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Our First Six Months Together: Bonanza Worldwide's Rollercoaster Ride From Quincy Faison
Oct 9, 2023

Our First Six Months Together: Bonanza Worldwide's Rollercoaster Ride From Quincy Faison

Hello all. Quincy here.

I’ve been reflecting on my past six months at Bonanza, and I'm overwhelmed – in a good way, of course.

I’m amazed by Bonanza’s potential and how the glimmers of that have begun to show themselves, even in such a short time. 

Back in January, our beloved Bonanza seemed a bit lost in the woods. It felt like we hit pause and lost our groove. Over the last 6 months, we’ve blossomed. Came out of our cocoon, and began to fly. And, truly, this is only the beginning.

I wanted to highlight and run by you, what we’ve achieved and where we’re heading. So, you as our sellers, are always in the loop.

We started with an overhaul of our website and logo, completely rejuvenating our brand. Bonanza has also seen a remarkable surge in web traffic! With an increase of millions and millions of people, now viewing the site monthly, it was one hell of a gift for our 15th birthday.


Turning 15 & Our Financial Milestones

September came around and so did Bonanza’s birthday. We then unveiled the Diamond Membership, and were so happy with how much you guys love it. Bonanza Lending really took off, too. Just confirming to us, exactly what you guys needed from us.

We're gearing up to launch 'Bonanza Payments' by the end of 2024, promising big profit boosts, as well as our Integrated Shipping Program.


Platform Expansions and Collaborations

Vercado.com's launch is just around the corner. This is a massive jump for us, successfully placing us up there with the big dogs. Additionally, our Bonanza Connect initiative is paving the way for collaborations with global platforms like Etsy, eBay, and Amazon. So, looks like 2024 is going to be amazing already!


Community Building and Seller Relations

We're not just a platform; we're a thriving community, constantly searching and questioning how we can make Bonanza, wholeheartedly, sustainable.

Our outreach to web developers means lots of fresh templates and a boosted reseller network.


Technological and Digital Marketing Innovations

We've been relentless in enhancing our digital visibility. The key to any level of success is not only traffic but the right traffic. The site is more popular than it’s ever been, and this is only going to get better.


Looking Ahead

The upcoming months look super exciting at Bonanza. So what is next?

Well, Vercado is really only moments away. Our own webstore builder. Who would have thought it?

Live Selling will be launched in Novembr and we have 400 new big-name sellers joining us in October. 

The recent launch of BonanzaRx.com and our Enterprise Hub's buzzing pipeline is really setting the stage, and we can’t wait for you all to see this.


Every step, every initiative has been about growth and community. 

We want to build sustainable ecommerce. Where when we grow, so do you.

Our journey has been phenomenal already, but it's just the beginning. With the continued support of our community, the sky's the limit for Bonanza Worldwide. 

Cheers to another 15 years, and many, many more, too.


Quincy Faison

CEO of Bonanza.

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46 responses to Our First Six Months Together: Bonanza Worldwide's Rollercoaster Ride From Quincy Faison

Elizavella_Designs says: 10/09/23 at 13:48:07

collaborations with global platforms like Etsy, eBay, and Amazon. What is this gonna mean especially because alot of us come here to get away from those selling platforms!!!

qfaison says in response: 10/10/23 at 08:38:39

Elizavella_Designs – Thanks for the comment. We understand that some of our sellers would like to sell on multiple platforms so we always want to be an “and” and not “or” proposition. So for those who do we want to make it easier to keep inventory in sync as well as give everyone a central place to fulfill all online orders. I hope this helps.

- Quincy

SpaceAgeAntiques says: 10/09/23 at 13:56:50

Thanks for the updates and information on what is going on with Bonanza. That is much appreciated. Go Bonanza!!

qfaison says in response: 10/10/23 at 08:39:40

SpaceAgeAntiques – Thanks for the support and we will continue to develop solutions that help you as our sellers become more profitable on Bonanza!

