says: 06/21/18 at 15:27:51

I am an old school Bonanzler, and it has been fun to watch this great platform evolve!

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 15:54:04

Glad to have you with us, CreeksideBooks2!

BargainHunterCrafts says: 06/21/18 at 15:33:13

Since Feb 2014.

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 15:54:23

Thanks for choosing Bonanza! :)

ThePostcardDepot says: 06/21/18 at 15:39:45

Newbie on Bonanza, joined Nov. 2017, but selling online since 2003. Came here to find out what all the buzz was about.

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 15:54:42

Welcome to the community! Glad you’re here with us :)

sasswbe says: 06/21/18 at 16:10:16

Been selling books and magazines here through my store, Whatnots, Books & Etc since 12/18/08.

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 16:22:32

Thanks for being with us, sasswbe :)

BabyPropsByConnie says: 06/21/18 at 16:11:26

I pretty much just started selling on Bonanza. Waiting to finish stocking my shop and that first sell.

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 16:22:46

Welcome to the Bonanza community!! We’re sure glad to have you.

Heidi_s_Haute_Deals says: 06/21/18 at 17:04:33

Started on 9/20/15. I love the site, but I wish more would shop here! Congrats on your ten year anniversary!
Heidi (Heidi’s Haute Deals)

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/21/18 at 17:05:52

Thanks Heidi! Happy to have you as a Bonanzler :)

bonanzamark says: 06/21/18 at 17:16:19

What a series of inspiring blog posts and comments to read! When we first started Bonanza/Bonanzle, we were blown away by the quality of humans that showed up each day and that continues to show up today. There is no way in the world that we could have accomplished what we did in our early years or now for that matter without an amazing group of caring people who shared their vision for the ultimate marketplace and trusted us to take that vision and shape Bonanza into what we are today.

Thank you to everyone past, present and future for everything you have done to get us to where we are at and to help us get to where we are going. Let’s continue to show the world that together we can achieve great things. Happy anniversary to you all!

DontDawdle says: 06/21/18 at 18:29:13

Hopped on board the Bonanzle train on 5/31/2010 and I’m still here. Congratulations on your 10th anniversary.

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/22/18 at 09:23:47

Thanks for being a part of Bonanza!!

kyliesklotheskloset says: 06/21/18 at 18:41:32

It will be 10 years for me in October :) Glad to have been here since (almost) the beginning :)

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/22/18 at 09:24:04

Thanks for your loyalty, kylieskotheskloset! Happy to have you with us :)

bjstlmi says: 06/22/18 at 04:40:38

Great to see Bonanza is still growing! Been here since 2008. Need to come back and promote my booth more. Would like to see more sales. Seems to be tough now days!! Keep up the good job!!

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/22/18 at 09:24:33

Thanks for the kind words, we appreciate you!

sistahqueen says: 06/22/18 at 05:21:27

Been here since Bonanzle was in Beta..Still here cause it works for me…Happy Anniversary to us!…

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/22/18 at 09:24:49

So glad to have you here for all of these years!!

ArtsyCrafteryStudio says: 06/22/18 at 07:36:31

I’m so happy for Bonanza! Congrats on your 10 Year Anniversary, and thanks for all that you do for us sellers, especially those with free booths! I don’t remember WHEN I joined, but I like Bonanza!!! Amazing figures over 10 yrs. Here’s hoping that more of that traffic will come to handmades sellers. Working on it!

Artsy Craftery Studio
Bead Tonic
Paper Nirvana

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/22/18 at 09:25:08

Thanks so much for being here with us!! We are lucky to have you on our team :)

Gnems_Jones says: 06/22/18 at 08:21:21

I joined Bonanza in 2017. I thank Bonanza for his support and help in the past year. We continue to work hard and hope to continue to cooperate with each other and grow with each other in the future. Thank you

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/22/18 at 09:25:26

Glad to have you as a part of the Bonanza community!

bonnie1gsell says: 06/22/18 at 08:21:45

I recently joined Bonanza as a seller, and I have to say I love it! I’m new at this and appreciate the user-friendly site. I haven’t made any sales yet, but I’m very optimistic. I have many more items to list. I’m so excited!!

