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Message From Our Vice President
Feb 18, 2020

Message From Our Vice President

Hello! Greg Braukus, here. Thank you to all for your warm messages welcoming me to Bonanza, they’re greatly appreciated!  As a customer-centric minded individual, I have begun to ask a lot of questions and have asked to see lots of data to understand where/how the plan deviated from our course. One of the most significant elements missing is the direct, on-going feedback from you, our sellers.  I’d like to establish an agreement with all of you. If you all regularly provide us with thoughtful, detailed insights (both positive and not so positive), I will consistently share with this group our priorities to improve. In this business, there are no magic wands - only terrific people who are passionate about your businesses, your booths and Bonanza's long term success.


So, I’d like to ask you to set aside the years of frustration and welcome this opportunity to go forward together desiring the same goal.  To lead this effort with you, I have appointed Shelly Breuer as our Seller Happiness Manager. Shelly has been a Bonanzler for over 5 years. She has a great understanding of what it takes for you to be successful and she also knows our business very well. It didn’t take long (15 minutes) to come to the conclusion that her skills would be better served regularly communicating, advocating and working directly for you. 


We will be introducing new ways to hear from you over the next few months. As a team, we commit to listening to you, our seller community, and making decisions based on your feedback. I’m happy to be here and to be able to move forward with you all in 2020!

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166 responses to Message From Our Vice President

lumpsofstuff says: 02/18/20 at 14:12:08

I look forward to the future and our mutual success. Thank you for beginning your tenure with an atmosphere of transparency and optimism, qualities that can go far toward building trust and cooperation.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:33:37

Here’s to a great 2020 and beyond Lumpsofstuff! We’re lucky to have you as part of the Bonanza Community!

TnT_Deals says: 02/18/20 at 14:17:09

Love it, glad to hear. I believe this is a better platform than ebay. We just need to get more people looking at Bonanza.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:34:59

We think so too TnT! Glad you feel the same way :)

tegger says: 02/18/20 at 14:26:11

Welcome Greg Braukus, Sorry, I’m late to welcoming you. Looking forward to ideas or changes that benefit us all.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:35:33

We have some big things in store for 2020. Thanks for your continued support Tegger!

SpaceAgeAntiques says: 02/18/20 at 14:28:00

Awesome, that sounds great! Nice to see some selling platforms listening to their sellers. I am looking forward it.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:36:14

We’re lucky to have you SpaceAge! If you have any suggestions please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Evintage says: 02/18/20 at 14:33:40

Fantastic news!

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:37:43

We think so too!

ooak says: 02/18/20 at 14:39:54

  • WELCOME * Many happy years for all of us !

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:37:56

Here’s to 2020 and beyond!

bonzuser_PeterM says: 02/18/20 at 14:45:56

Long time ago I sold on Bonanza. Returning, let’s make it a successful year.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:38:20

Thrilled to have you back Peter! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns.

Theartofsports says: 02/18/20 at 14:47:35

Welcome….I have been on Bonanza for a very long time. I had enough of Ebay…but not many sales for me here…I don’t why…but I stay with you because I liked the site from the beginning. Please bring more customers to our site…we can be as big as the other guy….make it work…

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:39:10

Thanks for your support! We’d be happy to look into your booth and offer suggestions if you like? Please email us at [email protected] and we’d be happy to offer some advice!

Alilbirdy2 says: 02/18/20 at 14:53:24

Nice to meet you and have you with us Greg Braukus. Looking forward to a successful year. It would be nice if you could see how Bonanza was in the beginning and how the sales were going during that time span. In the beginning there was a forum where the sellers could communicate with each other, and we sold to each other as well. That wasn’t the only sales we had but as the site changed and done away with the area where we could communicate with each other, sales for some dropped off. It would be nice to see that area come back as well as more Media Advertising, by media I’m talking Television as well as Internet.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:27:34

Hi Alilbirdy2! Thanks for the kind words. We do still have our community forum and it’s a great place to chat with other sellers (as you mentioned). Here is a direct link to that page: https://www.bonanza.com/community_help

Thanks for your continued support of Bonanza!

We5BFinds says: 02/18/20 at 14:57:31

Hi Greg. Welcome.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:39:26

Greg says hi :)

tomjr1955 says: 02/18/20 at 15:02:46

Welcome Greg. Biggest problem to Bonanza is the lack of traffic. With more traffic comes more sales and happier sellers. Have to drive traffic to the site in order to compete with the other big 2 sites.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:29:57

Couldn’t agree more Tomjr1955! Here’s to more success in 2020!

Bluelucy says: 02/18/20 at 15:06:17

Thank you. I look forward to your positive input.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:40:15

Thank YOU Bluelucy. We’re lucky to have you on the Bonanza team!

SparklesJewelry says: 02/18/20 at 15:16:45

Welcome Greg, I am so happy to see you actually want our imput….Thank you for including us. I must say I hope its true, as every time i have tried to leave a comment on the blog with my thoughts, it would never get posted. I appreciate you reaching out to us…..The problem with Bonanza is there are no sales, Many of us have been saying for years if there was good advertising done, sales would come….2 other sites that have passed up Bonanza are mercari and Poshmark, and they both have airtime on TV, if they can do it, why can’t Bonanza? Many of us have been sticking it out here for many years as Bonanza is a very unique site, but we need sales.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:31:45

We hear ya SparklesJewelry! We’re always striving to improve the experience at Bonanza, and our goal is turn that experience into more traffic/sales. Thanks for your continued support!

passionfuel says: 02/18/20 at 15:28:45

Welcome Greg, but where is your photo? It is customary with these types of management notices and announcements to include a photo. (Yes, I have been a content writer in Silicon Valley for years, as well as a content writer for Bonanza (then Bonanzle) in the very early days of the company!)

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:40:43

Photo coming soon Passionfuel. Thanks for your patience!

The_Browse_Shop says: 02/18/20 at 15:38:30

I look forward to anything, compared to the nothing that’s been happening in my booth. Zero sales in 12 months.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:41:29

Hi Waterfalls! Sorry to hear about the lack of sales. We’d be happy to offer a few suggestions if you like? Please email us at [email protected] and we’d be happy to assist you there. Thanks!

Rods_Books says: 02/18/20 at 15:40:26

I have been a member of Bonanza since October of 2008. Because of dismal sales I discontinued my paid membership. Primary problem has always been traffic which equals sales … I continue to list and hope changes in attitude will help ……..

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:41:59

Hi Rod! Thanks for the comment. Sorry to hear about the lack of sales. We’d be happy to offer a few suggestions if you like? Please email us at [email protected] and we’d be happy to assist you there. Thanks!

General_Ghoul says: 02/18/20 at 15:49:13

Sure. Have actual humans, preferably Americans, man customer service. Your site says someone will get back to you in 24 hours, but it usually takes days, and then you get a canned email response that focused on one key word, that has nothing to do with the problem.

theaboo1961 says: 02/18/20 at 15:49:28

Welcome Greg! I am living on the edge and I have a free Bonanza account. Been a member for a few years. I made a few sales here and there. I am hoping that we can all make Bonanza more popular than ebay!