- Quincy

Footwear_Everywhere says: 10/09/23 at 14:15:50

Wow…sounds great! Wish I could just get ONE SALE!

qfaison says in response: 10/10/23 at 08:40:50

Footwear_Everywhere – We are working hard everyday to make sure you can run your Bonanza booth as a true profit center. We will be reaching out to you directly to discuss your specific booth and products!

- Quincy

rappkim says: 10/09/23 at 14:29:15

1200+ listings on Bonanza = zero sales. Same listings on eBay = 300 sales per month.

qfaison says in response: 10/10/23 at 08:41:48

Rappkim – Thanks for the comment. I would like to look at your specific use case. I will be in touch this week to discuss.

- Quincy

edsel_8 says: 10/09/23 at 14:39:37

Hi Quincy I sure do like Bonanza But I can’t seem to get any sales on this site. I have sold on Ebay & Etsy. Etsy was great for our craft sales until they started to give away peoples item for free. I am glad you are improving Bonanza, but how do I get sales to stay here. Cory from Petticoatjunction

qfaison says in response: 10/10/23 at 08:43:40

Edsel_8 – It is our goal to always make it free to list products on Bonanza as well as give you the quality traffic and the tools to be successful. We will take a look at your booth

- Quincy

sooboodesigns says: 10/09/23 at 14:51:16

How have sales numbers increased in the past 6 months. Just curious. Happy 15 years!

qfaison says in response: 10/10/23 at 08:45:42

Sooboodesigns – We are seeing double digit growth in our traffic and overall sales have been steadily increasing. We have a dedicated team focused on increased traffic to drive more sales! Thanks for your comment!

- Quincy

tomjr1955 says: 10/09/23 at 14:55:17

unfortunately, don’t see all these boosts that you talk about. Sales are still way down compared to other sites I sell on, can’t make a living here. :(

qfaison says in response: 10/10/23 at 08:47:31

tomjr1955 – It is our goal that sellers who are dedicated to selling online can making a living utilizing our platform and tools. We will be reaching out to understand your specific booth. Thanks for the comment!

- Quincy

Thai_Beauty_Supply says: 10/09/23 at 17:31:06

Please DO NOT use Stripe for Bonanza Payments! Stripe will not allow many, if not most, skin care products. Stripe places skincare in the pseudo-pharmaceutical category. Vitamins and dietary supplements and even herbal tea are not allowed! Stripe is terrible for Health & Beauty sellers. Please make sure PayPal is always an option. If Stripe tries to force you to remove PayPal, make a deal with another payment processor. Please.

qfaison says in response: 10/10/23 at 08:48:17

Crazydanny – We have some exciting tools coming out in a few months to resolve all of your payment concerns.

- Quincy

The_CuriOddity_Shop says: 10/09/23 at 20:34:10

How about doing some advertising to let more people know about Bonanza. It worked for eBay, Etsy, Wayfair and other online marketplaces…. Hardly anyone I speak to know about the existence of Bonanza, so some sort of ad campaign would really benefit the site in general and its vendors.

qfaison says in response: 10/10/23 at 08:50:10

The_CuriOddity_Shop – We have been working hard behind the scenes on this and will be making an announcement in the next few months! We want to make sure we are providing “Air Cover” for our sellers and this will address buyers knowing who we are! Thanks for the feedback

- Quincy

Edwar_santosa says: 10/09/23 at 23:26:32

this good

qfaison says in response: 10/10/23 at 08:50:42

Edwar_santosa – Thank you and stay tuned!

- Quincy

EmpressDepot says: 10/10/23 at 00:49:26

This sounds promising. Thank you. I’d love to see Bonanza as a direct go to site. It’s been a long time and a long road. I’ve actually sold on Bonanza for the most part since it’s opening just about. Thanks and good to hear from you!!

Sharon Gale

qfaison says in response: 10/10/23 at 08:51:30

Sharon – Thanks for being a loyal seller. We are working had to deliver for you! Stay tuned for more announcements.

