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Primary image for NOS Nitrous Oxide Injection gas Kart mini Bike racing N2O Boost Kit + 5 16g N20

NOS Nitrous Oxide Injection gas Kart mini Bike racing N2O Boost Kit + 5 16g N20

Sold for £35.63 GBP
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£22.32 to Worldwide
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Seller handling time is 3 business days Details
£22.32 to Worldwide
Ships from United States Us

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Motorcycle Parts




6 Sigma





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Product reviews for "Six_sigma_jet_kit Kit"

NOS Nitrous Oxide Injection gas Kart mini Bike racing N2O Boost Kit + 5 16g N20 - £35.63 GBP

NOS Nitrous Oxide Injection gas Kart mini Bike racing N2O Boost Kit + 5 16g N20

Average review 5 stars
really good NOS kit

excellent least $25 cheaper. kit comes with everything you need to install. excellent instructions if you need them. sturdy build. actually works!!! you have a few options on where you want the inlet. in front of the air filter or drilled directly into the intake manifold. works best with the mikuni carb upgrade. kit fits well on my mega moto mb-212cc.

Purchased Six_sigma_jet_kit Kit on Bonanza
NOS Nitrous Oxide Injection gas Kart mini Bike racing N2O Boost Kit + 5 16g N20 - £35.63 GBP

NOS Nitrous Oxide Injection gas Kart mini Bike racing N2O Boost Kit + 5 16g N20

Average review 5 stars

As advertised,will be ordering refills through the same venue,thank you.

Purchased Six_sigma_jet_kit Kit on Bonanza