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:42:49

That’s the goal theaboo1961! Together we can make it happen!

One_Memory_Lane says: 02/18/20 at 15:50:42

Hi Greg. It is so refreshing to hear that you are ready, and will be ready to take seller concerns under advisement. I Haven’t sold much here, but I would love to do more. Customer service has been stellar. Welcome, and best of luck.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:43:24

Hi OneMemoryLane! We appreciate your continued support of Bonanza and look forward to a successful 2020!

Vintageniste says: 02/18/20 at 15:50:57

Welcome Mr. Braukus, please bring more traffic to the site. This is a such nice site. Poshmark and Mercari did it, we can too

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:43:46

Agreed! We’re hoping 2020 has big things in store.

Keys2media says: 02/18/20 at 15:51:38

Hello Mr. Braukus,

Welcome to Bonanza!! I wish you the best, and already I like your ideas of desiring input, for better or worse, from us, the sellers. I’d certainly like to be a part of that, and I’ll start with some of my feelings as a seller here since 2015.

The platform is wonderful and still has great potential, but for some reason my sales are WAY below those on eBay, but I LOVE the fact that Bonanza serves as an “electronic warehouse” of all my inventory, both past and present. It is so good to fall back on that and advertise items back to eBay that have fallen off their 90-day visibility limit when inactive over there.

With Google search features, I truly don’t know what it’s going to take to drive more traffic here. I know that is probably everyone’s concern.

So as to not make this a short story, I’ll close with one suggestion that I believe is important. Please introduce a phone number where we could talk to a human being if we have issues. Unless I’m missing something, there is no phone number to connect to seller support. It certainly helps tons on eBay when there is a problem that can’t just be solved by filling in an email form.

That being said, again I wish you the best, and am delighted to have a new high-ranking official here with great ideas for the future of Bonanza :-)

vintage-duchess says: 02/18/20 at 15:51:40

Hi, Gregg. I’ve been on Bonanza since Bonanzle. What I’d like to see is Bonanza become a venue where I can make sales instead of just parking my low price items or items that haven’t generated interest on my other two venues. Bonanza has potential…we just need to figure out how to use it to our advantage.

ClothesUSA says: 02/18/20 at 16:02:00

Hello Gregg, I registered with eBay in December 1996 before their stock went public. I still sell most of my items on eBay, but once in awhile I sell something on Bonanza. I think you and your staff will have a lot of work to do with Bonanza. I find it very difficult to try to make all of the changes your website reccommends in upgrading my listings. It takes way too much time and is very confusing. Lets hope in the future you and your staff can simplify your website and make it more friendly to navigate. D. Leo Hall

moonstar7spirits says: 02/18/20 at 16:02:51

Welcome Greg! I have been selling on Bonanza since 2012. I have many suggestions that I feel would be helpful. I look forward to sharing my thoughts in the near future.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:51:27

Hi Moonstar! Thanks for the comment. We’d be happy to hear your thoughts. Drop us a line at [email protected] any time!

Sanfranciscotreasure says: 02/18/20 at 16:03:24

Hi Gregg! Looking forward to a great year with Bonanza. I like the idea of more ads on television but really appreciated the ability to see my merchandise listed on Google. Welcome Gregg :)

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:49:52

Thanks for the comment SFT! Looking forward to a big 2020.

Artful_Living says: 02/18/20 at 16:04:47

Today, someone on the support team continued to hang in with my about a concern I had. I gave him some feedback about the Ebay feed which works almost too well. Hopefully he will share that with you Greg. I cannot believe I’m the only one who has the problem I’m having- Ebay posting the same products repeatedly and to both my Bonanza shops-so I look forward to seeing a resolution to that soon.

Artful_Living says: 02/18/20 at 16:07:20

Google feeds is great but I would love to see a place online you can sell that takes the time and makes the effort to do some real world advertising-even if it were just gorilla advertising. After all, if we sell, your business benefits also.

Home_and_Goods says: 02/18/20 at 16:08:26

Hi, Mr. Greg Braukus, welcome and let’s see what can be improved in other to do better business within Bonanza. As you got into to Bonanza, I am sure you have a lot to add and I’ll b happy to take it.


bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:48:53

Thanks for the comment HomeandGoods! Greg says hi :)

FlyingMonkeyFinds says: 02/18/20 at 16:09:29

I started in Nov 2008 when Bonanza was Bonanzle. Left in 2012 when things went south-sales dried up, could not figure out why. Was a hobby seller then but had about 10-15 sales a month. At the time I gave up on Bonanza I had 700 items which I left listed. Pretty much the only time I had need to go on Bonanza was to delete them when they sold on eBay. When I got down to 50 in just about 10 months, I left totally. About 2 years ago, I decided to go for the importing from eBay. If I get 10-15 sales in a year from Bonanza that’s a lot. I would LOVE to have Bonanza be a prime source of income instead of the “oh hey wow its been a while but I just got a sale” kinda place. From the getgo-people outside of the reseller world I talked to from back in the day to now, most have NEVER heard of Bonanza. I myself am amazed at the buyers I do get-takes a big leap of faith to spend money on a site you never heard of—most every buyer I have it says they joined that day. Not everyone is willing to take that leap. Advertise!

Antiquemart says: 02/18/20 at 16:10:09

Welcome Gregg- I must say that I have always liked having my items on Bonanza but sales have been almost non existent. I recently took advantage of your broadcast advertising on ebay and my sales have picked up. I guess it’s a numbers game. Welcome aboard, looking forward to a fresh face and a fresh look at the business! Frank

MommyOf2QTsWaxWorks says: 02/18/20 at 16:12:39

Welcome Mr Braukus. I’ve been here since April 2008 so I’ve seen many changes over the years. This is the only place I sell so am excited to see what improvements you have in mind. I’m also happy to read your commitment to listen to the sellers. I hate to echo the general consensus above, but we need a plan to bring in buyers. There are many wonderful sellers here already. We just need the other part of the equation! Take care.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:48:25

Hi there! Thanks for the comment. We couldn’t agree more and are working hard to make that the reality. Thanks for your continued support!

AwesomeCollectibles says: 02/18/20 at 16:23:36

Hi Greg, and welcome! I am happy to start again with a positive focus about Bonanza; it is SO very refreshing to actually feel heard about making our online Seller/platform experience a really good one for all, including our valued buyers. Hopefully the insight needed to promote Bonanza even further to potential customers will happen this year and more so that there really is a decent vialble companion for sellers to grow with. Good luck, and thank you for asking for input and helping us feel HEARD. Hopefully we can all thrive even more because of it!

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:47:48

Thanks for the comment AC! We’re so happy to have you as part of the Bonanza Community.

GSP_Direct says: 02/18/20 at 16:27:25

Welcome Mr. Braukus. I just started with your company, looking to have great sales.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:47:07

We’re thrilled to have you GSPD!