- Quincy

OCEANWORLDS says: 10/10/23 at 01:15:09

good for business

qfaison says in response: 10/10/23 at 08:51:56

Oceanworlds – Yes! More to come..

- Quincy

Storeofsweden says: 10/10/23 at 02:39:32

It would be beneficial to have more information about Vercado. Why should one choose Vercado over Shopify? What makes Vercado superior to Shopify? How effective are the SEO tools in Vercado? Does it have automatic shipping integrations with services like UPS, where actual shipping costs are calculated in real-time? What limitations exist for selling digital art, in terms of maximum file size, storage space, and so on? Can we connect our own domains?

In short, why should we opt for Vercado?

qfaison says in response: 10/10/23 at 08:57:49

Storesofsweden – Vercado is solution that you can utilize to run your entire business. Sell on Bonanza, Etsy, ebay, and Amazon and have all your orders come into one central location to fulfill. You will have the ability to Rate shop using Fedex, UPS, USPS, and more. Your financials are fully integrated. No file size or storage space. We have support for digital goods. We have custom business analytics. You can sell B2C and B2B. To run something even comparable you have to look at Shopify Plus. So in Vercado you would not have a need for Quickbooks, Shopify, or a Seperate Shipping System to name a few things. I will make sure we send you some more information. Thanks for the comment!

- Quincy

Bukibit says: 10/10/23 at 08:02:44

Good for Business

pocatellobooks says: 10/10/23 at 15:46:08

Vercado says “Unlimited stores, catalogs, categories and products”

Regarding “Unlimited Stores”
Does this mean you can have as many stores as you want under the $99 a month?

For instance if you had 3 Shopify stores at $29 a month this might make sense if the integration is really good.

Can you “share” the inventory across stores? and if so are you limited to one deposit account?

Last time I looked, if you push from Bonanza to Ebay it costs you 1 percent of sale price , does that go away if you sign up to Vercado?

qfaison says in response: 10/11/23 at 13:53:39

Pocatellobooks – You can have as many B2C or B2B stores as you want with one account. Also remember you can use this as a replacement to Shipstation and Quickbooks if needed as well. You can also share inventory across stores. I hope this helps!

- Quincy

Indah_Wahyuni says: 10/10/23 at 19:32:35

Can’t wait for the launch of vercado.com, hopefully the launch of vercado.com can increase the reach of even more buyers.

qfaison says in response: 10/11/23 at 13:54:28

Indah_Wahyuni – We can’t wait to have you on Vercado! Thank you for your support!

- Quincy

paperinkgraphics says: 10/11/23 at 06:37:08

Thank You for all your work and for keeping sellers informed. A suggestion: change the name from Bonanza to something more unique as when we mention Bonanza as a marketplace, most are not aware of it. And when searching Google, the famous vintage Bonanza Television show comes up in the results. We think this is a great e-commerce site with much potential! Best wishes to you and may this site prosper under your new leadership.

qfaison says in response: 10/11/23 at 13:56:25

Paperinkgraphics- Thank you for your support. It is going to take all of us working together to tell the world about our platform and our wonderful sellers! If we are going to “slay the magic dragon” :) its going to take all of us! Thank you for your support!

- Quincy

ron_3dprinting says: 10/11/23 at 17:07:28

I really wish Bonanza could be more for us. One sale every couple of months doesn’t help though. Amazon is the only one that matters to us right now.

We have a unique product. We have 1468 items. I wish I could get things up and running to make Bonanza more important to us.

qfaison says in response: 10/16/23 at 07:44:59

ron_3dprinting – That really is my goal and thanks for your comments. We have lots going on to help Bonanza to be a bigger part of your business. We will be making some additional announcement soon to that affect.