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/22/18 at 09:46:50

Welcome to Bonanza and thanks for joining us!!

YourGiftShoppe says: 06/22/18 at 10:38:43

Joined 10/07/08

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/22/18 at 13:04:09

Glad to have you as a part of our community!

SpaceAgeAntiques says: 06/22/18 at 10:59:52

I came on board on 04/05/10. Happy Anniversary Bonanza!!

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/22/18 at 13:04:22

Glad to have you and your longstanding loyalty!

MamasStuff says: 06/22/18 at 12:59:03

March 2009

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/22/18 at 13:04:36

Thanks for sticking with us!

cb3483cb77 says: 06/22/18 at 13:04:16

Just joined yesterday

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/25/18 at 12:08:48

Welcome to Bonanza!!

FabFinds says: 06/22/18 at 16:43:38

Joined Jan 2009. Congratulations Bonanza Love this site !

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/25/18 at 12:09:02

So glad to have you around for so long!

Silumpai1 says: 06/23/18 at 04:06:46

Happy 10 years! Joined 2017 and hope to be around for your 20th Birthday!!

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/25/18 at 12:09:17

So glad to have you on our team!!

MommyOf2QTs says: 06/23/18 at 11:12:46

Opened my first booth in April 2009 when site was named Bonanzle. Now have 5 booths including this one. It’s been great to watch the site grow. Congratulations on 10 years!


BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/25/18 at 12:09:31

So happy to have you with us for all these years!

Alpha_Sport says: 06/24/18 at 03:43:48

sound and look great ! hope it will give us little more selling in the future ! joined 05/20/17

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/25/18 at 12:09:41

Thanks for being a part of Bonanza!

InspiredCreations says: 06/24/18 at 03:54:08

I too joined in July 2008 and have been a loyal seller. Cheers Bonanza, may the future bring many great things to all!

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/25/18 at 12:10:07

So happy to have you as a part of the Bonanza community :)

FrogAndBearCreations says: 06/24/18 at 12:08:10

Keep on growing!
member since 09/08

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/25/18 at 12:10:36

Thanks for the kind words! Happy to have you on our team :)

Fathertime says: 06/26/18 at 05:51:34

Started with Bonanzle December 2008. you were the New Kid on the Block at that time. But I left the other site and put all my eggs in your baskets. You have made great strides forward and I suspect even larger steps in the future. I am glad to be here.

BonanzaGrace says in response: 06/26/18 at 12:35:44

Thanks for sticking with us!!

BookbinEtc says: 06/26/18 at 14:49:02

I joined Bonanzle in October 2008, but I think I started listing in 2009.

It’s been a fun ride and I look forward to more advancements in the site.

I do miss the old forums. It was much easier to have a group business discussion with friends and knowledgeable business people.

tomwayne1 says: 06/27/18 at 05:49:49

I guess I would qualify as an old-school Bonanzler. I joined in 2008 and I’m proud to have been part of Bonanza’s growth.

graphiceye says: 06/27/18 at 12:12:24

I am grateful Bonanza exists. Have begun listing directly here a little. Though I really like my ebay items coming here and being visible longer than my ebay ads without my having to do anything or pay to relist. Now if I could figure out a way to sell out with every listing. Thanks Bonanza..& Grace.

sandy7172cat says: 06/27/18 at 19:09:22

I’ve been here since May 2009. Hope to be here for many more years to come!

JodyA30 says: 07/03/18 at 02:50:23

I just now signed up— very excited to get started!

Ms_Prissys_Patterns says: 07/05/18 at 17:16:59

I joined with my booth TheHotAttic, 03/01/2010, and add this booth, Ms_Prissys_Patterns on 05/27/2011.

sparkleize says: 07/18/18 at 16:00:03

3/27/09 Is when I joined and since have branched into 3 other stores here as well. I have loved it here since the day I got here! It has been very interesting watching as Bonanza has developed into what it is today. Since back when I joined I always felt that this was the next best thing to ebay and still stand by that. I always highly recommend sellers to come here and join and for others to come shop. It has been an honor to be a member here at Bonanza and I am so grateful to be here and a part of it all. Thank you Bonanza for giving us all a great place to buy and sell, Sherry

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