FrameHouseGallery says: 02/18/20 at 16:37:00

Well, I am going to be the one that is going to give you some of that “not so positive” feedback.

You really don’t need to hear from a few dozen a few hundred members or from ALL of your members that the big problem is very low traffic and very little exposure in the market place.

Do you really need a “Seller Happiness Manager” person or do you think the money would be better spent on promoting Bonanza to the overall general buying public, not paying someone to get feedback to identify problems that you should already know exist?

This is a bit like symbolism over substance.

bonanzajackson says in response: 02/18/20 at 16:46:49

Hi FHG! Thanks for the comment. Shelly has been working with Bonanza for many years, this is more of a role transition for her. We are committed to making Bonanza the best platform for sellers and have some big things in store for this year. Thanks for your continued support!

Howlin_Hounds says: 02/18/20 at 16:42:35

Welcome, Mr. Braukus. Looking forward to seeing exciting new changes ahead.

TaterTotsBoutique says: 02/18/20 at 16:49:28

I can’t remember the last time I had a sale from my booth. Most people that I talk to have never heard of Bonanza. I don’t do the paid membership thing because even the lowest tier is more expensive than my own website which I can customize to my heart’s content. I get sales from my website just doing my own advertising on Facebook and I don’t have to pay a fee for that. Long ago, before so many changes on Bonanza I used to get quite a few sales from one of my other booths (not the one I’m logged in as) but those dropped like a rock and now I have had no sales from either one of my booths. Bonanza doesn’t seem to advertise anywhere so it’s like they just don’t care which is why I wound up creating my own websites.

pattieholliday says: 02/18/20 at 16:55:55

I have been with Bonanza since about 2009. I like it and find it easy to use. I just don’t get many sales. I use Bonanza and Ebay and continue to use both. Thanks for listening to the sellers ideas.

pattieholliday says: 02/18/20 at 16:58:22

I really like the Bonanza Ebay connection. We need more traffic.

ThePostcardDepot says: 02/18/20 at 17:11:33

Welcome aboard!

Let’s get down to business right away. Stripe payment processing was promised to sellers below Gold or whatever level already had it starting in Sept 2019. This was announced sometime in the summer last year. Silence ever since. That was the plan, why, how the deviation from the plan since (as you are asking in your message to us)? Motivated sellers would like to know. Thanks for listening!

Jonsson_Dog_Art says: 02/18/20 at 17:12:28

I am so sick and tired of Ebay so I wish you can generate more buyers. Go for it!!!

ThePostcardDepot says: 02/18/20 at 17:14:25

Re Bonanza customer service, I only have praise – fast, efficient help. I’ve used Sparklister a lot, it’s great. It could do with some upgrading but I’ll take it in its current version any day. Thanks for adding that to our selling tools!

greaterdiscounts says: 02/18/20 at 17:32:00

Hello Greg! Hope we can all work together to make Bonanza a bigger and better site for all. I have been on Bonanza for a few years now but the sales just aren’t here anymore. I hope they will improve with a bigger better site for all of us sellers who love online Sales!!!

TheCoasterMan says: 02/18/20 at 17:42:08

Dear Sir, Thanks so much for coming aboard. I personally cannot wait for you and your staff to actually move forward with your external and internal professional ideas for some positive exposure. Sincerity on your part is a true selling point to me.

VDS says: 02/18/20 at 17:43:02

Welcome aboard, Greg. If we can increase the brand recognition that would be super awesome. On a view-by-view basis, the sales on Bonanza are often winning out over the other marketplaces, so it makes sense that if we can spread the word about Bonanza we can increase the traffic and thus our sales.

JanesJungleSafari says: 02/18/20 at 17:45:56

I have been on Bonanza since pretty much the beginning. I am an active seller on Amazon,eBay, TrueGether, Poshmark and have done very well on all of those platforms. All of my listings from ebay are on Bonanza and I have had 1 sale in a YEAR. I do not pay for any upgraded perks here on Bonanza… but, something is very off if I am not getting ANY sales. I have been selling online for over 15 years. My sales are generally close to 70K to 100K over the years, but, not here. I clock in every day to get my daily reward points, but, no real sales.

Wheels_and_Brands says: 02/18/20 at 17:56:09

I am looking forward to it! Welcome! Here’s hoping to mutual success.

Ms_Prissys_Patterns says: 02/18/20 at 18:13:48

It has long been policy here to make the seller pay if they want exposure and better placement in search. I think if the sellers had more traffic and sold more it wou;d be advantageous for both sides Bonz would have more sellers paying FVFs and Bonz would make more money. Maybe someone at Bonanza could sponsor someone to make youtube tutorials on things like “How to set up a Facebook to show off your merch listed on Bonanza” (Of course make the tile less blatant so you don’t have to pay Youtube.) Have a list here with “Tutorial #1” , Tutorial #2 etc but an explanation of content (Just an idea.) BTW Welcome!

bearbrewstore says: 02/18/20 at 18:15:29

I am very happy to hear that.
will be a significant change and make the bonanza more known to many people.
hopefully we can continue to be partners until bonanza becomes the best marketplace in the world.

Kind regards

techkup says: 02/18/20 at 18:16:41

Bonanza is a premium organized beautiful site that rivals others. That said none of my items are visible in an internet search. I know this is Google to blame but I sell unique repair parts that are unique if you put one of those part numbers in an internet search it will not appear. It will only appear if you enter the part number and then add Bonanza.com. How is a customer supposed to know which site the part number can be found on? The way the internet used to work if you entered a part number it would appear somewhere in the search. Now everything is Amazon first maybe a big Brand name second, followed by eBay. If your a small business owner your items are not seen even if you have the only one left in the world. instead you will get a message like Looking for a Kyocera 30589jk ? find a similar item on Amazon!

brucewiltsee says: 02/18/20 at 18:19:08

I used to sell on Bonanza, but no results for 3 months. I hope you get it working as it used to.

JandS_Sports says: 02/18/20 at 18:51:50

I love lots of features about this platform. The lack of direct customer service, I would say is a huge problem. Customer are hesitant when they can’t trust who their buying from. I’ve spoken with PayPal and they’ve said that they have to tell people all the time that it’s a legitimate site, and that’s a problem! Bringing more traffic will bring more sales but buyers need confidence in buying and sometime of reward like bonanza cash that they acquire after making X amount of dollar purchases. They do need to see the name Bonanza on more social media platforms as well. Thank You

InTouchTablets says: 02/18/20 at 18:53:28

Welcome Greg. This was our first year with Bonanza and we have been pleasantly surprised. As a 9-year niche player with Amazon, it is refreshing to work with a company that actually seems to care about what is important to their sellers. We believe it is the seller’s job to make the buyer want to give stellar reviews by providing them unparalleled service and yours to get that message out to other prospects without needing to get into our business. BTW, keep that Google Shopping option going. We like it.