- Quincy

Jovial_Juggler says: 10/11/23 at 21:49:27

So Happy To Be A Part Of Bonanza.Looking Forward To The Growth Potential.If You Have An Extra $7 Million In Your Back Pocket, Run A 30 Second Commercial During The Super Bowl.Bonanza Definitely Has The Potential To Give Other Platforms A Run For Their Money If Only More Knew Bonanza Existed.
Reach Out To Flippin’ Aint Easy, Bearded Picker, Commonwealth Picker, Josh Galt, The Nurse Flipper And Hairy Tornado On YouTube. I’m Sure They Would All Be More Than Happy To Assist In Any Way They Can To Support Bonanza. Wishing You All The Best.2024 Is Going To Be A Banger Year.

qfaison says in response: 10/16/23 at 07:46:46

Jovial_Juggler – I love it. If only we can get a discount to run an ad during super bowl :) We hear you loud and clear and are working toward more branding and awareness. Thanks for the comment!

- Quincy

CaringForPaws says: 10/12/23 at 20:00:44

Quincy, I have always loved the people and atmosphere here. I’ve been on since Bonanzle days but alas, I too have seen very few sales.

I’ve contact you folks numerous times and we’ve never been able to pin down why and make any change that accomplished our goal.

Your rapid response to our comments is encouraging and impressive. I would love to become a full time seller.

By the way, I like the name. We just need to get Ben, Adam, Hoss and Little Joe to cooperate! ?

qfaison says in response: 10/16/23 at 07:48:19

CaringforPaws – Thanks for the comments. I will look into your booth and have someone from the team get in touch via email to discuss! Thanks again for your comments

- Quincy

EmpressDepot says: 10/13/23 at 21:03:24

Thank you for your response, Quincy.

Since you are here reading, I’d like to bring something up.

Is there anyway that parts/perks of a membership can be sold individually?

For example:

Being able to have items on sale where it visually shows the item on sale, being able to customize boxes below our chat section, being able to show newest listings first rather than just most popular first (though I wish this one was a given). Just some perks like this available individually for purchase would be nice without having to get a whole membership.



qfaison says in response: 10/16/23 at 07:51:21

EmpressDepot – I would love to have a conversation with you to discuss. Can you send me an email so we can set up some time?


- Quincy

lostplanet says: 10/13/23 at 21:46:34

Good luck with Vercado. I don’t think $99/month is anywhere near competitive with established names like Shopify and Bigcommerce but maybe it will find some business.
Thank you for fixing whatever was causing the image issues.
Glad to hear some are getting traffic, but mine had gone almost to zero so I had to pause everything and move to somewhere I could sell things. I did this years ago too when I decided to go back to another marketplace, came back and did quite well a second run.
Wish everyone the best, and if I see things have improved in the near future maybe I will make a third run at Bonz.

qfaison says in response: 10/16/23 at 07:53:10

Gravityvideo – Vercado is much more than just a webstore. To compete with Vercado you would need to have Shopify, Quickbooks, Shipstation, Channel Adviser or some middleware product, etc. We will review your booth to understand the history and why your traffic goes up and down. Thanks for the comment!

- Quincy

LaLunaBlu says: 10/15/23 at 09:24:17

Hi Qunicy, First off, love your name (it’s my cat’s name, too). Besides posting on social media, how else can I (as a seller) help to get the Bonanza name out there to bring in more traffic and sales? I want to help!

-Sabrina from La Luna Blu Handbags

qfaison says in response: 10/16/23 at 07:55:46

LaLunaBlu – Thanks on the name! We are working on some activities that we all can do to get the name out there. We have huge social media video push coming up in the next few weeks that will help all of us! Stay tuned..

- Quincy

TheMoldStore says: 10/17/23 at 13:46:17

I’ve always loved you guys all the way back to the “Bonanzle” days. There have been many improvements over the years and I’m actually starting to get more than a couple of orders… regularly! Thank you for the feedback and suggestions recently prompted by my last email to you… and keep your sense of humor. Best regards to all of you John McKenzie from Olde World Stone Molds.

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