ATreasureCottage says: 02/18/20 at 19:02:50

That is heartening news. Love the platform but has not been the most productive for my business. Very excited for the future!

FURBUYSPLUS says: 02/18/20 at 19:47:39

Welcome!! Very nice to hear. I look forward to the future with the open lines of communication and the new transitions for 2020. Thank you.

TurtleCreamBeans says: 02/18/20 at 20:01:48

I believe there should be more interaction between sellers and buyers. I think adding “send offer” feature to interested buyers would be helpful for the site as a whole.
would possibly increase sales for sellers and buyers get better deals and would more likely recommend the site to friends. I look forward to more tools for sellers.

N247 says: 02/18/20 at 20:46:53


dcpinc says: 02/18/20 at 21:07:22

I get orders every day from Amazon, Ebay and Newegg but nothing here for months with the same exact items listed and priced less. Unless you can drive more traffic to bonanza and give customers the same confidence ordering on bonanza as the other big eCommerce sites bonanza is just going to fade away into oblivion.

JoBeEve says: 02/18/20 at 21:11:57

Thank you for your response. We look forward to the helpful changes coming.

my2008f150 says: 02/18/20 at 21:28:46

much better then ebay not near the problems had with them

Behemot says: 02/18/20 at 21:34:44

Great changes? I see, so more product banning, yes?

YPY812 says: 02/18/20 at 21:43:09

In my humble opinion: eBay > Amazon > Bonanza > eBid in sales.
eBay sales every week, Amazon every month, Bonanza sales once every 6 months for me. eBid: zero. Can Bonanza’s sales be improved? I think more ads is the answer.

pearlorientbatik says: 02/18/20 at 22:34:14

I really like the interface, Background Burner and the system as well as the lower fee. I very much agree the lack of being seen on search results across search engines is really not helping Bonanza’s case.

wilrue99 says: 02/18/20 at 23:26:27

Compared to eBay I only sell one or 2% on Bonanza we really need to improve that eBay is dominant and we need to get a piece of the pie. Sales are poor here at Bonanza. Simply stated that means on eBay I sell 99 things to one thing on Bonanza.Very hard to stay committed with those kind of statistics.
Hope you can fix this mess; cuz it really is a mess.

Once again welcome aboard good luck;please work hard,
William Ruebush

wilrue99 says: 02/18/20 at 23:31:05

sounds like Bonanza sUcks the truth really hurts but it does suck

Hatman53 says: 02/19/20 at 00:05:15

Sounds good. Recently had a product rejected because it mentioned Alexa capability. Is this a denial from Amazon Alexa. Seems strange that in this connected world Bonanza can’t mention this capability. Worse part is that the customer service rep after 2 tries would not answer my question about this. I’m not a gold member or anything but it seems you might consider giving a long time seller and promoter of Bonanza a phone number for customer service.

oceanheartjewellery says: 02/19/20 at 00:45:19

Welocme, I am love this Site for selling but not getting more customer, Please bring more customer’s on bonanza so we all can grow together.

WalterC403 says: 02/19/20 at 01:51:48

Am pretty new here but days have passed now and we have sold nothing. At least not a day passes on eBay without sales or a week passes on Amazon without sales. Selling is the reason we are here. So the important thing you got to do is drive traffic to this site. This will transform to sales for members and everybody will be happy including you.

rt25powersports says: 02/19/20 at 02:57:16

Hi, sounds wonderful,looking forward to this new platform

autoparts4urcaroem says: 02/19/20 at 03:24:52

I think this is the best selling site. But it has a major lack of sellers. The stuff i search for and sell ,isn’t on here that much. And we need more payment options.

Dollys_Attic says: 02/19/20 at 03:39:51

Wish you great success. It’s been said before, but what we need is more traffic. I use Bonanza mainly to delete things I’ve sold on eBay. I’ve tried synchronizing my items with eBay twice, and both times I had to spend days fixing my Bonanza listings. Bonanza consistently changed listings I had already perfected on your site. I don’t want you changing my prices or rewording my descriptions. When you got through synchronizing them, they didn’t match those on eBay and the listings didn’t even make sense. I have resolved to manually input listings and I seldom make time to do that since my time would be more profitably spent by creating listings on eBay where they have a better chance of selling. I like your site, but am not a fan of your synchronization. As a buyer, I cannot find what I’m looking for on your site. An item I’m searching for has never come up on Google, yet when I do make a sale on Bonanza, which happens very rarely, I am charged extra because it was Googled. I don’t need a Happiness Manager, I need more traffic. Bring me more traffic, and I’ll bring you more listings.

SteampunkRosie says: 02/19/20 at 03:51:37

Welcome. We definitely have a need to get more traffic to the site. I can go months without a sale here and sadly most people I talk to never heard of Bonanza. With low sales and little traffic I can’t justify spending additional money for a store or promotional boosts. And please bring back international shipping. I get a lot of inquiries on items from the UK and it would be so much easier to have international shipping be a part of Bonanza again.

Giamer says: 02/19/20 at 03:53:15

I am excited about having Bonanza solicit ideas and listen to its sellers/customers, what a great concept. I am sure many great thoughts and ideas will come through. I hope that Bonanza follows up on the good ones and continue to solicit additional thoughts. The first thing that comes to my mind is the fact that unlike eBay, bonanza is a virtual unknown to the buyers and needs to be recognized by them and work on bringing them to the platform to shop.

beautifully2020 says: 02/19/20 at 04:02:02

Welcome Mr. Braukus. I just started with your company, looking to have great sales

Starfisher says: 02/19/20 at 04:18:34

I have been here since the beginning when it was Bonanzle. It is the only site I sell on. I am looking forward to the future with Bonanza, and it sounds like it will be a positive one. Welcome aboard!

ELEANOR4123 says: 02/19/20 at 04:52:28

Where is my merchandise no one is willing to help me I purchased the goli gummies and the seller stole my money which is fraud I am requesting a full refund or my merchandise

Couponeer says: 02/19/20 at 05:12:36

(Sorry duplicate comment)

bjstlmi says: 02/19/20 at 05:14:02

Good to hear all this. Now if we can get some sales. Hard to work the site when don’t sell anything.

Couponeer says: 02/19/20 at 05:14:04

Good morning, Greg! Read most comments and agree with many. I also am Seller who quit Bonanza and recently returned. I like eBay but not how they treat Sellers (i.e. taking away Top Seller ratings to Below Standard rating because they NEVER do any checking into situations before always siding with Buyer for no reason other than they don’t care about Sellers). However I am still there because I sell a lot and they do have many good things going for everyone. With Bonanza, I like all except the Google listing restrictions and policies to list various things, which is QUITE confusing to me in that some of my imported listings from eBay are dinged for silly reasons. Therefore, with Bonanza I have selected to opt-out of any Google advertising and just go with Bonanza member advertising. I have a full time job, besides 10 furbabies, and other online venues and just do not have time to mess with Google listing policies. All I want is to list and sell my items and don’t have time to add “Google education” to my to-do list. All my online sales profits go to care for my beautiful furbabies (food, vet care, etc). I am also new to Amazon Sellers venue. Thank you.

DetectorWarehouse says: 02/19/20 at 05:29:09

Excited to see what Bonanza can become but it really isn’t rocket science…..spend the money to get brand awareneess and the traffic to the website and then let the sellers take care of the customers.

JeanneB120 says: 02/19/20 at 05:29:39

I want a full refund of $49.20 for order #66135123 and a full refund of $49.20 for order #66136766. Confirm that $98.40 will be refunded to me today. I did not receive either order. The seller, Earlen, sent both orders to addresses other than mine. Both were sent to addresses hundreds of miles away from mine. I am not getting any response from the seller that they will refund my money.

Funstuffnjunk says: 02/19/20 at 05:59:59

Import from Mercari and Poshmark would be highly advantageous. Also, exporting from Bonanza to Instagram (where people are selling tons if stuff despite it not being a “selling platform”). Buynanza would be a better fit, lol.

Tsnyder111 says: 02/19/20 at 06:32:04

Welcome Greg,
I’m new to Bonanza (two days new) and am looking forward to a good relationship.

Erikastore2008 says: 02/19/20 at 06:34:42

I love this platform, much more than eBay, the only one but I would put is the few sales you have here, but I’m sure they will take it into account and attract more traffic to show that this platform can be one of the best.
Thanks for everything :)

MarthaC234 says: 02/19/20 at 07:01:14

Want to welcome you and hope 2020 will be a much better year. We need more sellers providing a variety of items and a way to bring in more customers. Looking forward to seeing this happen.

Wallace_Flynn says: 02/19/20 at 07:25:23

A better, seller-centric and timely support team, not akin to Amazon philosophy would be most helpful. Seven back and forth emails later to your support team and we have yet to receive an answer to a simple question.

MediaRecovery says: 02/19/20 at 07:34:08

i filled out your survey i have over 60,000 items listed on ebay but can only import up to 50,000 have no way of knowing which ones are imported, that said i only get about 3 sales a year ,need to get buyers here,

MTK says: 02/19/20 at 07:50:46

Welcome and great news to hear, because I have been a member for years, I love this platform but for some reason I have no sales, perhaps things will change in the future so we get more traffic.
Thank you for giving me hope.

Fathertime says: 02/19/20 at 07:53:59

Hello Greg, I am glad you are here, I hope it is good for both of us. As a seller from the beginning in 2008 I see a problem that I see hard to fix. That bay site was first by years on the internet and so gain the Destination Site status for vintage and newer goods. That name along with the river site, It will be hard to take that place away from unless they self implode. The opportunity left is Google Shopping and a slow steady slog to gain identity. I do not think you can do it by throwing money at it. Bonanza was late to the party and the main chairs were taken. But I am glad to be to be selling on Bonanza.

Shawcastle_Guitars says: 02/19/20 at 08:23:04

Improvements would be good. Of the eight online market places I sell on Bonanza ranks seventh for sales (which are few and far between).

Turboparts says: 02/19/20 at 08:37:35

Greg: Please try to establish a better relationship with the people at Google Shopping. Too often they reject our pictures for frivolous reasons. In particular, our pictures get rejected for watermarks which is unfortunate. Most of us use watermarks to deter picture theft and no other reason. Picture theft is a huge problem with online sales. Please discuss this issue with Google. Thank you

FantasticFinds2014 says: 02/19/20 at 09:03:00

Welcome Greg, great to see the enthusiasm with Bonanza. I have been here for quite some time and definitely look forward to any changes that will hopefully put us ahead of the rest!

theclickcreative says: 02/19/20 at 09:04:47

Looking forward to seeing the results! Love the Seller Happiness Manager title! Here’s to a great 2020.

joltgallery says: 02/19/20 at 09:39:47

I like everything about Bonanza except the lack of sales.

MarieADawson says: 02/19/20 at 10:31:54

Hello and Welcome, Thank You for the up-beat news letter and looking forward to a successful Bonanza selling adventure.Warm Regards,Marie

hubbardstoncandle says: 02/19/20 at 10:40:16

Thank you! Glad to hear opening up the communication channels to consider seller feedback. Looking forward to any news of changes in 2020.

We have had a shop open for 2 years and have only had 2 sales which is way lower than we expected. Is there some statistics that you can share for categories and how many sales were made per category in a specified time frame? That might help sellers to know if the category they want to sell in is viable or not. Thanks!

Beauty_Product_Shop says: 02/19/20 at 11:00:07

thank you

Shannonmunson says: 02/19/20 at 12:30:04

Wonderfully said, I love your message,it gives me hope.

QualityHairTreatment says: 02/19/20 at 13:06:31

Bonanza definitely has the potential to compete with the big guys. Glad to here there is new leadership looking at different ways on improving. :)

Twilley says: 02/19/20 at 13:15:16

Congratulations to Sarah and WELCOME Greg!
I’ve been here since Oct or Nov 2008. (the longhaul) I’d love to make enough on here to let ebay go… so I will also be reaching out for some ideas and support

But mostly I wanted to say I’m glad to see you reaching out and I hope to have a much longer and much more profitable relationship with Bonanza.

teresbfree says: 02/19/20 at 13:59:17

Thank you so much for coming on board and including sellers ideas and expertise to make this selling platform better. Its always nice to be recognized for knowledge when you are in the ‘the trench’ and know things. I have all of my listings here that are also on Amazon, for much less pricing, however, I’ve not sold anything since I’ve uploaded them a few weeks ago—and many of these items sell well over there, so as others here have said, we must have a traffic problem. I would much prefer to sell here, because Amazon does not validate or work for its 3p sellers, and we are made to feel like criminals when we make mistakes or if customers say we have-their word is gold no matter what— I’m always working under a threat of being shutdown and monies frozen with no recourse if so, and can happen in a moment with not notice. its a terrible way to live—all Christmas season I was a nervous wreck of loosing my money. When I uploaded my AmZ inventory, I made a mistake here and your team was AWESOME working me through it. Now, if we can just get the traffic!!

Couponeer says: 02/19/20 at 14:37:13

I noticed many duplicate comments here (including what I posted). I am thinking this is caused by folks like me clicking on the email link and getting a “timed-out” message, thus thinking it did not post and clicked “Submit” again, thus resulting in duplicate postings.

MnMshop says: 02/19/20 at 14:37:23

Happy to hear that thank you for all Bonanza team
Best regards

missuleroi says: 02/19/20 at 16:51:51

An optimal time now to jump start Bonanza. With the uncertains in eBay and Amazon being such a maze to deal with, I look forward to improving my sales on Bonanza. I actually had never heard of Bonanza before someone mentioned it in a video a year or so ago. I have only used the free version to see how it does, and for that reason I have not explored much more. I DO like the fact that listings pull directly from eBay to your site with nothing done on my part. Extremely time saving venture. All my fellow ecommerce sellers are looking to put their listings on more than one platform. I look forward to seeing how you can get this site more recognized and more traffic. Welcome Aboard.

GreatDealMore says: 02/19/20 at 16:52:24

Fix your site so the items from
Ebay update.

MaryJan62 says: 02/19/20 at 18:28:01

Happiness Manager??????
OK, I guess I’m too old for this now.

MohamedE823 says: 02/19/20 at 18:28:32

I’m happy to be here and to be able to move forward with you all in 2020

CindyStrbavy says: 02/19/20 at 19:09:38

Well I think you appreciate our business words are just words, its action we are wanting. You showed me how very sorry you were for my last transaction and if this is the way you show how sorry you by not doing anything about the transactions that have gone bad than I’m done here. Your no better than Amazon but a want-a-be.

MikeoHsieh says: 02/19/20 at 19:53:54

Nice to meet you Greg,well note and glad to hear.I’m the new common here and hope to grow up with Bonanza

JayB1999 says: 02/19/20 at 20:26:46

Bonanza is getting left in the dust by smaller companies, I have been with Mercari, Offerup, and Letgo for less than 3 months and I have made hundreds of dollars and not even one sale on your site. If these small companies can find customers for their sellers, why can’t you. I really don’t expect much out of your company.

DiVASHACK says: 02/19/20 at 20:52:09

Hi Greg, I LOVE that you are with us. I think if we could somehow emphasize to the public, we are warm genuine and real, like your favorite people, who you’ve invited into your life.
Bonanzalers are someone like a friend worth meeting, and cool doing business with at the same time.
Who wouldn’t want to give us a shot. Human kindness and honesty are almost non-existent in the general public world.
Our great team and kindred human spirit here, is what makes us stand out, and I say what will make us all very successful.

f_wilhelm says: 02/19/20 at 23:38:23

within a day or two – often much quicker. If you have questions or concerns about your order, you can send oldnewparts a message.
Your order summary
1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Chevy Truck Quad 2 Metric Gauge Dash Panel Cluster Set

Price each
$298.85 Qty
1 Total
View this offer on Bonanza
when I get it ????
The total order amount: €298,85
Includes above items, shipping, and any discounts or taxes
What happens next?
When oldnewparts finishes reviewing your order, Bonanza will send you a message with their response. If the seller approves your order, we’ll include a handy link to checkout so you can finish your purchase and get your order.

JOYCE_MAK says: 02/20/20 at 00:34:33

Looking forward to creating a better 2020 together.

hillcreststudio says: 02/20/20 at 03:46:23


Due to lack of views & lack of sales, it’s been quite a while since I added new items to my booth; it just wasn’t worth the time & effort. Maybe it’s time to restart.

However, your Help desk needs some improvement. It took a flurry of back & forth emails to get a semi-relevant answer. My question wasn’t complicated yet I had to ask it multiple ways before the response was even marginally relevant. Canned answers save time, but the rep should at least make an effort to read the original question.

ViaBellaItalia says: 02/20/20 at 04:04:49

Welcome! We are new here, coming from a Japanese marketplace – Buyma – where we had more than 350 sales last year. I noticed that it isn’t possible to input japanese text on Bonanza, and that makes very difficult to sell in a very rich market like Japan. Moreover maybe it’s easy to import items from ebay, but it comes very hard from other marketplaces and the limit of 4 images in a csv makes it not so useful… Maybe you are too much focused just on English-speaking Countries. Thank you and forgive me for my bad English :-)

HealthyLifeShop says: 02/20/20 at 04:48:46

Welcome Greg Braukus,
I sincerely hope you add more payment options other than PayPal and Stripe. Bonanza is a big market that is developing more and more. It is good to have more payment options, more traffic, more staff for customer service.
Sellers need confidence and sales opportunities. I hope you, Greg, and your team give this hope to current and future sellers in Bonanza.
I wish you much success!

Virtual_Mamas_Place says: 02/20/20 at 04:53:52

Thank you Greg! Looking forward to a fantastic 2020 on Bonanza!

ShelliFitz says: 02/20/20 at 05:52:07

Hi Greg and welcome.
I am relatively new here but not to online selling. I am part of the crowd who will exodus from eBay when the major payment changes there become mandatory. That is why I’m here now, trying to establish my booth ahead of time. As you can guess, I have noticed a stark difference in the amount of traffic and sales between the two. This site is very slow in comparison and I would love to see the traffic pick up. I am willing to help with what promoting I can but as you can imagine my reach is limited so I hope you guys have a plan to increase the visibility!

Thanks for being willing to listen to feedback.
Shelli Fitzpatrick.

Adding: Let me just throw a few numbers at you. I sell vintage collectibles. Since the 1st of the year it has even been a little slow for me at eBay. In the last 60 days at EB I have had 42 sales some of which were nice prices. I have had my booth set up here at Bonanza since around September of last year with one sale in December and nothing since the first of the year. This is so far below what I was hoping for. At eBay I do no promoting of my own. Here I have tried promoting and seen no effects from it. This is bad news for me and you because you are missing out on fvf from any sales I might have had and my incentive for a paid account has dwindled. I really do need a place to go when the mandatory payment changes at EB kick in but I am already starting to consider other options. So I really do hope we can see some improvement here before 2021.

cshlxr says: 02/20/20 at 08:14:57

We think so too! Glad you feel the same :)

LUVDOC says: 02/20/20 at 08:50:35


Eklektik says: 02/20/20 at 08:56:05

I started selling online about 20 years ago. About 5 years ago, when it was clear that Ebay no longer valued the small volume independent sellers that made the site into a marketplace, I left Ebay and started with Bonanza. The biggest challenge with Bonanza then was a total lack of name recognition. At that point I’d been selling online for 15 years and had never heard of Bonanza, but I liked the community I found it to be (and still do), but, 5 years later the lack of name recognition still remains the biggest problem. I have never heard anyone say, “I need a new ‘widget’, I’ll check on Bonanza”. Anytime I have told people I sell on Bonanza, their next question is Always, “What’s Bonanza?”

I agree there are no magic wands. When you introduce the position of Seller Happiness Manager and say “She has a great understanding of what it takes for you to be successful” what I hear is that you think it’s up to the sellers to make Bonanza successful. I’ve heard that all before. You’re right, each seller is responsible for our own success, but I’m going to suggest that the lack of name recognition and the resulting lack of traffic is a platform issue and Bonanza has the responsibility for the platform’s success. Without a strong platform to support us, this community of small, independent sellers (most of whom also know what it takes for us to be successful) can not succeed.

SparkysCollectibles says: 02/20/20 at 09:40:43

Welcome aboard! My suggestion is this, could you please do away with credit cards getting charged $25 or $100? I use paypal to pay all bills related to the business and don’t want to pay the credit card charge “out of pocket”. Surely you can, like Ebay, send the full monthly statement so we can pay through paypal or have automatic payments to paypal like Ebay also has. It would make it so much easier. Thanks!

beahelf says: 02/20/20 at 11:03:01

The way I have used my store is to post my items on eBay and automatically import them to bonanza. Happy to say I get more action from Bonanza than my original post on eBay. I just dropped the ball and haven’t listed much. Now I am encouraged try again. Welcome!!!

TheDalioCollection says: 02/20/20 at 11:05:47

Welcome, Greg! I am brand new here, but if you are looking for feedback about Bonanza, take a look at “Sellers Choice 2019 Marketplace Ratings: Bonanza” here:


dorea2009 says: 02/20/20 at 11:20:11

This is god ews. I’d like to sell a lot more and I do on others. I listing system is way too complicated. It presents a barrier to listing more so I skip a lot. And for the last month or si I have tried listing more and have no slaes where I sell the items on other sites

Five_Petals_Boutique says: 02/20/20 at 12:20:31

Sounds great! I’m fairly new on Bonanza, so all the help I can get, the better.

Vegas_Merch says: 02/20/20 at 12:49:43

I too, am a seller that has recently returned to Bonanza. I ditched eBay last year after getting fed-up with their atrocious seller policies.

One issue I would work on would be to focus less on attracting only ex-eBay sellers. While importing items back into my booth, first time running through the manual process, it is a little frustrating how eBay centric this process is.

For example, requiring eBay category IDs. I no longer sell on eBay, so this information isn’t readily available to me, which means I have to go in and select a category for everything I import. Also, I was unable to get multiple image imports to work properly, and there are some issues with shipping policies not selecting and applying the actual settings you’ve specified for the new listings.

I’ve been able to work out/around the issues for the import, but it would be nice if this process accounted for sellers that may be importing their items from other software that is not laid out like eBay.

BellaMonicaStudios says: 02/20/20 at 14:36:07

Welcome Greg. So glad to be a seller on Bonanza. Thanks for putting so much esteem on our input. Bonanza is a great platform.

The_Thrifty_Fairies says: 02/20/20 at 17:00:19

Congrats :) Maybe you can make it work. It’s not Poshmark, or Mercari, or even Ebay. Sales are very slow so, it’s going to take some comparing platforms to see what works and what does not work.

LuuTruong1068 says: 02/21/20 at 06:54:29

Let me ask why bonanza sales need Ebay Feedback

PascaleL3 says: 02/21/20 at 08:20:09

I am not sure where else to go as I have tried multiple times to contact
The seller. I made a purchase jan.30 that was supposed to be delivered by Feb.5 and I never received it. I have tried and tried to contact the seller and I have gone thru all the chains and I get zero feed back. Can you please let me know what else I can do or atleast get my money back.
Thank you for your help, Pascale Lawrence

jnatly_yahoo_com says: 02/21/20 at 08:47:34

Thank You

REDAALEX says: 02/21/20 at 09:24:40

Welcome to my page I am a young man from Egypt selling some electronic products such as digital books, full programs, papyrus and some other

byvellamo says: 02/21/20 at 10:02:20

Great! I believe there is a good future for other platforms than the main few giants…

cheap_price_outle says: 02/21/20 at 11:13:04

You need to establish telephone number so sellers can call. Part of the frustration for me has been that. Also when communicating via email most of the time the response comes back as robotic. Communication and customer service is the key in the success of every business. Who don’t deliver they do not last to long,

SwitchaRoo says: 02/21/20 at 12:04:30

Good Luck!
Thanks Roo.

bonzuser_ldpiy says: 02/21/20 at 13:05:37

i have changed my user name and tried to see the message from the seller, why cant i see that its all sorted?

SundaeFundaeTreasure says: 02/21/20 at 14:04:34

I have been putting off starting on Bonanza for awhile but the other day I seen your video you and something told me it is time to make the plunge and go for it.I do sell on two other sites but have always planned on selling with you guys (with life happening I had to put off adding you until now) So here I am I added all my listing from Ebay to Bonanza. So I am looking forward to having great Sales and move up to silver then on from there after I see how my sales go. Looking Forward to 2020 being my best year yet Pam

VeroStores says: 02/21/20 at 20:26:19

Si tenemos ventas diarias, seremos felices, lo que si me preocupa es que tengo amigos a los que les han cerrado sus stand sin explicación, me preocupa pensar que bonanza termine convirtiéndose en un ebay.

lostplanet says: 02/21/20 at 20:49:12

Hi Greg, welcome! I’ve always been given great support from the team, but glad to hear you are open to suggestions. Been around since 2008, but actively selling mostly the last few years.
A couple aggravations I’ve had is a few years ago when clicking “Save and duplicate this item” the text of the description disappears. This adds about a minute to each listing as I have to copy/paste from another each time for my basic listing info text, then item specific text. I would love to have the descriptions carry over on the “save and duplicate” process again.
I also would really like insight into items being suppressed and the why behind it. I’ve had items suppressed simply because the text “Academy Award” or “Oscar” was in the description because of a lawsuit threat, when these words are often directly from the covers. Also terms like “John Wick” seem flag and are protected somehow by the artist/studios which is baffling to me how the title of a movie or book can be prohibited for use.
Maybe something can be done? Maybe not? It’s all good either way. I love the platform and seller tools.

ZeePoster says: 02/21/20 at 20:50:41

The traffic is non-existent, at least for my posters. The same for my wife, tried a few times with handmade jewelry, but every time after half a year she quits because of non-exiting traffic. For affiliation with eBay, it is clear that Bonanza is not for handmade, but more as a reseller for products from China. That’s too bad.

rhondaannejewelry says: 02/21/20 at 21:07:21

Hello Mr.Sir…we are grateful to hear you say you want to turn this into a better site…we believe it has great potential..thank you ad look forward to the future with you and Bonanza!

Rhonda Anne Jewelry

no one says: 02/21/20 at 21:12:26

Congradulations Mr.Braukus, thankyou for your support, looking forward for a great year!

Catbyrd says: 02/22/20 at 03:00:57

great now get us some buyers.

ThePostcardDepot says: 02/22/20 at 06:23:29

The window of opportunity for two-way communication on this thread was 02/18/20 from 16:33:37 to 16:43:46. (Going home time, lol).

I’m not sure who bonanzajackson is, but that doesn’t even rhyme with Greg Braukus.

Once again, important questions are left unanswered.

LUVDOC says: 02/22/20 at 09:20:26


hubbardstoncandle says: 02/22/20 at 09:20:35

It was encouraging seeing feedback from a Bonanza worker on the first day of this post. But, no more communication makes it seem like Bonanza is not looking at the replies after the first day. This may not be the case, but without any form of acknowledgement that they have read your post is very concerning.

LUVDOC says: 02/22/20 at 10:34:15


cgbarn says: 02/22/20 at 11:03:50

Welcome! I am looking forward to the coming year.

kathyandgeorge says: 02/22/20 at 12:13:28

Hi! We came here a year ago but have been longtime sellers on Amazon. Most of our items on Bonanza are uploaded from either Amazon or Etsy. We have been pleasantly surprised with our sales here. Granted, we didn’t have very high expectations based on the feedback we had seen from other sellers.

Add us to the list that has wondered why Stripe has not been made available to sellers below Gold status, when that was promised months ago?

We have considered upgrading our membership, but we just cannot justify it based on current sales. We submit all our items to Google through Bonanza, but we are often disappointed when we look at where those items listed on Bonanza come up when we do a Google Search.

Here’s hoping a renewed focus and a fresh vision leads to greater success!

Danacarter11 says: 02/22/20 at 12:54:06

I have contacted the seller and have gotten no response I have not gotten my order I have asked for a tracking number and have gotten nothing you all have gotten my money and I have have gotten NOTHING!!!!!!!

toyzfromthedarkside says: 02/22/20 at 15:51:27

I still sell on this site but i really stopped being a part of this community a while ago, even though i made so many friends in the past with other sellers. I used to try and promote the site and stuff myself and others that i knew on social media sites. I stopped doing all that when i had a issue that bonanza changed at the time i think it was upc codes when transferring items and Mark Dorsey was really rude to me and said he didnt give a shit. Well Ill be honest, that is when stopped giving a shit as well. Hope you change some stuff for the better Greg Braukus. Dont forget its the sellers and the way they treat there customers what make Bonanza what it was and is.

TraderSuper says: 02/22/20 at 16:16:08

Excellent and Awesome Bonanza Community forum.

Glamour_and_Cherrie says: 02/22/20 at 18:11:59

Welcome Greg! I hope you turn this site up for the best. It is a very nice and complete platform. We will be sticking here for a successful business.

abigdogmom says: 02/23/20 at 03:10:53

Welcome to Bonanza Mr.Braukus. I am not one to comment a lot, but there is one thing I need to get off my chest. Please stop the practice of putting items under review and then deleting them without any notification to the seller. I noticed one of my listings, a TP link Smart Plug compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google, had been put under review and thought that is o.k. it would be active within 24-48 hours because there were several listings of the very same item for sale on Bonanza. Then after a few days, I noticed my item had been deleted, also without any notification. Not knowing why, I sent a email asking the reason. I received a canned response which did not answer my question and was informed they considered the case closed. Well, I didn’t consider it closed, so I emailed again for a explanation. This is the response I received ’Items may be prohibited by Bonanza, regardless of the legal or illegal status, copyright protection or not, brand selling restrictions, etc.

Suppressing these items automatically saves our sellers the time, energy and frustration it takes to manually remove these items from their booths, and also prevents the listings from being re-imported at a later date.

To ensure that your Bonanza account remains in good standing, we ask that you do not list items of this brand in the future.’ Now how was I to know not to relist the item if I had no knowledge of why it was deleted? This is amazing since one of the traits is ‘Smart Home Compatibility: Amazon Alexa/Google’
Basically, items can be deleted because the support team at Bonanza feels like deleting it. Needless to say, it was not relisted by me, but if you want one you can find all kinds of them imported from eBay to Bonanza or listed by eBay Top Rated Sellers. However, I did list the item on the Facebook Marketplace and had it sold for the same price with no fees or postage. Within 1 hour of the listing being posted the customer had the Smart Plug in their hands and I had the money in mine and everyone was happy. Needless to say I am still angry about this incident and do not feel inclined to put much effort into Bonanza. I do like the platform and do not mind paying final value fee too support the platform when I have the once in a blue moon sale. But, I feel Bonanza is not doing their fair share to support the sellers and arbitrarily taking actions against listings without any notification or explanation is totally unacceptable.

parenlochan says: 02/23/20 at 04:32:16

in my view there is no use to bust our products wast of money and time

parenlochan says: 02/23/20 at 04:32:43

i lost my 25$ wast

snomovidgirl says: 02/23/20 at 09:55:48

I was just looking at Facebook, and see that there are two Bonanza pages: One called “Bonanza Sellers”, and the other “Bonanza.com”. But it seems like BOTH are aimed at the sellers, giving tips and info on how to market & sell better. Wouldn’t it be helpful to have one of the pages (Bonanza.com) specifically targeted at the BUYERS. Enticing posts & memes to get them to want to shop here? Then we, as sellers, could be sharing & getting buyers to like the page – to build more legitimacy to an unknown platform? Just think it would be helpful.

baerreis says: 02/23/20 at 10:36:25

I am new to Bonanza but have been online since 1997.. I am looking forward to selling here – I love so many things about the site – hopefully, it will generate sales.. thank you for opening the discussion.

Vintage2Go says: 02/23/20 at 14:31:11

I abandoned my shop for so long, having only 1 sales but I’m back and I’m starting to list again and promote on SM, moving items from another venue that has been dying out. But if I could get steady sales on one platform, I don’t see why it can’t happen here. The platform here is easier to use and I feel like I am in control of my shop and advertising, which is really nice. I’m hoping Bonanza does some advertising to bring more shopper & seller traffic. Wishing all sellers a successful year!!

SoftIT says: 02/24/20 at 03:28:47

Welcome Greg Braukus, thanks for your MEssage

GraystoneShop says: 02/24/20 at 06:37:24

Thanks for the message I am glad you are talking with us sellers about things. My advice would be Advertise, You want us to pay for advertising our booth so now it is time for you to do the same. Advertise Bonanza and great things will happen.

onestop_homestop says: 02/24/20 at 07:18:35

We Love Bonanza.

We love the ease of use of the system.

We love the Look of the Site and the personalized shops.

It would be great if there was a way to bring more organic traffic to the system.

This site has so much potential.

Have you thought about using some Viral marketing like some of the other selling platforms do. We’ve seen the popularity of Poshmark just explode on almost nothing but peer to peer social media sharing.

Maybe using Girls doing Haul Videos on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Etc…

Or maybe Sponsor some of the selling influencers like Ebay and Poshmark use.

We are always looking for free organic ways to drive more traffic to the site using Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Etc…

Do you have any plans to spread the word about Bonanza being such a great platform to a more wide spread audience?

There are so many almost free methods. Even posting hauls to meme sharing sites, etc…

FRANCESCAS_STORE says: 02/24/20 at 08:04:02

Congratulations!!excited to hear the new plans

Cobina601 says: 02/24/20 at 15:14:08

I so look forward to sharing my beautiful treasures. This adventure promises to prove a fun trip! THANK YOU for initiating a better venue in which to sell/purchase!!

greatstuff_2018 says: 02/24/20 at 16:30:32


JtS17 says: 02/24/20 at 18:38:58

As a potential buyer on this marketplace, i often wonder on the validity of the sellers. i have read some truly distressing articles online with this web site on how certain sellers do not value their consumers. please consider that there must be harmony and transparency for all involved.
i would like to purchase items on Bonanza.com but i am wary of those who do not own up to their end of the deal. btw i still browse Etsy for handmade items and even Ebay for their collectable music cd’s/dvds/toys/memorabilia. Good luck with the renovation Greg. i expect a digital makeover very soon.
clothing. we need more competition.

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